Yoo Somali parents even ask their kids why are they so dark? And tell them to wash the darkness.
the people who practiced the religion the longest (because they sort of were there for its installation and its founder was one of them) brought the religion to us so obviously we were more keen to accept it. warya we got it from the source
and we had a connection with them via trade way before Muhammad
Basic reading for you before you end up whitening your skin
@Canuck Is that you in the display pic? Just curious.
If a Congolese or a Xabashi brought them the religion, Somalis would not be Muslims today. They are dark skin or "Madow". The Muslim Arabs were the first light skins to reach Somalis.
Okay, sounds good. I don't see the point of the hand, but okay.
Okay, sounds good. I don't see the point of the hand, but okay.
Somalis make fun of 'ugly features' not colour. I was watching sheeko sheeko the other day and they had the nerve to talk about 'light skin privileges' I immediately stopped listening to that nonsense. Light skin privilege kulaha.
They might call a dark skinned person dhuxul, they might give him/her ironically cadde/cadeey.
Global problem.Where did it originate from? Dark Somali individuals men and women are disparaged and called dhuxul. I find dark women super sexy.
You nailed it. Both times. We can already see the attention Somalis are getting across the world (both genders as well.)Lol strangely in pre-Islamic Arabia people with a white/reddish skin tone were deemed to be inferior as it was the skin tone associated with slaves (the vast majority of them being of Persian descent).
Times change bruh… Before we know it, the Somali look can be the next big thing. Don’t be surprised if self-induced receding hairline becomes a mainstream trend one day.
Somalis are the originals, no one fathered us but we in fact fathered many people, such as the Tuaregs.It started when the olive skinned Arab Sufi sheikhs came to the Somalis in the 8th century. The self hating Somalis then took on Arab names and changed their entire lineage because they were visited by a light skinned man. The foreign man that came to visit the Somali clans automatically became their biological father and Somalis to this day claim him as their ancestral father because of his light skin.
Zaylac was the 3rd place to receive Islam after Mecca and Medina, in the entire world.If a Congolese or a Xabashi brought them the religion, Somalis would not be Muslims today. They are dark skin or "Madow". The Muslim Arabs were the first light skins to reach Somalis.
Let us not make things up now... look on the map at where saylac is and where makkah/madinah is. The muslims fled to eritrean ports as it was part of the abysynnian kingdom.Zaylac was the 3rd place to receive Islam after Mecca and Medina, in the entire world.
That chick is emulating black culture. Somalis don't have Lightskin privilege culture. Actually light skinned people are the most made fun of in the Somali culture.
I know an old guy named Nur Caade, he's almost purple, and his real name is not Nur Caade, Somalis gave him a first and a last name nickname![]()
I saw a blind girl in Galkacyo, her reer mudug relatives call her indho uroon. Savages.![]()
So now Habashi were muslims before the very people (Somalis in case you can't figure it out) who came from the region of Hejaz and Nejaz?Let us not make things up now... look on the map at where saylac is and where makkah/madinah is. The muslims fled to eritrean ports as it was part of the abysynnian kingdom.
No he's right the xabashis became muslim before us. That's undisputed.So now Habashi were muslims before the very people (Somalis in case you can't figure it out) who came from the region of Hejaz and Nejaz?
If you say so guy.