Cops murder Black Man


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
I hate that indhoyar bastard so much.

That other thread saying indhoyars are cucks for cadaan people was right.

Indhoyar think about themselves. They want law and order and civility. Anyone would rightfully stand up against this.


E pluribus unum
Indhoyar think about themselves. They want law and order and civility. Anyone would rightfully stand up against this.
In this specific case the dude was probably in the wrong, but the truth is even if the man had complied with the officer and still have gotten killed the indhoyars would have been on the cop's side still.

And it's always the South East Asians(Vietnamese, etc), I think they have some kind of inferiorirty complex towards east asians and white people, so they adopt white people cunsurinimo.

Omar del Sur

These people are vermin. They don't need to play GTA. They can experience it in real life. This is why these people only show a portion of any video like this, never the full version. They get ahead with crafting their own narrative until the truth finally comes out before its too late. Then they blame racism years later after the court finds them guilty or the cop not guilty.

according to the latest updated versions of the philosophy of the social justice people... any law that is introduced that disproportionately impacts a certain minority is structuraly racist or something

for example

Racial disparities prompt calls to repeal King County’s bicycle helmet law​

they had a law on bike helmets or something and it became this issue because the law was decided to be racist because apparently blacks were less likely than whites to wear bike helmets or something....

edit: I didn't see what the article said, I had heard about this elsewhere but apparently the article is saying it was enforced disproportionately

now if we say the principle here is true- what about the vaccine mandates given that blacks were the ethnic group most likely to be unvaccinated? according to the latest in social justice theory- vaccine mandates would have to be considered as racist... and in terms of concrete real life, many black people were persecuted due to these unjust rules...

where was the blm and these other kinds of groups? I guess they wouldn't get the money from bank of America and all these big corporations if they were to stand up on that issue...

all this blm stuff... it is just a tool to promote chaos in the society.... nothing about vax mandates that would have disproportionately targeted blacks... and I personally saw my black female coworker get fired... what about fighting against the breakdown of the black family? abortions? nothing about any of this but they'll promote violent riots
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How was he even resisting when they had him pinned down
He they were crushing his bones , poor guy was unarmed

some of you need to watch the video instead of just reading the caption. The police force is full of skin heads and low class racist racist folks .
How was he even resisting when they had him pinned down
He they were crushing his bones , poor guy was unarmed

some of you need to watch the video instead of just reading the caption. The police force is full of skin heads and low class racist racist folks .
Facts he didnt deserve to get killed, but what else could you say? the guy was clearly running from the cops after being caught he brought it upon himself wallahi. multiple instances were he couldve easily avoided that collision.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I feel bad for him but don't burn any buildings where I live. honestly the government should enforce a law that people aren't allowed to form large groups and go around destroying property and act violent- even if they have a sad story.

sad things and injustices happen all the time, you can't go and burn some innocent person's small business every time an injustice happens.

Black Americans built America, they have every right to destroy it if they’re not given their due respect.

They were peaceful for 400 years and you didn’t listen.
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🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
according to the latest updated versions of the philosophy of the social justice people... any law that is introduced that disproportionately impacts a certain minority is structuraly racist or something

for example

Racial disparities prompt calls to repeal King County’s bicycle helmet law​

they had a law on bike helmets or something and it became this issue because the law was decided to be racist because apparently blacks were less likely than whites to wear bike helmets or something....

edit: I didn't see what the article said, I had heard about this elsewhere but apparently the article is saying it was enforced disproportionately

now if we say the principle here is true- what about the vaccine mandates given that blacks were the ethnic group most likely to be unvaccinated? according to the latest in social justice theory- vaccine mandates would have to be considered as racist... and in terms of concrete real life, many black people were persecuted due to these unjust rules...

where was the blm and these other kinds of groups? I guess they wouldn't get the money from bank of America and all these big corporations if they were to stand up on that issue...

all this blm stuff... it is just a tool to promote chaos in the society.... nothing about vax mandates that would have disproportionately targeted blacks... and I personally saw my black female coworker get fired... what about fighting against the breakdown of the black family? abortions? nothing about any of this but they'll promote violent riots

It's a distraction to have them forget about issues like the economic ones that affect them. That movement and other anti sane efforts are usually bankrolled by company donations and politicians.

Omar del Sur

Black Americans built America, they have every right to destroy it if they’re not given their due respect.

They were peaceful for 400 years and you didn’t listen.

ok well I'm a Muslim and from a Muslim standpoint I don't know of anything that says you can go around and destroy property and engage in violence because you belong to a particular ethnic group.

also I'm in my 20's, I'm not 400 years old and I don't run this country. no, I don't think it's right for people to go around burning some innocent person's small business because of some grievance and they have no right from an Islamic standpoint. there is nothing in the sharia that says it's ok for them to commit arson or other violence.

Omar del Sur

"Praise be to Allah.

Allaah has forbidden aggression against people’s property and taking it unlawfully. He has prescribed that whatever is destroyed unlawfully is to be replaced, even if it is destroyed by mistake. Whoever destroys the property of another person which was sacred (i.e., protected by sharee’ah), and destroys it without the owner’s permission, is obliged to replace it."



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
ok well I'm a Muslim and from a Muslim standpoint I don't know of anything that says you can go around and destroy property and engage in violence because you belong to a particular ethnic group.

You say that without experiencing an iota of what they experience daily.

Focusing on the actions of a small minority of protestors just to diminish the gross injustices done against a community.

Omar del Sur

You say that without experiencing an iota of what they experience daily.

Focusing on the actions of a small minority of protestors just to diminish the gross injustices done against a community.

what do you know about what they experience daily? you live in Australia. I've spent lots of time living in predominantly black neighborhoods and I've seen a lot of what goes on for myself. where is this oppression olympics thing of yours in the Quran or Sunnah? my skin doesn't count anything for or against me and you're wrong if you act like it's otherwise.

Anyways, now you're switching it up. First you were openly justifying violence and now you're talking of "the actions of a small minority of protestors".

Well my posts here have been expressing my opposition to violence. And instead of coming out the gate with talk of "actions of a small minority," you simply defended the violence. Now you backtrack a bit. Anyways, I stand by everything I said and even you seem a bit hesitant to stand by your bold previous openly pro-violence position.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
what do you know about what they experience daily? you live in Australia. I've spent lots of time living in predominantly black neighborhoods and I've seen a lot of what goes on for myself. where is this oppression olympics thing of yours in the Quran or Sunnah? my skin doesn't count anything for or against me and you're wrong if you act like it's otherwise.

Anyways, now you're switching it up. First you were openly justifying violence and now you're talking of "the actions of a small minority of protestors".

Well my posts here have been expressing my opposition to violence. And instead of coming out the gate with talk of "actions of a small minority," you simply defended the violence. Now you backtrack a bit. Anyways, I stand by everything I said and even you seem a bit hesitant to stand by your bold previous openly pro-violence position.

I do not know anything about what it is like to be African-American. To have my ancestors brought to America in chains, build the economy and then be disrespected for 400 years.

That is why you do not see me criticising their protests or their struggle for social justice.

However, you are not even Black nor African-American yet you always have some sort of advice for them.

Omar del Sur

Focusing on the actions of a small minority of protestors just to diminish the gross injustices done against a community.

also, this btw I object to... I am engaged in a plot to diminish injustices? you can't open my heart and see my intentions so you have no business making that kind of assertion. I'm all for being against injustice, I haven't spoken in favor of injustice, I've simply expressed opposition to mobs of people going out and committing violence and destroying property.

just recently I made a thread condemning violent protestors in Peru burning an innocent policeman. I'm against violent protests in general and even though some want to make everything about race, I'm against violent protests in general regardless of race.

Omar del Sur

I do not know anything about what it is like to be African-American. To have my ancestors brought to America in chains, build the economy and then be disrespected for 400 years.

That is why you do not see me criticising their protests or their struggle for social justice.

However, you are not even Black nor African-American yet you always have some sort of advice for them.

Do I? I think I hardly talk about them. I talk about all sorts of topics here- moon landing, religious topics, etc. No, I'm not giving advice to that ethnic group.

I simply have expressed my opposition to people engaging in violence and in my first post in this thread I specifically said I don't want people to engage in violence where I live. It's pretty reasonable for me to not want people to go cause trouble where I live and this has nothing to do with whatever race it is.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
also, this btw I object to... I am engaged in a plot to diminish injustices? you can't open my heart and see my intentions so you have no business making that kind of assertion. I'm all for being against injustice, I haven't spoken in favor of injustice, I've simply expressed opposition to mobs of people going out and committing violence and destroying property.

just recently I made a thread condemning violent protestors in Peru burning an innocent policeman. I'm against violent protests in general and even though some want to make everything about race, I'm against violent protests in general regardless of race.

Statistically, the amount of violent protestors during the 2020 BLM protests were very small.

However, its been 2 years and you’re still focused on it.

You are right, I cannot tell your intentions but your rhetoric is telling.


Been there, done that
I doubt these victim blamers with human behavior degrees would show similar sentiments if it were a Somali guy.

Omar del Sur

Statistically, the amount of violent protestors during the 2020 BLM protests were very small.

However, its been 2 years and you’re still focused on it.

You are right, I cannot tell your intentions but your rhetoric is telling.

Telling of what? Yes, it is that same gimmick- everyone has to support blm or supposedly they are racist.

This is very dishonest especially with me. One of my most recent threads was attacking Peruvian Marxists. BLM is a Marxist group. What is blatantly obvious is that I'm against Marxism. Whether it's Lula, Pedro Castillo, BLM, etc.

I've also attacked the Muslim Brotherhood for basically the exact same reason- they promote the same sort of destabilizing behavior, violent protests, etc.

So it's very consistent- whether it's ikhwanis, Lula, etc.

I don't know what statistics you've seen on 2020 and whether they were accurate but I saw the smashed buildings where I live and... yes I have a problem with people coming where I live and causing violence and destroying property. If you think it's such a small thing, maybe your property should be destroyed.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Telling of what? Yes, it is that same gimmick- everyone has to support blm or supposedly they are racist.

This is very dishonest especially with me. One of my most recent threads was attacking Peruvian Marxists. BLM is a Marxist group. What is blatantly obvious is that I'm against Marxism. Whether it's Lula, Pedro Castillo, BLM, etc.

I've also attacked the Muslim Brotherhood for basically the exact same reason- they promote the same sort of destabilizing behavior, violent protests, etc.

So it's very consistent- whether it's ikhwanis, Lula, etc.

I don't know what statistics you've seen on 2020 and whether they were accurate but I saw the smashed buildings where I live and... yes I have a problem with people coming where I live and causing violence and destroying property. If you think it's such a small thing, maybe your property should be destroyed.

Where did I say support BLM or you’re racist.

You are projecting.


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