Clearly we are cursed Nation. But when did this curse start?

What was the most crucial turning point?

  • A) SNM treason the starting point of curse

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • B)USC butchering civilians cuz of clannism

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • C)famine killing thousands of people in Baidoaland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D) none of them. I will tell u.....

    Votes: 19 45.2%

  • Total voters
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Samaalic Era

There is no reason to come up with superstitious reasons for Somalia's dsyfuction when there are plenty rational reasons to explain it:

backward and uneducated population

resource scarcity

limited opportunity for ambitious individuals outside political system

no history of statehoood

divisive clan system

too many kids, who grow up to be unemployed young men


All of these reasons explain Somalia's predicament much more cogently than the dumb idea that Somalia is "cursed" because Siad Barre killed some clerics. If killing Muslim clerics led to curses, then why isn't the U.S cursed or China?

Somalis inability to rationally analyze their problems is also another reason for their dysfunction. What a misfortune of mine to be born among such a stupid people.

The downfall of Somalia is a punishment from Allah swt. China and the US will fall aswell but their punishment will be far worse than what a Muslim nation would face. Israelites were karbashed whenever they left the Tawrat and killed their prophets. The Assyrian captivity, Siege of Jerusalem(587 BC) and the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD were no accident
The downfall of Somalia is a punishment from Allah swt. China and the US will fall aswell but their punishment will be far worse than what a Muslim nation would face. Israelites were karbashed whenever they left the Tawrat and killed their prophets. The Assyrian captivity, Siege of Jerusalem(587 BC) and the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD were no accident

You are wrong and stupid.

Israelites kulaha, what a dumbass
All blame can be placed on the shoulders of msb. Remember all clan jabhads were response to his dictatorial ways. Stealing lands for his clan, going against the quran, murdering wadaads,hijacking a democracy, bombing innocent civilians. and then to top it all, NOT to leave when asked and fight shows lack of awareness like everything he did was okay.

I dont blame snm usc and others even a bit.
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All blame can be placed on the shoulders of msb. Remember all clan jabhads were response to his dictatorial ways. Stealing lands for his clan, going against the quran, murdering wadaads,hijacking a democracy, bombing innocent civilians. and then to top it all, NOT to leave when asked and fight shows lack of awareness like everything he did was okay.

I dont blame snm usc and others even a bit.
Stupidity. No response
Ana waxaan oorana qabila careysan ba somalia wasay. Ana nin Darood Baan ahay. Weliba aan waxba kasban.
waxa aan meesha ku qora ma akhrisay?
Somalia iyadoo democracy so isaga ma badalin si dictatorial ah?
beeshiisa dhul deegaan ah ku mayn lahayn jubaland outside of small pockets among other clans, laakiin Gedo, oo hada gobolka labaad oo ogu wayn somalia ah ayuu u sameeyay. aaway dadkii dhulkaa lahaa?
wadaadii uu ku dilay siday u adhanaysaan rag iyo dumar ma sina ka waran?

kolkii lagu yidhi adeer iska soco maxaa u diiday inuu hogaanka wareejiyo?

dadka masaakiinta hargaysa lagu duqeeyay kawaran?

SNM USC SPM and others did commit crimes but none of it would have happened if he hadn't abused his power and then refused to leave.
It's 1 thing that lead to another which cause people to not have loyalty to the government meaning a domino effect occurred which naturally cause his approval rate to take a big hit. But the worst thing was getting rid of Siyad Barre as I'd rather have a strong dictator who despises our true enemy ad no I'm not taking about other Somalis however I despise communism and Marxism as it's a very bad as flawed system also he stopped people trying to illegally seceed from the country and kept the paved over the cracks of Somalia's flaws as at least then we were sovereign on paper and governed our own affairs but now we have ugly gorrilas trying to stop us from reaching new heights for obvious reasons. Also it's better to have a tyrant in power than no one at all.
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waxa aan meesha ku qora ma akhrisay?
Somalia iyadoo democracy so isaga ma badalin si dictatorial ah?
beeshiisa dhul deegaan ah ku mayn lahayn jubaland outside of small pockets among other clans, laakiin Gedo, oo hada gobolka labaad oo ogu wayn somalia ah ayuu u sameeyay. aaway dadkii dhulkaa lahaa?
wadaadii uu ku dilay siday u adhanaysaan rag iyo dumar ma sina ka waran?

kolkii lagu yidhi adeer iska soco maxaa u diiday inuu hogaanka wareejiyo?

dadka masaakiinta hargaysa lagu duqeeyay kawaran?

SNM USC SPM and others did commit crimes but none of it would have happened if he hadn't abused his power and then refused to leave.
First Gedo isnt the 2 biggest. Bari and Sanaag.
Second you are irked by the fact Marexaan are 1 or 2 in jubaland.
Wadaadi caused all this shit. There is a way to advise the leaders. Not call them out in public. Second jabahada were power hungry. If the country is doing good why do people want to overthrow the stability.
Hargeysa bombing was because an armed rebel group who wanted to overthrow the Gov were hiding in civilian area. Only problem with Msb Aun is he should have destroyed Hargeysa 100 percent. Because look at us today and how we were before. No excuse we are 1million times worse today than before 1991. Was it worth it for Snm Usc Ssdf.
If Abubkar As Sadiq was a contempt leader why change it.
Today you have very large tribes who dont care much for politcs. Then you got opportunist using qabil as a vehicle. Marexaan has the least developed regions. If MSB was tribalistic why isnt Gedo GalGaduuud and their regions built up. Why wasnt Harti land developed. Hawiye and Issaq had it good in their regions.
Msb killing of every traitor had no qabil. He killed Mx Og Harti Hawiye Issaq.
It's 1 thing that lead to another which cause people to not have loyalty to the government meaning a domino effect occurred which naturally cause his approval rate to take a big hit. But the worst thing was getting rid of Siad Barre as is rather have a strong dictator who despises our true enemy ad no I'm not taking about other Somalis however I despise communism and Marxism as it's a very bad as flawed system also he stopped stopped trying to illegally seceed from the country and kept the paved over the cracks of Somalia's flaws as at least then we were sovereign on paper and governed our own affairs but noe we have ugly gorrilas trying to stop us from reaching new heights for obvious reasons. Also it's better to have a tyrant in power than no one at all.
I agree he had flaws. Lakiin which government is perfect.
Dowlad xuumi waxay daanta dowlad la an.
I agree he had flaws. Lakiin which government is perfect.
Dowlad xuumi waxay daanta dowlad la an.
That's true I get you but read the last part of what I said since that's true tbh as instability, too much individualism and people developing dodgy ideas and getting other people to follow I.e northern Somalia trying to become it's own country but it's well known that it was predicted and planned for that to happen by foreign people over 20 years ago.
That's true I get you but read the last part of what I said since that's true tbh as instability, too much individualism and people developing dodgy ideas and getting other people to follow I.e northern Somalia trying to become it's own country but it's well known that it was predicted and planned for that to happen by foreign people over 20 years ago.
Me and you agree.
Foreign interference.
Snm Ssdf Somaliland
All preplanned imo.
As that quote i just copied you in afsomali
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