You seem to be the only who's obsessed with qabiil.
Not true I don't hate any clan. Anything FKD shouldn't be taken seriously
You seem to be the only who's obsessed with qabiil.
Lmao no wonder the Muslim world is at the bottom of the world. Look at all these ppl seething about Ilhan. How are we supposed to survive as an ummah when we refuse to have our ppl represent OUR interests? No wonder yahuds are successful, a win for a yahuud is a win for the Jewish world. Some of you donβt know anything about poltics. You gotta play the game and choose the lesser of evils for your ppl to survive and live in peace.
Tell me what Muslim nation doesnβt use riba? Look at Iran and Pakistan who are outcasted in the world stage snd the consequences of that? How many Muslim states have diplomatic ties with israel?
Look at Taliban state Afghanistan, completely sanctioned during a famine, no allies to help build and develop and completely blacklisted from the world. They had to alley with Muslim genociding China in order to have a single trading partner. Where is the outrage ? Where is the khawrij sympthathizers?
The prophet pbuh had treaties and relationships and cooperated with pagans and Jews for peace and to halt the suffering of the earlier Muslims.
God forbid we have a Muslim Somali women trying to keep our MUSLIM Nation suffocated with debt. You guys are actually retarded
Alhamdulilah, I saw through that userβs tactics by Allahβs mercy and the knowledge of diin Allah granted me. I just made my comment because I know many young impressionable people with weak foundation in diin could read the majority views on this site and take it as truth.Walaal don't be bothered by it as no amount of deflection is going to make ilhan's advocacy for kufr go away. It's of no relevance where a particular prohibited action takes place our obligation as a muslim is to follow the commands of Allah, whatever He made haram remains haram irrespective of location and time.
Allah never stated that zina, drinking alcohol, homosexuality is only haram when we're in muslim countries etc the prohibition of these things are absolute prohibitions any where or any time they occur.
Being in a non muslim doesn't negate the obligation of Allah's commandments regarding these matters. It makes no difference if they occur in non-muslim countries or not just like the same way murder etc are haram. We as muslims are obligated to condemn them equally
According to her reasoning unless one makes hijrah you can't talk about Islamic morals and principles. Then we've to ask her why in the world was she using islamic ethics to defend against redpill movement, hatred of women, abuse against one's wife ?
How come islamic morals and principles were important when it came to the above but not when it comes to lgbt ? why didn't she cite the issues of riba & all other forms of haram that muslims encounter in gaalo countries when it was about women's issues ? why the selectivity ?
Will she take her own advice of making hijrah before she decides to talk about islamic morals & principles pertaining to women's issues ?
Go back to your country.I am free to express my viewpoints anywhere I am. Alhamdulilah. Why are you so bothered about my personal perspective on this matter?
Alhamdulilah, I saw through that userβs tactics by Allahβs mercy and the knowledge of diin Allah granted me. I just made my comment because I know many young impressionable people with weak foundation in diin could read the majority views on this site and take it as truth.
In shaa Allah! Alhamdulilah, you meant it as an insult but I long for the day I can live in my mother land.Go back to your country.
Go there now. Don't leech off the West. Fix your country, you are not compatible with Western values.In shaa Allah! Alhamdulilah, you meant it as an insult but I long for the day I can live in my mother land.
What you stated was the truth and she had nothing of substance to refute it that's why she resorted to such tactics. The only reason why people like ilhan have support in the our community is due to either qabil, people share her views or the fact she's a woman.
Diinta simply takes a back seat and this is why it's so easy for them to utter statements like "if you don't like it do hijrah " as if they weren't obligated by diinta to be opposed to kufr & shirk. We've to ask them did Allah make an exception to kufr simply because a muslim lives in a gaalo country ?
They don't realise it laakin they're refuting themselves, as we're all required to believe in Allah's commandments and abide by them. We're held accountable for our actions and come maalinta qiyaamaha we'll be judged
May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings, accept our tawbah and keep us steadfast
Ameen thumma Ameen
In shaa Allah! Alhamdulilah, you meant it as an insult but I long for the day I can live in my mother land.
Why dont you go back to Saudi Arabia?What you stated was the truth and she had nothing of substance to refute it that's why she resorted to such tactics. The only reason why people like ilhan have support in the our community is due to either qabil, people share her views or the fact she's a woman.
Diinta simply takes a back seat and this is why it's so easy for them to utter statements like "if you don't like it do hijrah " as if they weren't obligated by diinta to be opposed to kufr & shirk. We've to ask them did Allah make an exception to kufr simply because a muslim lives in a gaalo country ?
They don't realise it laakin they're refuting themselves, as we're all required to believe in Allah's commandments and abide by them. We're held accountable for our actions and come maalinta qiyaamaha we'll be judged
May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings, accept our tawbah and keep us steadfast
Ameen thumma Ameen
@ me next time you want to talk about me, instead of doing dhago hadal.
You and your fellow Salafi hypocrites sure enjoy the West when it comes to all the safety nets and financial incentives it provides. The same Western Governments that protect and uphold sinful lifestyles. Don't fix your mouth to talk about Ilhan when you are sinning yourself and selling out your so-called moral standards in order to live a comfortable life.
Like I said before, I will listen to someone who actually is about that life and made Hijrah, not people like you and @Kalsoon
ma aniga salafi ayaa igu eedeynaysa hadeer ?
What about you ? don't you enjoin the same benefits yet criticise them ? what gives you the right to criticize them but not me ? everything you said about me equally applies to you yet i'm the hypocrite ? how are you not seeing the contradiction in your accusations ?
Bal noo sheeg where you got this idea that we can't critique gaalada for their kufr iyo shirk unless we live in wadaan muslim ah ? who stipulated such a condition ?
If you truly believed that you would've never criticised culimada soomaliyeed back home when they talk about gaalada & their attempts to follow their worldview sidas darteed hijraada marmarsiiyo haa ka dhigan.
Since islamic morals & principles seem to matter in muslim countries alone why are you using islam to defend against hatred & abuse of women whilst living in a gaalo country ?
Why dont you go back to Saudi Arabia?
If you dont like it you can leave, no one is forcing you to stay in the West you enjoy all the comforts but deep down you refuse to move back to Afghanistan, Saudi or even Somalia.
Abaayo kaligaa islamuran.@ me next time you want to talk about me, instead of doing dhago hadal.
You and your fellow Salafi hypocrites sure enjoy the West when it comes to all the safety nets and financial incentives it provides. The same Western Governments that protect and uphold sinful lifestyles. Don't fix your mouth to talk about Ilhan when you are sinning yourself and selling out your so-called moral standards in order to live a comfortable life.
Like I said before, I will listen to someone who actually is about that life and made Hijrah, not people like you and @Kalsoon
Abaayo kaligaa islamuran.