Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is doing dhaanto in Garowe

May Allah protect her! She gets it from the far right who want to kill her and her OWN ppl! She’s so strong
All the minority politicians in my country support the lgbtq movement but I don't see any of their own kind condemning them, they're even invited to mosques to gather votes.
All the minority politicians in my country support the lgbtq movement but I don't see any of their own kind condemning them, their even invited in mosques to gather votes.
Unfortunately Somalis turn on eachother it’s why our country is a mess! Imagine my shock to find out that the “she married her brother” rumour was created by a fellow somali. Unbelievable
Unfortunately Somalis turn on eachother it’s why our country is a mess! Imagine my shock to find out that the “she married her brother” rumour was created by a fellow somali. Unbelievable
Thats messed up.. These people should mind their own business.. But good thing she got a good welcome in Puntland.. Same guys complain about lgbtq people are calling dhanto dancing men in somali cultural attires feminine and what not for welcoming Ilhan.

Nope, that's not it.

I defend Chunkz and he's NOT MJ, he's Isaaq.

I don't like seeing Somalis attacking people with hive-mentality with zero nuance and understanding behind it.

Many parts of Somalia are relatively peaceful, so what are we doing? Let's keep it real and admit that we don't want to be broke and uncomfortable, so we sell out our Islamic principles, and we stay silent to keep our checks coming in. When your Gaalo workers talk about things you are against, you don't say anything, for fear of losing your job or getting reported.

Most of the products you're using, including our precious phones, are made through exploitation and theft, minerals mined by children probably. Those cute clothes you wear? Stitched by a child or an overworked woman in a third world factory somewhere. We're all sellouts and sinners at some level and then let's collectively do better, instead of acting outraged at prominent Somalis.

If I saw people say "Hey we are all messing up, how can we do better?", then we can have a discussion about that. But pointing the finger at Ilhan and acting like she's the only one, is fraudulent.

Speak for yourself. That we you speak of is not representing us all.
I'm not bothered, I'm just pointing out the lack of self-awareness. You're a qaxooti living in the bussom of Gaalo, even though there are plenty of Muslim countries to move to.

Every single cent you get, whether it's tax break or benefits, comes from haram money at some level. In fact, the entire world financial system is built on usury. If you work for any company or Government owned institution, at some point, you have signed your name on the dotted line to stay silent on things that are 'haram', including LGBT activities.

Unless you make hijrah and live off your own land and you trade your goods for other goods, like in ancient days, you are also complicit in haram activities.

SubhanAllah. You don’t know who I am or where I am yet you make a bunch of generalizations and assumptions. instead of focusing on this, why not think about how all this supporting IO is going to benefit your akhirah.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Somalis will stay silent about all the war criminals and extremists that are walking around free, but when it comes to Ilhan they lose their mind.
Warlords who murder children are fine but God forbid a duly elected official from the US visits Somalia:nahgirl:


He converted to Islam according to her. What makes you doubt her claim that her husband is Muslim? You know doubting someone’s Islam is a major sin.

The Prophet Pbuhs wife Safiyya bint Huyay was the daughter of the chief Jewish leader Banu Nadir. Do you have a issue with that as well?
he didn't convert to islam. he talks about muslims on twitter as though he is not one. he has never claimed to be a muslim
I find her politics a bit confusing, misdirected and I don't usually agree with her but Ilhan is a strong - willed woman. I admire her. The amount of hate she gets from the American and Jewish media is ridiculous. Go forth habo and be great :superman:


I find her politics a bit confusing, misdirected and I don't usually agree with her but Ilhan is a strong - willed woman. I admire her. The amount of hate she gets from the American and Jewish media is ridiculous. Go forth habo and be great :superman:
I agree, she's nothing special but she is overhated. I try to ignore her and her haters, this dancing business tho, that deserves hate


Dhaanto is an ogandeni hido iyo dhaqan. Don't reer bari have an original hido iyo dhaqan dance ?
For ex, the seylici dance is a reer djibouti & borama hido iyo dhaqan. Isaaq and dhulbahante have jaandheer as their hido iyo dhaqan.
Jaandheer originated in Calmadow, waa dhaqanka Warsangeli all of you took to copying Jaandheere
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There's this MJ woman in Minnesota, America called Safia Yasin who is a Republican and denounces the unislamic policies of the Democrats eg pro LGBT and pro abortion. I am proud to support Safia


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Think what you may. I have nothing to prove to you. The manner in which I’m writing to you speaks for itself. I will not argue just to argue. Macsalaama.

Walaal don't be bothered by it as no amount of deflection is going to make ilhan's advocacy for kufr go away. It's of no relevance where a particular prohibited action takes place our obligation as a muslim is to follow the commands of Allah, whatever He made haram remains haram irrespective of location and time.

Allah never stated that zina, drinking alcohol, homosexuality is only haram when we're in muslim countries etc the prohibition of these things are absolute prohibitions any where or any time they occur.

Being in a non muslim doesn't negate the obligation of Allah's commandments regarding these matters. It makes no difference if they occur in non-muslim countries or not just like the same way murder etc are haram. We as muslims are obligated to condemn them equally

According to her reasoning unless one makes hijrah you can't talk about Islamic morals and principles. Then we've to ask her why in the world was she using islamic ethics to defend against redpill movement, hatred of women, abuse against one's wife ?

How come islamic morals and principles were important when it came to the above but not when it comes to lgbt ? why didn't she cite the issues of riba & all other forms of haram that muslims encounter in gaalo countries when it was about women's issues ? why the selectivity ?

Will she take her own advice of making hijrah before she decides to talk about islamic morals & principles pertaining to women's issues ?


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