Clearly we are cursed Nation. But when did this curse start?

What was the most crucial turning point?

  • A) SNM treason the starting point of curse

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • B)USC butchering civilians cuz of clannism

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • C)famine killing thousands of people in Baidoaland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D) none of them. I will tell u.....

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
MSB cherished Somalinimo. :wow: But I agree he should had executed Aidid in prison. When he was in there for like 7 yrs.
He got old man, his inner circle fucked it up. Pre 77 he was untouchable genius. The war and russian betryal ruined us.
Can someone from each tribe ELI5 the timeframe from 1960-1995?

Tough question and a long write up is probably needed but I wanna be impartial and get every view, since I’ve only received a broken synopsis of what went down. [parents don’t wanna talk about it, bad memories]
Only 3 choices where 2 of it attacks Hawiye USC and Isaaq SNM, one wonders why no darood choice aren't included such as ssdf who started the first uprising before USC or SNM, and also siade barre atrocities wasn't included.

@SomaliWadaniSoldier why do you love/protect daroods so much, even so far as attacking your own (self claimed) clan Hawiye???


I really doubt he's Hawiye

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
It started in January 1991 when the government was overthrown and rival Hawiye factions started fighting among themselves which resulted in Mogadishu's destruction over a cause of 4 months.

-Summarizing the Somali civil war by Cotton Eyed Joe who's passing fasting.
Siad Barre really didn’t like Islam or “Salafism” as some people like to call call it , killing of ulamah is one of the things we all know but my Dad told me it was a lot more messed up he used to have secret police who would stop you and question you if you was under the age of 30 and going to the masjid to pray all 5 prayers and also they would harrass you if you was an unmarried female who wore jilbaab/hijaab. Allahu aclam how many sheekhs and females he locked up for speaking against him or refusing to leave something fardh in the deen. Fair to say he had anti-terrorism laws on smash lol.

This is why I find it stupid when these Somali secularists and Barre fanboys show us pics of kacaan era, that picture of the female in shorts may be a lot more sinister than you think

Now as for who messed up Somalia? Very easily USC, they politically isolated the North making them become delusional and secede (or try to), they killed innocent civilians all over Somalia because of their qabil, they looted and messed up whole cities. SNM SSDF SPM USC all had one job to remove Siad Barre and re-install fair democracy but USC had other ideas


In the beginning there was no ill will this all started because of Xamar not following protocol.

Xamar actions and them being power hungry led to the demise of Somalia. :birdman:

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South Somalia's curse probably started when Siad Barre killed 47 wadaads on a whim by firing squad, in 1 day, in Mogadishu :farmajoyaab:

Or maybe when he massacred innocent Isaac civilians in Hargeisa, Burco and MJ in Galkacyo. Or maybe its the blood of innocent Darood families slaughtered in Mogadishu in 1991-92. Reer Mogadishu were complicit in all this and are probably paying the price now. I guess actions have consequences.
Curse is a stretch, Qabyaalad is cause of our struggle.
We've been playing this clannish alliances for far to long, it served its purpose Pre-1960. (Read about the 10 years prior to independence Qabyaalad was rampant guys)

This disease was showing its ugly face already, our society was poor, and the ruling class of the time (they know who they are) was selling us out from day one. Somalia was destined to be the 1st African country to gain independence in 1950, but my clan this my clan that lead to us going into 10 years of Italian trusteeship.

The 1960's was turbulent, we had like 50+ political parties based on qabiil, pres. Adan Cade (AUN) was weak at best and certain cliques enjoyed the lavishes of his presidency while the people where facing a situation worse than now, chronic drought and hunger,illiteracy rates like you wouldnt know. No development, no Social safety, and the corruption was crazy. The subsequent presidency of Abirashid Sharmake was more hopeful, and he was taken out and so many reasons have been given for his demise, I believe the political class of the time couldn't risk him as he did have popularity.

Now the revolution or coup d'etat of 1969 and military take over of the country was inevitable, lol we had like 13k troops armed with airguns at that time. It was glorious for the first 8 years, and reached our rightful status as lions of Africa. For all intents and purposes pres Siyad Barre failed significantly, and his ultimate failure was instead of war in '77, a nation wide election was best course of action. reinstatement of parliament who have legitimacy of declaring war and if successful he would've had mandate to invade as far as he'd like.

SNM, USC, SSDF, SPM, SNF, SDM and all other rebel groups succeeded in one thing remove Barre by force, but failed us and each and every Somali when they couldn't replace it with a New system, Keep the peace, and elect a new leader. If you are younger than 30 than the sole blame lies with these warmongers who lead us down a slippery slope. They have done nothing but destroy, such barbarians.

But nothing lasts forever, these lessons are learned by a large majority of us now and It will Never happen again.
No dictator, No Warlord, No Land land, it's over. Sooner you wake up and smell the coffee the easier it is to take whats coming next.


Reformation of Somaliland
Jasiira Massacre - when barre rounded up every Isaaq in muqdisho he could find as killed them.

One of the catalyst to the war in Somaliland
My thesis is that the curse started the moment Italy eyed Somalia as an outpost of its African empire.

The Italian political culture is corrupt and in the past was characterized by violence and authoritarianism. By European standards, Italian political institutions are weak and struggle to control the negative aspects of their society.

When the Italians came to Southern Somalia, the emerging native elite learned the ways of their colonial masters. Barre was an Italian police officer, and all the major southern elites came under the tutelage of Italy, learning Italian and going to Italy to study. Through this contact they came to understand the Italian way of doing politics, which is a terrible way indeed. This is the country of the mafia, where people hardly pay taxes, and where criminals and fraudsters hold many public offices, including that of prime minister.

The Somali native elites learned well from their Italian masters and created a frankenstein political culture that was even worse than that of the Italians. Whereas an Italian politician might take a kick-back of 20%, the Somali native elite would demand 70-80%.The public commons came to be seen as an appetizing source of captured income, in a society with an underdeveloped economy with limited other avenues for creating wealth.

The big issue for Somali elites is that they all wanted to devour the state for themselves, and could not develop a system of rotation and balance—they were too greedy. For a time Barre held them in check through an artificial monopolization of violence brought about by cold war politics, which loaded him with cash and weapons to subdue and bribe his enemies, but this system unraveled with the end of the cold war in the 80s so these vile creatures turned on each other viciously, raising militias recruited among the vast underclass along clan lines. The illiterate Somali population, gullible, superstitious, easily-provoked by clannish narratives and unthinking of their class interests, proved to be a bottom-less pit of cheap cannon fodder for the fat-cats who were seeking to replace the corrupt Barre when he grew weak (e.g. Ali Mahi). But they could not out-power one another, so worked to destroy and paralyze any future state, because each believed if he could not govern and eat well, neither should the other.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
When djbouti started irirism thats when all the hatred and killing started in mogadisho the black people of mogadisho started to kill all the arabs likewise the jews in hargaysa killed many arabs in sool and sanaag

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
When the USC turned a political war into a clan war by killing innocent Darood civilians in Mogadishu. From that point onwards, centralism was never coming back to Somalia.

And when Hassan Dahir Aweys brought Islamic terrorism, khawarij ideology and suicide bombings to Somalia.

Of the two, the latter is much worse because they have had a permanent effect that will linger in Somalia for the next few decades.


Somaliland patriot
Where is the Darood option? Everything that is happening in Somalia is because of the Darood clan and their beloved president Siad Barre.
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