Curse the safavids

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

I curse the safavids, the bastards forced persians who were Shafi’i or Hanafi to the brainrot that we know as Shi’ism.

The forced conversion has been hazardous for the Ummah. Safavids fought against Ottomans on behalf of Europeans (Habsburgs). Not to many mention the continuos sectariasm financed by modern day Iran, who wish to turn all of middle east to Shi’ism. They haven’t even left africans alone, small but potentially growing numbers of africans are shia due to iranian money.

Many of the greatest scholars of Islam are persian by origin. Its absolutely sad to see their descendants be beholden to a false, idiotic plagiarised idiology.

I always thought iranians were always shia, but now my eyes have been opened. What a travesty.

Middle East would be very different with a sunni Iran. Inshallah Iran will be sunni again, With the might of Allah, anything is possible.

Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.
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Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.

Wooow. The west was exploiting sectarian split in Muslims even back then too, add this to another continuing historical trend

Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.
To be fair, the French also had alliances with the Ottomans. Religion was playing less of role in politics during that era.

Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.
The Safavids were pagan turks who butchered iranians and converted them to Shiaism forcefully and made it cursing the Sahaba especially the rightly guided caliphs in the a daily occurance in the mosques until Selim the first defeated them in Chaldiran and took Shah Ismail wives and his entire harems 😂

Selim married one of Ismail's wives to an Ottoman judge. In contrast to their previous exchanges, Ismail sent four envoys, gifts, and, in contrast to their previous exchanges, words of praise to Selim to help retrieve her. Instead of giving his wife back, Selim cut the messengers' noses off and sent them back empty-handed.

