Colourism in the somali community.

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
So now Habashi were muslims before the very people (Somalis in case you can't figure it out) who came from the region of Hejaz and Nejaz?

If you say so guy.
What are you talking about somalis come from hejaz and nejaz? We're not Carabs. We don't have carab dna or blood.

The Muslims fled to the Kingdom of Aksum whose emperor was Najashi. Please don't make BS. Read up what is known as the first hijra.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Xabaash king negus was Muslim before Somalis, if you had any knowledge of the Quran then you would know this, hejaz nijaz :ftw9nwa: miss us with that bradar, more like las cysr iyo ras kambooni


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Somalis have always valued light skin especially in women. It has nothing to do with contact with the west. Light skin was seen as being more beautiful just as it is in our neighbors the Oromo, Afar and Habesha. You would know this if you looked at old Somali poetry where they praise women who have yellow skin.


In almost all cultures they prefer light skin women AND dark skin men. It has been proven by evolutionary scientists. This is why African American women do so poorly on the dating scene, but African American men manage to attract non-black women.
No he's right the xabashis became muslim before us. That's undisputed.
That's if you believe that we didn't come from Canaan (Kingdome of Kush.) Mid-east was only named mid-east, after the suez canal physically split the two.) Also, you're assuming that ancestors of the Somali didn't accompany the prophet PBUH.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
There is colourism in the Somali community but mostly in the older Somali community or those youngsters raised by jahil parents. Majority of us younger people don't care about colourism though.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
That's if you believe that we didn't come from Canaan (Kingdome of Kush.) Mid-east was only named mid-east, after the suez canal physically split the two.) Also, you're assuming that ancestors of the Somali didn't accompany the prophet PBUH.
i died. This is worse than african americans claiming to be kings in egypt. You claiming the somalis to be among the Sahaba... oh my god.
Xabaash king negus was Muslim before Somalis, if you had any knowledge of the Quran then you would know this, hejaz nijaz :ftw9nwa: miss us with that bradar, more like las cysr iyo ras kambooni
That's if you're assuming that Somali is what you know as a Somali.

I'm 10 years deep into the origins of Somali, and it's not what you are led to believe. It's this misunderstanding which causes the so-called "booty-clapping."

Somali, yes, that's the word we call ourselves, but NOT who we were called ancestrally. Yes, you call the language Somali, but that's not what it's called at all. Yes,

This can become a debate about religion, but I'm focused on actual ancient Somali history, which is the same as Ancient Arabian history, which is also Ancient Kushite history, which is also Ancient Canaanite

The Quran is accurate, but the terms we use for ourselves that determine our position and history within the horn, is not.

It would be good to actually discuss our ancient history in a proper context without religion, considering we were a people before Islam. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but it's frustrating to not be able to discuss things rationally, even if i'm wrong.
That's if you believe that we didn't come from Canaan (Kingdome of Kush.) Mid-east was only named mid-east, after the suez canal physically split the two.) Also, you're assuming that ancestors of the Somali didn't accompany the prophet PBUH.
Horta where did you get it from that Somalis are Canaanites? There's actually evidence that the Palestinians are the Canaanites and the original inhabitants of modern-day Israel. Some of them are descendants of Israelite farmers though who gave up their religion to avoid prosecution.
i died. This is worse than african americans claiming to be kings in egypt. You claiming the somalis to be among the Sahaba... oh my god.
What evidence do you have that specifically says Somalis DIDN'T come from the ancient Kuhite kingdom aka mid-east aka Land of Canaan?

We call ourselves kushites, but ancient Cushitic history is blasphemy and can't be discussed?

May that be because you're not a cushite?

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
That's if you're assuming that Somali is what you know as a Somali.

I'm 10 years deep into the origins of Somali, and it's not what you are led to believe. It's this misunderstanding which causes the so-called "booty-clapping."

Somali, yes, that's the word we call ourselves, but NOT who we were called ancestrally. Yes, you call the language Somali, but that's not what it's called at all. Yes,

This can become a debate about religion, but I'm focused on actual ancient Somali history, which is the same as Ancient Arabian history, which is also Ancient Kushite history, which is also Ancient Canaanite

The Quran is accurate, but the terms we use for ourselves that determine our position and history within the horn, is not.

It would be good to actually discuss our ancient history in a proper context without religion, considering we were a people before Islam. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but it's frustrating to not be able to discuss things rationally, even if i'm wrong.
You claimed saylac was the third place for islam to reach. We are not discussing language, ethnicity, or anything. Saylac is a port city in north somalia.

And you're claim was wrong, since the sahaba fled to modern day eritrea/ethiopia and they were the third place to recieve islam. The prophet saw sent letters to najashi who eventually became muslim. These are all facts and indisputable.

There is nothing praiseworthy of changing history. We have a lot to be proud for, no need to resort to fiction. As the days go by, you're similarity to geeljire tends to grow even more.
Horta where did you get it from that Somalis are Canaanites? There's actually evidence that the Palestinians are the Canaanites and the original inhabitants of modern-day Israel. Some of them are descendants of Israelite farmers though who gave up their religion to avoid prosecution.

I've researched this for many years privately, but have come across researchers who are absolutely sure.

The Mahra of southern Arabia were described as tall and were of a dark brown color. The tribes of the Mahra today actually extend from Oman and Hadramaut to Somalia in the Horn of Africa. The Mahra in Arabia were considered a pure remnant of the Adites or Ad according to ibn Mudjawir who lived in the 13th century, and al-Hamdani (a 9th century Yemenite of the Hamdan tribe) who says the camels of the Mahra were called Idite (Adite) camels. (Boswell et al, 1983, p. 83). Ibn Mudjawir and other writers make it clear that the Mahra, Shahra people and the Ad were one and the same. Amlukh or Amalek and Saba are descendants of Ad who is himself said to be the child Uz son of Aram, while Amalek is the son of Aram’s brother Lud in another Arab tradition. The living tribes of Amalik and Ad are mentioned along with the Mahra in 19th century colonial writings east of Mokalla by Robert Latham in 1858. See Descriptive Ethnology Vol. II p. 83

Section 3 - The "Denigrification" of Berbers and "Canaanites"
Dana W. Reynolds-Marniche


The term “Moor”and its variants have long been used throughout Europe as synonyms for Nigri or Negro and to denote various black-skinned and nearly black peoples. In the last century or so, it has been presumed that ancient “Moorish” Muslims in the Iberian peninsula were erroneously thought of as black by medieval Europeans. It has also been presupposed that the term “Moro” in the Iberian peninsula originally denoted Saracens and Berber-speakers that were distinct from modern “blacks” of Africa in phenotype and origin. It has been concluded that early “Berber” populations in North Africa were descendants of ancient “Caucasoids“ who have absorbed different black African populations in recent times. Similarly it is believed that the Arab populations of North Africa a thousand years ago were mainly “Caucasoid” groups affiliated with present populations of the Levant.

Berbers being Cushitic.

Historical documents, physical anthropology, archeology and traditional record in Muslim Africa and Asia, however, support the view that early “Berber” clans entering Europe were not only “blacks” and “near blacks” in the literal sense, but affiliated with early and current populations of the Fezzan, Mzab, Syrtica, the Moroccan Riff, Sudan, Sahara and Sahel designated Garawa, Jarawa or Wangara, and Zaghawa, Zaghai or Songhai. The Tuareg, as well, before intermingling with non-African populations, were undoubtedly representative of ancient populations called Mauri or Mezikes, Pharusii and Levathes in Tripolitania, the Pentapolis, Kabylia and the Aures and Fezzan stretching to Nubia and east of the Nile. Both of these groups, along with the early Fulani or Peul and black “vassal” groups among the Tuareg (Anbat, Inrad, Imghad, Haratin, Ikaradan, Karduwan, Kret, or Izaggaren) undoubtedly contributed to the “Moorish” or black element in Spain and southern Europe and were the bulk of the groups traditionally classified as “Berber” i.e., Sanhaja, Goddala, Masmuda, Zenata, and Hawara, or Luwata.

Anthropological “race” theories of dark or black “Caucasoid” types (“hamite,” “Eurafrican” and “Mediterranean race”), colonial conceptions of “the Negro” and modern political constructs of “blackness” in Europe and of the “abid” or slave in the Near East, play a significant role in ethnohistoric interpretations of the origins of early North African Berber and Arabic-speakers. The neglect in contemporary historiography of the biological impact of documented movements of various northern groups over the last several centuries into North Africa and the same latitudes in Asia (including the ‘white slave trade”) has had deleterious influence on early African historical study. It is a second primary factor contributing to current theoretical constructs that dismiss the predominant role of populations of "black African" and Afro-Arabian affiliation in the ethnic groups first designated “Mauri,” Berber and Arab.

"there are black tribes among the Arabs, such as the Banu Soleym bin Mansur, and that all the peoples settled in the Harra, besides the Banu Soleym are black…. they take their concubines from among the Byzantines; and yet it takes less than three generations of living in the Harra for the original complexion of Banu Soleym to return.” Al Jahiz.9th century Iraqi writer.

The Solymi would appear to be connected with the people mentioned by the 5th century B.C.E. epic poet Choerilus (ap. Jos, Ap. 1. 173) who lived in the Solymian hills near a broad lake and spoke a Phoenician language. The identification of the Solymi with the Jews is found even in the anti-Jewish account of Manetho (ap. Jos. Ap. 1.248).” from p. 400 Studies in Hellenistic Judaism by Louis H. Feldman, Brill, 1996.

The impact of the fair skinned concubines on the appearance of the Arab ruling classes has been especially well documented, as by a Leslie Pierce who wrote on the Abbasid dynasties ruling from Central Asia to North Africa from the 8th to 13th centuries, “While the caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty had prided themselves on the purity of their Arab lineage through marriage with noble Arab women, by the second century of Islamic history many of the caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty were sons of slave concubines.” From the Imperial Harem, by Leslie P. Pierce. (The Capital of the Abbasids was originally established in Baghdad.) The same phenomenon occurred among the Moorish ruling class in Spain and North Africa.

As mentioned in the previous chapters, according to Al Tabari and others, the Sulaym ibn Mansur are a section of the Auf (sometimes written Awafh). While the Auf come from the group known as Masruh. Today, both fall under a larger name category called Banu Harb and comprise dozens of tribes.

The modern descendants of the original occupants of the Harrah and Hejaz known as Sulaym, Manassir and Khazraj, are the bedouin of Syria and north Arabia now range from very concubine fair to near black tint that history informs us was their original coloring. The explorer Ludovic Bartema in the 16th century described the color of the populations of Hejaz’s as ranging from dark chocolate “to deep leonine of certain inhabitants of Spain”.

Also, not relate to the professor but damn accurate as well. Although an Israeli source, it very much tells the truth, but they don't tell you, that THEIR history is also fabricated
This so-called documentary depicting Biblical Canaanites as Arabs, broadcast many times on PA TV, is one example of this PA historical revision.
"The Arab Canaanites established ports on the coast of Canaan, known today as Palestine. Palestine was attacked by invaders, but its Arab Canaanite features withstood attempts to change them. Jaffa was one of the cities whose Canaanite origins the invaders failed to erase." [PA TV, repeatedly, 2005-2007.]

The current white inhabitants of Palestine are just as new, as the white Jews. That land was called Canaan. At this time, no white people even existed. You will not find any accurate historical evidence of white people there at the time. "Real" palestinians look Exactly like Somalis, but you never see them on tv as both arabs and jews have an interest in keeping the ancient history.

Jew's are a GERMANIC PEOPLE CALLED KHAZARS. Their ancestral language is not Hebrew but YIDDISH (oye vey, shmuck, Tuchaz (yddish for ASS, typical NYC/woody allen langage.)

No such thing as a jew/palestinian, just as the word arab was invented by Lawrence of Arabia in the beginning of the last century on behalf of the colonial office.)

"Today most people calling themselves Arabs living both within and outside the Arabian peninsula, both fair and dark-skinned, claim descent from either the tribes of Qahtan of southern Arabia or the descendants of Kedar and Ishmael whose mother was Hagar. The term Arab today includes peoples of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and many places in Africa who speak Arabic. In Arabia and the Near East, as in Africa, these populations now include individuals ranging from black in color to a white with red hair. Between the 7th and 12th centuries many of the indigenous tribes from the Yemen are documented as settling in Syria/Lebanon and Iraq. In Iraq, the “Azd tribe, for instance, with all of its clans in the Fertile Crescent traces its genealogy back to its settlement ancestry in Yaman.” These same groups also moved into and settled in Egypt and North Africa and are ancestral to many north African, Egyptian and Sudanese bedouin.

Both the early Qahtan (thought to be Joktan of the Bible) and the Ishmaelite groups were reputedly or referred to as “black” until the Midieval period of Europe. It is not generally known in the West that Arabia was (as the historian Cheikh Anta Diop suggested) essentially an Ethiopic colony until as late as several hundred years ago and that most of the purer or Afro-Arabian populations today though isolated and unfamiliar to Westerners exist within the peninsula under the same names they were known under in, in Biblical records and texts of the Iranians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Mesopotamian inscriptions and ancient mythology.

"Early Arabians depicted themselves in ancient art (late stone, copper and early bronze ages) as mostly dark brown and near black in color. The stone implements or lithics (the Doian culture of Somalia and the horn of Africa and the Kharga Neolithic and neolithic of the Sahara and western deserts of northern Egypt) and the art in many places such as the Rub al Khali of Central Arabia, Oman, Hadramaut, Hejaz and Yemen was stylistically similar and in some cases identical to that used among populations of Africa in the same periods. The rock art of Central Arabia as in the Rub –al Khali in fact depicted tall or elongated pastoralists whom art specialist Emmanuel Anati, (author of Rock Art in Central Arabia, 1968) referred to as “oval headed Negroids”.

This rock art which like the Saharan art portrayed pastoralist peoples of East African and Fulani appearance extended into areas certain regions of the Syrian desert as well. After the late stone age these people were accustomed to portraying themselves carrying copper instruments including swords and in mock ritual battle aside from doing and using many other things common to ancient and modern pastoral nomads in Africa. In the same region or in Central Arabia today (in Yemamah or southern Nejd of Saudi Arabia ) are people who are described as the tallest and blackest Arabians on the peninsula still trading in the feathers of the ostriches so significant in the ancient art."

In North Africa they were in fact the people recorded in Roman documents and by later Arabic writers as Uakutameni, Maketae or Micutateni of the Tunisian coast and the Atlas (a tribe mentioned by Diodorus Siculus circa 1st c. as the color of Ethiopians) and as Ketama or Kitama whom 11th century Christian Iraqi ibn Butlan says were black. See on this blog, ‘The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions” edited by Dana Marniche. In the Bible they are the children of Heth or Kheth as well as Kittim descendants of Japhet. Makitan is still the name of the eastern branches of the Tuareg, and their script called “Tifinagh” is thought to mean “belonging to the Phoenicians”.

"Meluhha (Amlikhu) had been known in earlier Akkadian inscriptions as well. According to Samuel Noah Kramer founder of Sumerian studies, in the Akkadian dialect Meluhha came to mean “the place of black men” . See p. 277 in The Sumerians ( University of Chicago Press, 1963, pp.276-285). The Amalekites or Phoenician shepherds as Josephus calls them and the Ketama (Imakitan) were one. The Amlakh mentioned as a a batn or clan of Dthu Ru’ayn or Rahawein now located in Somalia. The Somalian Afar/D’anakil and Tuareg people represent the tall people of ancient Arabia known as Anakh, Nakhawil. Afar Ifuraces and Ifuras Tuareg and other tall peoples remain under their ancient names. They are the tall Amalek or Meluhha, Philistim, Phoenikes or Anakim, Amorites/Amurath or Mur’ad, Adites Rephaims, Ditanu, Emim (Umayma), Ilm –Aroma Ahlam-Aramu. Sabai Sabaeans, and Humayr or Himyarites of old and of modern Africa and Arabia.

See, most people who are ignorant of ancient history won't even understand that there's a difference between

An arab and arabian,

Moslem and Muslim
. They can't tell you these differences yet, are quick to jump up and grab the pitch forks.

I have a library of over 7000 books, so will have to sift through all the ones pertaining to Somali's being Canaanites, and will than scan/copy all the reference pages if you want more evidence.

The point being, the abyssinians are a caucasoid admixture with the Italians and Portuguese from the Holy Roman Empire, when they were allies and white-washed beyond belief. Remember the battle where the Somalis killed the infamous Portuguese Commander? He was actually protecting his OWN BLOOD KIN. Now you know why everyone sides with the hald-blood mongrel habashi against us, and ALL of the EU COUNTRIES OCCUPYING ARE LANDS.

We followed MILLAT IBRAHIM before anyone else. That's what a Moslem is. First Moslem, than Muslim.
The Qur'an refers to the faith of Ibrahim as Millat Ibrahim (millatu Ibrāhīm), and it also says that he coined the term "Muslim". Allah named his followers Muslims. (Qur'an 22:78)[1]

We are a UNIQUE and melanated African race. Not decent from anyone but ourselves. Moslems first, as Ibrahim came from Canaanite city of Ur was in SUMERIA

Also, there's no such thing as "an ethiopian." Stop the nonense. The country was called abyssinia until last century.
Abyssinian colonial project is called the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
ALL OF AFRICA WAS called AETHIOP back than.


Now, dinner time.
You claimed saylac was the third place for islam to reach. We are not discussing language, ethnicity, or anything. Saylac is a port city in north somalia.

And you're claim was wrong, since the sahaba fled to modern day eritrea/ethiopia and they were the third place to recieve islam. The prophet saw sent letters to najashi who eventually became muslim. These are all facts and indisputable.

There is nothing praiseworthy of changing history. We have a lot to be proud for, no need to resort to fiction. As the days go by, you're similarity to geeljire tends to grow even more.
I have no idea who you're talking about.

I never disagreed with the Quran. Reading and comprehension is an important skill.
Somalis have always valued light skin especially in women. It has nothing to do with contact with the west. Light skin was seen as being more beautiful just as it is in our neighbors the Oromo, Afar and Habesha. You would know this if you looked at old Somali poetry where they praise women who have yellow skin.

That's all your going to counter with? Not very concrete, is it.

You're assuming that those writing the poetry did so BEFORE cadaan came to Africa....

"You would know this"
That statement comes from a place of ego. Don't tell me what I should know, tell me what YOU know. I'm here to learn from as many people as possible. I know nothing about Somali poetry. I'm assunming you are somewhat an expert after what you just wrote. Wallhi educate me. I would love to learn about when they were written, what the culture was like back than etc, so i'll be able to put what you said in context and for future references.

I don't know everything, far from it,. Every day I realise how little I actually know.
In almost all cultures they prefer light skin women AND dark skin men. It has been proven by evolutionary scientists. This is why African American women do so poorly on the dating scene, but African American men manage to attract non-black women.
Evolutionary scientist are Darwinian. Darwinians and Malthusians are both Eugenicist who believe "Black people should be genetically eradicated," So of course that "Proof" is going to be scewed against melanated people.

Preferring lighter skin-tones and discrimination against dark skin tones is called Pigmentocracy. The underlying base of Pigmentocracy is Scarecity, i.e MONEY AND POWER.

You would know this today as something called institutional racism....Blonde-Blue-eyed white's at the top, and darkest Africans at the bottom of all careers, especially Education and finance where it's most visible.
@Bahal soo gall
"We wuz hebel hebel" has taken a different route.
I see you enjoy ignorance.

Some Islamic commentators say his name was either Yam (HAM) or Kan'an
(Canaan)1. These scholars rely heavily on tradition of hadiths AND Sumerian traditions

The bible is the oldest law book,YES law, called ECLESSIASTICAL LAW. All nationalities have to be verified against what is called "The family of nations," which was turned into pagan organisation called "The United Nations."


Ancient Afro-Asiatic Dominions

The PDF is a screenshot..

Where do all these ignorant Somalis come from? So quick to yell and shout anytime someone wants to discuss a subject that they are ignorant about (yet are too lazy to research.

Disgrace to Somalis wallahi.


  • Ancient Dominions of Kush.pdf
    204.5 KB · Views: 276


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
That's if you're assuming that Somali is what you know as a Somali.

I'm 10 years deep into the origins of Somali, and it's not what you are led to believe. It's this misunderstanding which causes the so-called "booty-clapping."

Somali, yes, that's the word we call ourselves, but NOT who we were called ancestrally. Yes, you call the language Somali, but that's not what it's called at all. Yes,

This can become a debate about religion, but I'm focused on actual ancient Somali history, which is the same as Ancient Arabian history, which is also Ancient Kushite history, which is also Ancient Canaanite

The Quran is accurate, but the terms we use for ourselves that determine our position and history within the horn, is not.

It would be good to actually discuss our ancient history in a proper context without religion, considering we were a people before Islam. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but it's frustrating to not be able to discuss things rationally, even if i'm wrong.

WE WUZing on another level
I see you enjoy ignorance.

Some Islamic commentators say his name was either Yam (HAM) or Kan'an
(Canaan)1. These scholars rely heavily on tradition of hadiths AND Sumerian traditions

The bible is the oldest law book,YES law, called ECLESSIASTICAL LAW. All nationalities have to be verified against what is called "The family of nations," which was turned into pagan organisation called "The United Nations."


Ancient Afro-Asiatic Dominions

The PDF is a screenshot..

Where do all these ignorant Somalis come from? So quick to yell and shout anytime someone wants to discuss a subject that they are ignorant about (yet are too lazy to research.

Disgrace to Somalis wallahi.
Haye I believe you
I've researched this for many years privately, but have come across researchers who are absolutely sure.

The Mahra of southern Arabia were described as tall and were of a dark brown color. The tribes of the Mahra today actually extend from Oman and Hadramaut to Somalia in the Horn of Africa. The Mahra in Arabia were considered a pure remnant of the Adites or Ad according to ibn Mudjawir who lived in the 13th century, and al-Hamdani (a 9th century Yemenite of the Hamdan tribe) who says the camels of the Mahra were called Idite (Adite) camels. (Boswell et al, 1983, p. 83). Ibn Mudjawir and other writers make it clear that the Mahra, Shahra people and the Ad were one and the same. Amlukh or Amalek and Saba are descendants of Ad who is himself said to be the child Uz son of Aram, while Amalek is the son of Aram’s brother Lud in another Arab tradition. The living tribes of Amalik and Ad are mentioned along with the Mahra in 19th century colonial writings east of Mokalla by Robert Latham in 1858. See Descriptive Ethnology Vol. II p. 83

Section 3 - The "Denigrification" of Berbers and "Canaanites"
Dana W. Reynolds-Marniche


The term “Moor”and its variants have long been used throughout Europe as synonyms for Nigri or Negro and to denote various black-skinned and nearly black peoples. In the last century or so, it has been presumed that ancient “Moorish” Muslims in the Iberian peninsula were erroneously thought of as black by medieval Europeans. It has also been presupposed that the term “Moro” in the Iberian peninsula originally denoted Saracens and Berber-speakers that were distinct from modern “blacks” of Africa in phenotype and origin. It has been concluded that early “Berber” populations in North Africa were descendants of ancient “Caucasoids“ who have absorbed different black African populations in recent times. Similarly it is believed that the Arab populations of North Africa a thousand years ago were mainly “Caucasoid” groups affiliated with present populations of the Levant.

Berbers being Cushitic.

Historical documents, physical anthropology, archeology and traditional record in Muslim Africa and Asia, however, support the view that early “Berber” clans entering Europe were not only “blacks” and “near blacks” in the literal sense, but affiliated with early and current populations of the Fezzan, Mzab, Syrtica, the Moroccan Riff, Sudan, Sahara and Sahel designated Garawa, Jarawa or Wangara, and Zaghawa, Zaghai or Songhai. The Tuareg, as well, before intermingling with non-African populations, were undoubtedly representative of ancient populations called Mauri or Mezikes, Pharusii and Levathes in Tripolitania, the Pentapolis, Kabylia and the Aures and Fezzan stretching to Nubia and east of the Nile. Both of these groups, along with the early Fulani or Peul and black “vassal” groups among the Tuareg (Anbat, Inrad, Imghad, Haratin, Ikaradan, Karduwan, Kret, or Izaggaren) undoubtedly contributed to the “Moorish” or black element in Spain and southern Europe and were the bulk of the groups traditionally classified as “Berber” i.e., Sanhaja, Goddala, Masmuda, Zenata, and Hawara, or Luwata.

Anthropological “race” theories of dark or black “Caucasoid” types (“hamite,” “Eurafrican” and “Mediterranean race”), colonial conceptions of “the Negro” and modern political constructs of “blackness” in Europe and of the “abid” or slave in the Near East, play a significant role in ethnohistoric interpretations of the origins of early North African Berber and Arabic-speakers. The neglect in contemporary historiography of the biological impact of documented movements of various northern groups over the last several centuries into North Africa and the same latitudes in Asia (including the ‘white slave trade”) has had deleterious influence on early African historical study. It is a second primary factor contributing to current theoretical constructs that dismiss the predominant role of populations of "black African" and Afro-Arabian affiliation in the ethnic groups first designated “Mauri,” Berber and Arab.

"there are black tribes among the Arabs, such as the Banu Soleym bin Mansur, and that all the peoples settled in the Harra, besides the Banu Soleym are black…. they take their concubines from among the Byzantines; and yet it takes less than three generations of living in the Harra for the original complexion of Banu Soleym to return.” Al Jahiz.9th century Iraqi writer.

The Solymi would appear to be connected with the people mentioned by the 5th century B.C.E. epic poet Choerilus (ap. Jos, Ap. 1. 173) who lived in the Solymian hills near a broad lake and spoke a Phoenician language. The identification of the Solymi with the Jews is found even in the anti-Jewish account of Manetho (ap. Jos. Ap. 1.248).” from p. 400 Studies in Hellenistic Judaism by Louis H. Feldman, Brill, 1996.

The impact of the fair skinned concubines on the appearance of the Arab ruling classes has been especially well documented, as by a Leslie Pierce who wrote on the Abbasid dynasties ruling from Central Asia to North Africa from the 8th to 13th centuries, “While the caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty had prided themselves on the purity of their Arab lineage through marriage with noble Arab women, by the second century of Islamic history many of the caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty were sons of slave concubines.” From the Imperial Harem, by Leslie P. Pierce. (The Capital of the Abbasids was originally established in Baghdad.) The same phenomenon occurred among the Moorish ruling class in Spain and North Africa.

As mentioned in the previous chapters, according to Al Tabari and others, the Sulaym ibn Mansur are a section of the Auf (sometimes written Awafh). While the Auf come from the group known as Masruh. Today, both fall under a larger name category called Banu Harb and comprise dozens of tribes.

The modern descendants of the original occupants of the Harrah and Hejaz known as Sulaym, Manassir and Khazraj, are the bedouin of Syria and north Arabia now range from very concubine fair to near black tint that history informs us was their original coloring. The explorer Ludovic Bartema in the 16th century described the color of the populations of Hejaz’s as ranging from dark chocolate “to deep leonine of certain inhabitants of Spain”.

Also, not relate to the professor but damn accurate as well. Although an Israeli source, it very much tells the truth, but they don't tell you, that THEIR history is also fabricated
This so-called documentary depicting Biblical Canaanites as Arabs, broadcast many times on PA TV, is one example of this PA historical revision.
"The Arab Canaanites established ports on the coast of Canaan, known today as Palestine. Palestine was attacked by invaders, but its Arab Canaanite features withstood attempts to change them. Jaffa was one of the cities whose Canaanite origins the invaders failed to erase." [PA TV, repeatedly, 2005-2007.]

The current white inhabitants of Palestine are just as new, as the white Jews. That land was called Canaan. At this time, no white people even existed. You will not find any accurate historical evidence of white people there at the time. "Real" palestinians look Exactly like Somalis, but you never see them on tv as both arabs and jews have an interest in keeping the ancient history.

Jew's are a GERMANIC PEOPLE CALLED KHAZARS. Their ancestral language is not Hebrew but YIDDISH (oye vey, shmuck, Tuchaz (yddish for ASS, typical NYC/woody allen langage.)

No such thing as a jew/palestinian, just as the word arab was invented by Lawrence of Arabia in the beginning of the last century on behalf of the colonial office.)

"Today most people calling themselves Arabs living both within and outside the Arabian peninsula, both fair and dark-skinned, claim descent from either the tribes of Qahtan of southern Arabia or the descendants of Kedar and Ishmael whose mother was Hagar. The term Arab today includes peoples of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and many places in Africa who speak Arabic. In Arabia and the Near East, as in Africa, these populations now include individuals ranging from black in color to a white with red hair. Between the 7th and 12th centuries many of the indigenous tribes from the Yemen are documented as settling in Syria/Lebanon and Iraq. In Iraq, the “Azd tribe, for instance, with all of its clans in the Fertile Crescent traces its genealogy back to its settlement ancestry in Yaman.” These same groups also moved into and settled in Egypt and North Africa and are ancestral to many north African, Egyptian and Sudanese bedouin.

Both the early Qahtan (thought to be Joktan of the Bible) and the Ishmaelite groups were reputedly or referred to as “black” until the Midieval period of Europe. It is not generally known in the West that Arabia was (as the historian Cheikh Anta Diop suggested) essentially an Ethiopic colony until as late as several hundred years ago and that most of the purer or Afro-Arabian populations today though isolated and unfamiliar to Westerners exist within the peninsula under the same names they were known under in, in Biblical records and texts of the Iranians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Mesopotamian inscriptions and ancient mythology.

"Early Arabians depicted themselves in ancient art (late stone, copper and early bronze ages) as mostly dark brown and near black in color. The stone implements or lithics (the Doian culture of Somalia and the horn of Africa and the Kharga Neolithic and neolithic of the Sahara and western deserts of northern Egypt) and the art in many places such as the Rub al Khali of Central Arabia, Oman, Hadramaut, Hejaz and Yemen was stylistically similar and in some cases identical to that used among populations of Africa in the same periods. The rock art of Central Arabia as in the Rub –al Khali in fact depicted tall or elongated pastoralists whom art specialist Emmanuel Anati, (author of Rock Art in Central Arabia, 1968) referred to as “oval headed Negroids”.

This rock art which like the Saharan art portrayed pastoralist peoples of East African and Fulani appearance extended into areas certain regions of the Syrian desert as well. After the late stone age these people were accustomed to portraying themselves carrying copper instruments including swords and in mock ritual battle aside from doing and using many other things common to ancient and modern pastoral nomads in Africa. In the same region or in Central Arabia today (in Yemamah or southern Nejd of Saudi Arabia ) are people who are described as the tallest and blackest Arabians on the peninsula still trading in the feathers of the ostriches so significant in the ancient art."

In North Africa they were in fact the people recorded in Roman documents and by later Arabic writers as Uakutameni, Maketae or Micutateni of the Tunisian coast and the Atlas (a tribe mentioned by Diodorus Siculus circa 1st c. as the color of Ethiopians) and as Ketama or Kitama whom 11th century Christian Iraqi ibn Butlan says were black. See on this blog, ‘The Appearance of the Original Berbers According to European Perceptions” edited by Dana Marniche. In the Bible they are the children of Heth or Kheth as well as Kittim descendants of Japhet. Makitan is still the name of the eastern branches of the Tuareg, and their script called “Tifinagh” is thought to mean “belonging to the Phoenicians”.

"Meluhha (Amlikhu) had been known in earlier Akkadian inscriptions as well. According to Samuel Noah Kramer founder of Sumerian studies, in the Akkadian dialect Meluhha came to mean “the place of black men” . See p. 277 in The Sumerians ( University of Chicago Press, 1963, pp.276-285). The Amalekites or Phoenician shepherds as Josephus calls them and the Ketama (Imakitan) were one. The Amlakh mentioned as a a batn or clan of Dthu Ru’ayn or Rahawein now located in Somalia. The Somalian Afar/D’anakil and Tuareg people represent the tall people of ancient Arabia known as Anakh, Nakhawil. Afar Ifuraces and Ifuras Tuareg and other tall peoples remain under their ancient names. They are the tall Amalek or Meluhha, Philistim, Phoenikes or Anakim, Amorites/Amurath or Mur’ad, Adites Rephaims, Ditanu, Emim (Umayma), Ilm –Aroma Ahlam-Aramu. Sabai Sabaeans, and Humayr or Himyarites of old and of modern Africa and Arabia.

See, most people who are ignorant of ancient history won't even understand that there's a difference between

An arab and arabian,

Moslem and Muslim
. They can't tell you these differences yet, are quick to jump up and grab the pitch forks.

I have a library of over 7000 books, so will have to sift through all the ones pertaining to Somali's being Canaanites, and will than scan/copy all the reference pages if you want more evidence.

The point being, the abyssinians are a caucasoid admixture with the Italians and Portuguese from the Holy Roman Empire, when they were allies and white-washed beyond belief. Remember the battle where the Somalis killed the infamous Portuguese Commander? He was actually protecting his OWN BLOOD KIN. Now you know why everyone sides with the hald-blood mongrel habashi against us, and ALL of the EU COUNTRIES OCCUPYING ARE LANDS.

We followed MILLAT IBRAHIM before anyone else. That's what a Moslem is. First Moslem, than Muslim.
The Qur'an refers to the faith of Ibrahim as Millat Ibrahim (millatu Ibrāhīm), and it also says that he coined the term "Muslim". Allah named his followers Muslims. (Qur'an 22:78)[1]

We are a UNIQUE and melanated African race. Not decent from anyone but ourselves. Moslems first, as Ibrahim came from Canaanite city of Ur was in SUMERIA

Also, there's no such thing as "an ethiopian." Stop the nonense. The country was called abyssinia until last century.
Abyssinian colonial project is called the Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
ALL OF AFRICA WAS called AETHIOP back than.


Now, dinner time.
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