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i think we need to address the colorism in our community that is so bad that even the most "I'm proud to be black" ones among us are throwing words like charcoal and bantu as insults!
There's a big colourism issue in the Somali community. If a girl is "darkskin" she isn't seen as marriage material, which is why you get all these darkskin Somali Queens hating themselves internally and looking for ajnabi acceptance. I love all my Somali queens no matter if she's darkskin or lightskin.

I've always said this and will say it again, I don't look at if my Shaah is Cadeys or Bigeys. I just care about how it tastes.

- Yahya "Former Henny iyo Qaxwo Connoisseur :mybusiness:" Liban-Lewis
Colourism is not a big issue, although i do admit there is colourism amongst the xalimos. Somalis usually prioritise facial features over skin tone as the standard of beauty.

P.S- People use "Bantu" to describe a person's features not skin tone.

1) Start a YouTube channel.

2) Get pregnant by a gullible cadaan guy.

3) Blame your issues on Somali "colourism"

4) ???????

5) Profit?
The colourism against our (very, VERY) dark Somali sisters has them turn to Ajnabis and atheism:mjcry:

We need to give them som very good lovin, if you know what im sayin.:mjpls::mjswag::shaq:


As i live and breathe
I've always said facial features over skin tone. I couldn't give less of a damn about someone's skin color tbh.
Colourism is not a big issue, although i do admit there is colourism amongst the xalimos. Somalis usually prioritise facial features over skin tone as the standard of beauty.

P.S- People use "Bantu" to describe a person's features not skin tone.

Colorism featurism whatever. I don't care about beauty standards I'm talking about insults. And more specifically all this dishonest yass melanin queens who pretend to be proud black while they have inferiority complexes
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