Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Your like the negro that tries to involve himself in a dispute between slave masters. Out of your leagueGrandpa Tekniko you never cease to amaze me, waryaa dont you know that no matter how hard you lick mjs balls out of darood favouritism they will never side with you against their brother Ogaden Kablalax, in their eyes you are an nuisance of an cockroach that needs to stepped on, hell some of your dooro brothers even call of your marehans extermination out in the open.
But never mind me a Hawiye for stating the hard cold Truth, so anyway just go on and belly-dance & twerk for the MJ's, they might extend you marehan folks lenience in Jubaland.
MJs at the end of the day are my brothers, it was Cabdullahi Yusuf that evicted your HG hu2u looters from our occupied homes in Xamar, the same homes Hu2us shitted on it for decades. Can you believe we found the homes stripped of every essential thing even the Ceiling wasnt spared bar the jingad. What a disgraceful people.
I will always be grateful to Majeerteen despite our political squabbles, we love each other. They are a very shrewd smart clan and can see through Hu2u Mooryaan Facade.
Theyve built their own tuulos while we Marehan still long for the days of MSB glory days. Woe to the Marehan, for still believing in Xamar instead of developing his region.
I will change that and start a crusade against Hu2u loving Marehans