Curse the safavids

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

I curse the safavids, the bastards forced persians who were Shafi’i or Hanafi to the brainrot that we know as Shi’ism.

The forced conversion has been hazardous for the Ummah. Safavids fought against Ottomans on behalf of Europeans (Habsburgs). Not to many mention the continuos sectariasm financed by modern day Iran, who wish to turn all of middle east to Shi’ism. They haven’t even left africans alone, small but potentially growing numbers of africans are shia due to iranian money.

Many of the greatest scholars of Islam are persian by origin. Its absolutely sad to see their descendants be beholden to a false, idiotic plagiarised idiology.

I always thought iranians were always shia, but now my eyes have been opened. What a travesty.

Middle East would be very different with a sunni Iran. Inshallah Iran will be sunni again, With the might of Allah, anything is possible.

Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.
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Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.

Wooow. The west was exploiting sectarian split in Muslims even back then too, add this to another continuing historical trend

Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.
To be fair, the French also had alliances with the Ottomans. Religion was playing less of role in politics during that era.

Ferdinand, the Ambassador of the Austrian king

“If it wasn’t for the Safavids of Iran, we would be reciting the Qur’an in Belgium and France as we do in Algeria.”
Had the Safavids not allied with the Austrian and stopping the western expansion of the Ottoman, the Ottomans and by extension Islam would’ve swept Central Europe.
The Safavids were pagan turks who butchered iranians and converted them to Shiaism forcefully and made it cursing the Sahaba especially the rightly guided caliphs in the a daily occurance in the mosques until Selim the first defeated them in Chaldiran and took Shah Ismail wives and his entire harems 😂

Selim married one of Ismail's wives to an Ottoman judge. In contrast to their previous exchanges, Ismail sent four envoys, gifts, and, in contrast to their previous exchanges, words of praise to Selim to help retrieve her. Instead of giving his wife back, Selim cut the messengers' noses off and sent them back empty-handed.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Ottomans had two job, the less glorious containing Shia Persia and incrustions into Europe

And you’ll notice when Persia is less reigned in the more the northwestern frontier is stagnant


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Also Iran would be a lot poorer without help from Azerbaijan laundering their their oil , gas, agricultural goods into turkey

Idk if Turks realize this but Fateh Gulan talks about this and the dangers of both Azeris and Iranians


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Also you’ll notice good focused leaderin the Ottoman Empire history successfully route Iran or are vigilant of its incursions and weak leaders ignored it–Persian_Wars


Wooow. The west was exploiting sectarian split in Muslims even back then too, add this to another continuing historical trend
The Ottomans and Safavids were not a sectarian conflict, this is completely false.

Both of them were actually Turkish empires, until the 20th century Iran’s official state and military language was Turkish. Persians were actually despised.

The conflict began because both the Ottomans and Safavids fought for control over the Anatolian Turkish nomads. This is why Kurdish people live across the Eastern regions and the border to Iran, due to population exchange.

The Ottomans were not even really Sunni and the Safavids were not even Shia but eventually this led to the sectarian divide as both sought to cement their control and rule.


The Ottomans and Safavids were not a sectarian conflict, this is completely false.

Both of them were actually Turkish empires, until the 20th century Iran’s official state and military language was Turkish. Persians were actually despised.

The conflict began because both the Ottomans and Safavids fought for control over the Anatolian Turkish nomads. This is why Kurdish people live across the Eastern regions and the border to Iran, due to population exchange.

The Ottomans were not even really Sunni and the Safavids were not even Shia but eventually this led to the sectarian divide as both sought to cement their control and rule.
come on bro. the safavids literally turned persians (and i think azeris) into a shia ethnic group. theres little sunnis left from persians. but more sunni azeris still present.
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The Ottomans and Safavids were not a sectarian conflict, this is completely false.

Both of them were actually Turkish empires, until the 20th century Iran’s official state and military language was Turkish. Persians were actually despised.

The conflict began because both the Ottomans and Safavids fought for control over the Anatolian Turkish nomads. This is why Kurdish people live across the Eastern regions and the border to Iran, due to population exchange.

The Ottomans were not even really Sunni and the Safavids were not even Shia but eventually this led to the sectarian divide as both sought to cement their control and rule.
Interesting. If the Ottomans were not really Sunni, what were they? Also, send me a link to your source please. This is interesting reading.


come on bro. the safavids literally turned persians (and i think azeris) into a shia ethnic group. theres little sunnis left from persians. but more sunni azeris still present.
They imported Shia clerics from Lebanon and Iraq and forced the Persians into Shi’ism.

”In day-to-day affairs, the language chiefly used at the Safavid court and by the great military and political officers, as well as the religious dignitaries, was Turkish, not Persian; and the last class of persons wrote their religious works mainly in Arabic. Those who wrote in Persian were either lacking in proper tuition in this tongue, or wrote outside Iran and hence at a distance from centers where Persian was the accepted vernacular, endued with that vitality and susceptibility to skill in its use which a language can have only in places where it truly belongs."

''Turkish is the common language at the Iranian court as well as the mother tongue of the Safavids in distinction of the language of the general populace. The use of Turkish spread from the court to the magnates and notables and finally to all those who hope to benefit from the shah, so that nowadays it is almost considered shameful for a respectable man not to know Turkish.''
Engelbert Kaempfer, Amoenitatum Exoticarum. Fasciculi V, Variae Relationes, Observationes et Descriptiones Rerum Persicarum (Lemgo, 1712 [Tehran, 1976]), 144.

The Safavid kings in Iran, from the beginning till the end of their rules, because of their mother-tongue and the majority of their army-men were Turks and Turkmens and the back-bone of the king‟s power and army, showed a great respect and concerns towards the Turkish language and Its related literature. Along with the progress of Turkification of the Safavid court and army in the beginning, the Turkish language, because of the strength behind it gained prestige and influence over the Persian language. Besides, at the same period the acute influence of Turkish language on Persian society reached such a level that countless Persian literary men left the country and for the better life went to India and the Ottoman Empire. For this reasons and so on the contemporary historians believe that the Persian language and literature had its high decline and “at any rate no doubt that during the Safavid period literature and poetry in Persia had sunk to a very low ebb and that not one single poet; of the first rank on be rekond as representing this epoch.”


Interesting. If the Ottomans were not really Sunni, what were they? Also, send me a link to your source please. This is interesting reading.
Well they definitely became Sunni later on, but that was after the conflict with the Safavids.

Both the Ottomans and Safavids are Turkish and their original religion is Tengrism, and prior to cementing their rule they were heavily influenced by Alevism, which is a mix of Islam and old Turkish beliefs and a bit of Shi’ism. The Ottoman Janissary were dominated by Alevis, and most of the Eastern regions of Turkey were inhabited by Alevi nomadic Turks until the Ottoman-Safavid conflict led to them having dual loyalties, then the Kurdish population exchange.

Even today, 10-20 % of Turkey’s population follows Alevism.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Well they definitely became Sunni later on, but that was after the conflict with the Safavids.

Both the Ottomans and Safavids are Turkish and their original religion is Tengrism, and prior to cementing their rule they were heavily influenced by Alevism, which is a mix of Islam and old Turkish beliefs and a bit of Shi’ism. The Ottoman Janissary were dominated by Alevis, and most of the Eastern regions of Turkey were inhabited by Alevi nomadic Turks until the Ottoman-Safavid conflict led to them having dual loyalties, then the Kurdish population exchange.

Even today, 10-20 % of Turkey’s population follows Alevism.
Alevism started as Sufi order adhering to Sunni beliefs, but later on, adopted shia teachings, they tried to turn it into something like Christianity.
Well they definitely became Sunni later on, but that was after the conflict with the Safavids.

Both the Ottomans and Safavids are Turkish and their original religion is Tengrism, and prior to cementing their rule they were heavily influenced by Alevism, which is a mix of Islam and old Turkish beliefs and a bit of Shi’ism. The Ottoman Janissary were dominated by Alevis, and most of the Eastern regions of Turkey were inhabited by Alevi nomadic Turks until the Ottoman-Safavid conflict led to them having dual loyalties, then the Kurdish population exchange.

Even today, 10-20 % of Turkey’s population follows Alevism.
So basically Osman I and his people werent trad Sunni?
The Ottomans and Safavids were not a sectarian conflict, this is completely false.

Both of them were actually Turkish empires, until the 20th century Iran’s official state and military language was Turkish. Persians were actually despised.

The conflict began because both the Ottomans and Safavids fought for control over the Anatolian Turkish nomads. This is why Kurdish people live across the Eastern regions and the border to Iran, due to population exchange.

The Ottomans were not even really Sunni and the Safavids were not even Shia but eventually this led to the sectarian divide as both sought to cement their control and rule.
That’s a micro analysis of a specific factor, but it’s pretty much impossible to say that the safavids weren’t ardent and even extreme twelver Shias, only with the advent of the Afsharids and later Qajars did the persecution of Sunni Muslims somewhat lessen.

As for the Ottomans I do think they were ardent Sunnis, Sultan Selim I believe expelled his own Turkish kin who were shias and allowed for his co religionist Sunni Kurds to be patronised and given the lands and posts held by the previous Turkish nomads in the east.

p.s, a lot of these Turkish nomads who’d become Shia settled in Azerbaijan and accelerated the turkification of the region, hence why in modern times the relationship between turkey and Azerbaijan is strong.


That’s a micro analysis of a specific factor, but it’s pretty much impossible to say that the safavids weren’t ardent and even extreme twelver Shias, only with the advent of the Afsharids and later Qajars did the persecution of Sunni Muslims somewhat lessen.

As for the Ottomans I do think they were ardent Sunnis, Sultan Selim I believe expelled his own Turkish kin who were shias and allowed for his co religionist Sunni Kurds to be patronised and given the lands and posts held by the previous Turkish nomads in the east.

p.s, a lot of these Turkish nomads who’d become Shia settled in Azerbaijan and accelerated the turkification of the region, hence why in modern times the relationship between turkey and Azerbaijan is strong.
You mean they expelled the Alevis? No, they done that because of tensions with Safavids and only along the Iran border.

You can see a map of Alevi/Kurdish distribution:


You mean they expelled the Alevis? No, they done that because of tensions with Safavids and only along the Iran border.

You can see a map of Alevi/Kurdish distribution:

View attachment 345044
View attachment 345045
The alevis are a minority, and they’re a mix of Shia Kurds, Arabs, and Turks.

the Turkish kin I’m referring to are the nomadic Qizilbash who were extreme twelver shia, which previously lived in Anatolia until the ottoman authorities took measures to expel them after the Sahkulu rebellion.