Cops murder Black Man


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
He might have been on drugs which made him crazy.. The police obviously have to take their precautions.

Another possibility. If this is the case, then there's no loss. He could have killed someone due to his reckless driving while under the influence.

It's strange that we end up hearing all the facts that goes against the "victim" but it's too late by then. They turn that "victim" into a Saint just like George Floyd. Stop resisting and you won't get charged if you did nothing wrong. They were under reasonable suspicion.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
People are really nonchalant about a life being taken away.

Regardless of resisting arrest or not, he’s pinned down and unarmed.

Is there any need to kill someone for that?
Why couldn't they hand cuff him after tazing him. I think they took it too far by continuing to taze him


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I don't get what they're supposed to do in that situation. Get him some anti-anxiety meds and have a nice smoothing conversation with him over some hot coco? How exactly are they supposed to detail him?
how every other cop outside America does it. They're the only ones constantly killing people for no reason.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I knew he was a leftist loser up to the usual leftist shenanigans but this is just icing on the cake.

You always act morally superior to us but you're not. f*ck you. You have no human decency. You insult him because of someone he's related to, which is completely irrelevant, and say it was probably drugs. Shame on you. You scum.

Just because someone is a liberal, conservative, libertarian, atheist, muslim, hindu, etc doesn't mean they deserve to die. Maybe he's entirely innocent, maybe he had drugs in his system, maybe he caused the accident. So what? Nobody deserves to die for such a thing. He's a father and now another child is left fatherless. And its not like we even know the details, you're just assuming everything. What happened to your western moral superiority? Out the window because he's black and related to a leftist? You're a fucking loser.

@Abdisamad @xoogster same with y'all, are you guys actually muslim? heartless freaks. The least you can do is not insult and joke about the dead.
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
People are really nonchalant about a life being taken away.

Regardless of resisting arrest or not, he’s pinned down and unarmed.

Is there any need to kill someone for that?
I'm reading they put a taser on him for 30 constant seconds, that's a death card. You can't use a taser for more than 15 seconds without a high risk of sever injury or death. No drugs or running from a cop stopped the beating of his heart. It was their taser.


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
You always act morally superior to us but you're not. f*ck you.

I have never once in my life on here ever said I was morally superior to anyone. Not once.

If you feel I think that way, it's a reflection of you, not me. Maybe you have very low self esteem.
No way people are justifying this. He's already on the ground, what threat does he pose to consider that much force from the officer? Like did you people even watch the bodycam footage? The reason why the officer tased him was because he wasn't turning over on his stomach. It's kinda hard to do that when two fucking people are pinning him to the ground.


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
We got a certified bootlicker here
View attachment 249002

Yeah I'm not going to bootyclap for a guy on cocaine who tries to hijack an Uber guy's car, causes an accident, flees, then resists the cops and goes back to the street to presumably hijack another car. Yes, I will gladly. "lick the boot" of the authorities that try to keep menace like him off the streets. He wouldn't be dead if he didn't do cocaine. He apparently died 5 hours later. They had legitimate suspicion he was going to hijack another person's car again. I salute all police officers worldwide


Omar del Sur

I feel bad for him but don't burn any buildings where I live. honestly the government should enforce a law that people aren't allowed to form large groups and go around destroying property and act violent- even if they have a sad story.

sad things and injustices happen all the time, you can't go and burn some innocent person's small business every time an injustice happens.

Omar del Sur


she calls the police chief to resign or what? probably the "or what" is she goes and instigates violence.

if I made demands and threatened violence- this would be considered terrorism. when the truckers just honked their horns in Canada- they were treated as terrorists. but if you're supported by the democrats, you can engage in literal terrorism and it's tolerated.
This is unfortunate. What a sad way to go out.
There are a lot of rotten cops but this one seems like he hasn't done anything wrong (my opinion) He spoke to him kindly and reassured him the whole time and finally tased him. Its a difficult situation. May God make it easy on his family


πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί The hate starts here
Staff Member
she calls the police chief to resign or what? probably the "or what" is she goes and instigates violence.

if I made demands and threatened violence- this would be considered terrorism. when the truckers just honked their horns in Canada- they were treated as terrorists. but if you're supported by the democrats, you can engage in literal terrorism and it's tolerated.

These people are vermin. They don't need to play GTA. They can experience it in real life. This is why these people only show a portion of any video like this, never the full version. They get ahead with crafting their own narrative until the truth finally comes out before its too late. Then they blame racism years later after the court finds them guilty or the cop not guilty.


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