Criminalizing the Caliphate: Transforming Remembrance into Resistance

@The Oponian Guild why are you triggered at the thought of an Islamic Caliphate? It has wide support among Muslims and will indeed return, if not in the near future then it is also mentioned in ahadith. It is part and parcel of Islam and can not be separated. Since its demise the Muslim world has been in turmoil with hostile nations tearing it apart.

You have had a strange reaction. Are you Muslim?
It's quite ironic how the west criminalizes the caliphate but glorify their own empires, heck even the Roman Empire which unlike the Muslims Caliphates was a slave society and the average person within the Roman empire had no rights and were abused and forced into labor.

The other empires weren't even much better either just filled with violence, subjugation and exploitation, and serfs system they had throughout the middle ages was almost akin to chattel slavery.

Islamic Caliphates and Empires were far more progressive than any governing system devised in the western/European world.

As she describes in the article, they demonize the Caliphate and Islam because they fear it. It is their way of preemptively fighting it ever returning.

The state of the affairs especially in the Muslim world has never been so filled with human suffering, death, destruction, and opression until the abolishment of the Caliphate and falling under the control of the liberal/zionist world order.

This video illustrates just one example out of many, Algeria.

As she describes in the article, they demonize the Caliphate and Islam because they fear it. It is their way of preemptively fighting it ever returning.

The state of the affairs especially in the Muslim world has never been so filled with human suffering, death, destruction, and opression until the abolishment of the Caliphate and falling under the control of the liberal/zionist world order.

This video illustrates just one example out of many, Algeria.

That Daniel guy is always cooking.

He connects the history in a good way, they are on this continuing civilizing mission and employ the same colonial tactics of divide & conquer, invasion, bombing and genocide. The don't call it ''civilizing mission' anymore, they call it human, rights, democracy and freedom. At the same time they continue to advance their material financial interests of exploitation, under their guise of spreading development.

They really still don't see those actions contradict the moral beliefs they profess to have.
@The Oponian Guild why are you triggered at the thought of an Islamic Caliphate? It has wide support among Muslims and will indeed return, if not in the near future then it is also mentioned in ahadith. It is part and parcel of Islam and can not be separated. Since its demise the Muslim world has been in turmoil with hostile nations tearing it apart.

You have had a strange reaction. Are you Muslim?
Not triggered. Just stating that it’s not feasible in this time period. And it doesn’t have widespread public support at the moment, even the Islamic emirate in Afghanistan wishes to be confined to Afghanistan and not to expand.

Also yes I’m Muslim.
She is exploring his religous islamophobic discoursive narratives that he employed to justify his secular state-building ambitions.

You are blabbering about policies and state formation or bringing back the caliphate. She is not arguing for any of it. Or Christian vs Muslims.

She is exploring the use of ''Caliphate'' as a rhetorical image in political discourse throughout recent history where they locate this unchanging uniform concept of backwardness violence etc
Yeah she’s exploring it to make an example and formulate a point in her broader argument. I DONT AGREE WITH SAID POINTS.

how many times do I have to repeat myself
Not triggered. Just stating that it’s not feasible in this time period. And it doesn’t have widespread public support at the moment, even the Islamic emirate in Afghanistan wishes to be confined to Afghanistan and not to expand.

Also yes I’m Muslim.

No it does indeed have widespread support and of course it is feasible, it existed for most of our history, it not existing is the abnormality. What is not feasible is the current world order and the chaos and destruction is has caused.

Saying something is "not feasible" is meaningless, I am sure it has been said about nearly every polity until it was actualized.

Besides, it is Allah SWT who controls everything and it is part and parcel of our deen, if you are Muslim as you say take time to go and study it instead of opposing a part of our religion with nonsense claims.
That Daniel guy is always cooking.

He connects the history in a good way, they are on this continuing civilizing mission and employ the same colonial tactics of divide & conquer, invasion, bombing and genocide. The don't call it ''civilizing mission' anymore, they call it human, rights, democracy and freedom. At the same time they continue to advance their material financial interests of exploitation, under their guise of spreading development.

They really still don't see those actions contradict the moral beliefs they profess to have.

They also have spread the most death and destruction while doing it while spreading propaganda that it is the Muslims who want to spread death and destruction. It is a sinister propaganda ploy to turn everything on its head.

This is another good one he has done addressing some of the propaganda aimed at Islam/Muslims.

No it does indeed have widespread support and of course it is feasible, it existed for most of our history, it not existing is the abnormality. What is not feasible is the current world order and the chaos and destruction is has caused.

Saying something is "not feasible" is meaningless, I am sure it has been said about nearly every polity until it was actualized.

Besides, it is Allah SWT who controls everything and it is part and parcel of our deen, if you are Muslim as you say take time to go and study it instead of opposing a part of our religion with nonsense claims.
“Not feasible in this day and age” is what I said. Stop misconstruing and mincing my points. The very fact you’d level accusations of apostasy about something I clearly did not say just shows how disingenuous and unsportsmanlike you’ve been in this interaction.

if anything, I believe it’s you who’s in need of manners and akhlaq and I advise YOU to study the deen and learn how to debate or exchange opinions without ad hominems and accusations.
As she describes in the article, they demonize the Caliphate and Islam because they fear it. It is their way of preemptively fighting it ever returning.

The state of the affairs especially in the Muslim world has never been so filled with human suffering, death, destruction, and opression until the abolishment of the Caliphate and falling under the control of the liberal/zionist world order.

This video illustrates just one example out of many, Algeria.

I continued to watch this and its on point in every way

Towards the end summarizes 3 lessons we can learn from Algeria:

It's sucks that in recent years that him and others don't mention Somalia and Yemen, but mention other Muslim countries like Iraq. Syra etc as examples. Especially Somalia, we've been on the the Isreal infused Ethiopian plot to fracture Muslims. a US invasion, US Economic Warfare and been on the receiving on war on terror etc

I might contact the brother hopefully collaborate on a segment about Somalia in the near future, he is really a good at producing these types of videos. It's really well made.
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I continued to watch this and its on point in every way

Towards the end summarizes 3 lessons we can learn from Algeria:

It's sucks that in recent years that him and others don't mention Somalia and Yemen, but mention other Muslim countries like Iraq. Syra etc. Especially Somalia, we've been on the the Isreal infused Ethiopian plot to fracture Muslims. a US invasion, US Economic Warfare and been on the receiving on war on terror etc

I might contact the brother hopefully collaborate on a segment about Somalia in near future, he is really a good at producing these types of videos. It's really well made.

@Kun_Ciil watch this video.

They also have spread the most death and destruction while doing it while spreading propaganda that it is the Muslims who want to spread death and destruction. It is a sinister propaganda ploy to turn everything on its head.

This is also Isreal saying ''We are the most moral army in the world'' all while mass genociding and getting caught mass graping people and sticking metal tubes through peoples behind. This is human rights? yaab.

I mean how are you even defending yourself against a threat, when you are the one occupying, invading, attacking and meddling in their internal affairs? and not the other way around.

But we are bad people for simply resisting. It truly is a sinister propaganda like you said.

This is another good one he has done addressing some of the propaganda aimed at Islam/Muslims.

I have watched this one the first time you shared it some time ago, it was really eye opening.

I watched this video where he criticizes a youtuber for his zionist propaganda

In it he reveals a lot of revealing stuff about Judaism and Jewish practices. Stuff about how it used to be more polytheistic and henotheistic until it came it can in contact with Islam in the 7th century and it took a more monotheistic leaning. Also how Jewish texts preach race supremacy, genocide on the gentiles(non-jews) and anti black racism(kushi) and how leading rabis preach it.

But when he mentioned that we should go google ''The Law of Mesirah'',

I immediately realized how much this is connected to Isreal being a safe haven for foreign jewish pedophiles and Jeffrey Epstein longstanding cover up of sexual abuse of minors.
The mesirah doctrine came under intense public scrutiny in Australia in early 2015 as a result of evidence given to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse relating to an alleged long-running and systematic cover-up of child sexual abuse and the institutional protection of perpetrators at the exclusive Melbourne boys' school Yeshiva College. On 28 January 2015 Fairfax Media reported secret tape recordings and emails had been disclosed, which revealed that members of Australia's Orthodox Jewish community who assisted police investigations into alleged child sexual abuse were pressured to remain silent on the matter. Criminal barrister Alex Lewenberg was alleged to have been "disappointed", and to have berated a Jew who had been a victim of a Jewish sex offender and whom he subsequently regarded as a mossur for breaking with mesirah tradition.[17] Lewenberg was subsequently found guilty of professional misconduct

It's actually mind boggling really. This is what the west champions as beacon of democracy, freedom and human rights in the Middle East.
I would be careful pd taking daniel haqijatou at face value. The guy is extremely pro iran and even though he bashes so called "liberal imams" like yasir qadhi and omar suleiman and even saudi arabia. You will never see him crrize iran. If you look closely at his Twitter you can tell he's subtly shillings for them to the point that used pro assad talking points.
I would be careful pd taking daniel haqijatou at face value. The guy is extremely pro iran and even though he bashes so called "liberal imams" like yasir qadhi and omar suleiman and even saudi arabia. You will never see him crrize iran. If you look closely at his Twitter you can tell he's subtly shillings for them to the point that used pro assad talking points.

I looked at his wiki page and its says he was born as an iranian shia that reverted to sunni Islam. So perhaps there might a slight bias there

It could also be that he goes more in on liberalism and zionism, and those who he feels are alligned with it. Iran doesn't strike me as pro-zionist and a friend to the liberal west.
I continued to watch this and its on point in every way

Towards the end summarizes 3 lessons we can learn from Algeria:

It's sucks that in recent years that him and others don't mention Somalia and Yemen, but mention other Muslim countries like Iraq. Syra etc as examples. Especially Somalia, we've been on the the Isreal infused Ethiopian plot to fracture Muslims. a US invasion, US Economic Warfare and been on the receiving on war on terror etc

I might contact the brother hopefully collaborate on a segment about Somalia in the near future, he is really a good at producing these types of videos. It's really well made.

I think he is not well informed on it. He did some recent segments on Bangladesh and relied on a Bangladeshi teacher who reached out to him and provided him most of the information.

It would be great if you could reach out and provide the information as you are very informed on the topic. He has a large Muslim audience and is always willing to speak about Muslims plight.
I would be careful pd taking daniel haqijatou at face value. The guy is extremely pro iran and even though he bashes so called "liberal imams" like yasir qadhi and omar suleiman and even saudi arabia. You will never see him crrize iran. If you look closely at his Twitter you can tell he's subtly shillings for them to the point that used pro assad talking points.

Even if many of us disagree with him on Iran/alliance with shia it is not because he has some sinister motives. He genuinely believes we should ally with them despite their crimes on the issue of zionism/israel. It is in line with what he has been saying about them trying to divide and weaken Muslims.
I think he is not well informed on it. He did some recent segments on Bangladesh and relied on a Bangladeshi teacher who reached out to him and provided him most of the information.

It would be great if you could reach out and provide the information as you are very informed on the topic. He has a large Muslim audience and is always willing to speak about Muslims plight.

I will do this and more. Stay tuned in.