Curse the safavids


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
The Ottomans and Safavids were not a sectarian conflict, this is completely false.

Both of them were actually Turkish empires, until the 20th century Iran’s official state and military language was Turkish. Persians were actually despised.

The conflict began because both the Ottomans and Safavids fought for control over the Anatolian Turkish nomads. This is why Kurdish people live across the Eastern regions and the border to Iran, due to population exchange.

The Ottomans were not even really Sunni and the Safavids were not even Shia but eventually this led to the sectarian divide as both sought to cement their control and rule.
Ottomans were Sunni Muslim and were seriously invested in defending and protecting Sunni causes around the world, even in realms beyond their power or geopolitical benefits. They sent envoys to Southeast Asia to see the situation of the Malay Java and Yemeni Muslims under the Dutch

Also it’s slanderous to claim they weren’t Muslim

They openly fought for jihad

Also bring kin dosent mean alliance, Somalis fought their kin E v32 Christians for centuries
Ottomans were Sunni Muslim and were seriously invested in defending and protecting Sunni causes around the world, even in realms beyond their power or geopolitical benefits. They sent envoys to Southeast Asia to see the situation of the Malay Java and Yemeni Muslims under the Dutch

Also it’s slanderous to claim they weren’t Muslim

They openly fought for jihad

Also bring kin dosent mean alliance, Somalis fought their kin E v32 Christians for centuries
Amhara are not kin, they’re not related to us, they’re highly admixed with mota and other forager populations, in addition to their natufian input, the ancestors of the modern Somalis were living in the horn before the formation of the Amhara and other groups related to them.


come on bro. the safavids literally turned persians (and i think azeris) into a shia ethnic group. theres little sunnis left from persians. but more sunni azeris still present.
Islam is slowly returning to Iran, though.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Amhara are not kin, they’re not related to us, they’re highly admixed with mota and other forager populations, in addition to their natufian input, the ancestors of the modern Somalis were living in the horn before the formation of the Amhara and other groups related to them.
I didn’t mean Amhara but their auxiliaries, habasha technically are J


Also bring kin dosent mean alliance, Somalis fought their kin E v32 Christians for centuries
The Safavid and Ottomans shared the same qabiil, and spoke the same language. They both followed the traditional nomadic Tengri culture and aspired to unify Turks under their rule

Your example would make sense if it was two Darood sub clans, not random Amharas who barely even look like us.
The Safavid and Ottomans shared the same qabiil, and spoke the same language. They both followed the traditional nomadic Tengri culture and aspired to unify Turks under their rule

Your example would make sense if it was two Darood sub clans, not random Amharas who barely even look like us.
I don’t think the Turks practiced any shamanism by the 14-15th century, during their initial conversion around 9-11th century yeah they would’ve been rather syncretic and lax in their practice of Islam.

but they became Persianate and patronised the Persian language, sciences, maths etc etc as they grew more sophisticated and by the 15th century they would’ve barely been culturally Turkic like their ancestors, their language being heavily modified with Persian and Arabic loanwords etc.
The Ottomans and Safavids were not a sectarian conflict, this is completely false.

Both of them were actually Turkish empires, until the 20th century Iran’s official state and military language was Turkish. Persians were actually despised.

The conflict began because both the Ottomans and Safavids fought for control over the Anatolian Turkish nomads. This is why Kurdish people live across the Eastern regions and the border to Iran, due to population exchange.

The Ottomans were not even really Sunni and the Safavids were not even Shia but eventually this led to the sectarian divide as both sought to cement their control and rule.
What type of historical revinism is this ??? the conflict between the ottomans and the Safvids was a sectarian one as the Safavids made their main objective in ruling to be the eradication of Sunni Islam in Iran and the wider Khorosan regions and made the cursing of the sahabas and mothers of the believers become a daily ritual practice and hey also build a shrine dedicated to Abu Lulu al Majoosi the assassinator of the caliph Omar RA, hence why the Ottoman mufti called for their death and the Alevis in Anatolia be killed and their properties be confiscated by the Muslims.

Nader Shah who took power in Iran after kicking out the Afghans who overthrew the Safavids tried to moderate 12ver shiasm and got rid many of the blasphemous acts that and practices that safavids introduced so Ja'farism could be accepted and recognized as 5th fiqh school in Sunni Islam but with no avail as Shia rawafid clerics didn't want to be united with the Sunnis or to bring the entire ummah together when comes to the religion as the khumus the money or the tax that shia people pay to the clergy was too much for them to let go so Nadir Shah died without restoring Sunni Islam to Iran.

Ismail enforced the ritual of cursing of the first three Sunni caliphs as usurpers, from all mosques, disbanded Sunni Tariqahs and seized their assets, used state patronage to develop Shia shrines, institutions and religious art and imported Shia scholars to replace Sunni scholars. He killed Sunnis and destroyed and desecrated their graves and mosques. This caused the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II (who initially congratulated Ismail on his victories) to advise and ask the young monarch (in a "fatherly" manner) to stop the anti-Sunni actions. However, Ismail ignored Bayezid's warning and continued to spread the Shia faith by the sword. He persecuted, imprisoned, exiled, and executed stubbornly resistant Sunnis.

With the establishment of Safavid rule, there was a very raucous and colourful, almost carnival-like holiday on 26 Dhu al-Hijjah (or alternatively, 9 Rabi' al-awwal) celebrating the Umar Kushan ("killing of Umar") by Abu Lu'lua.

This the "Iran" you support because of "Palestinian cause" while they publicly insult caliph Omar RA and celebrate the day he died


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
What type of historical revinism is this ??? the conflict between the ottomans and the Safvids was a sectarian one as the Safavids made their main objective in ruling to be the eradication of Sunni Islam in Iran and the wider Khorosan regions and made the cursing of the sahabas and mothers of the believers become a daily ritual practice and hey also build a shrine dedicated to Abu Lulu al Majoosi the assassinator of the caliph Omar RA, hence why the Ottoman mufti called for their death and the Alevis in Anatolia be killed and their properties be confiscated by the Muslims.

Nader Shah who took power in Iran after kicking out the Afghans who overthrew the Safavids tried to moderate 12ver shiasm and got rid many of the blasphemous acts that and practices that safavids introduced so Ja'farism could be accepted and recognized as 5th fiqh school in Sunni Islam but with no avail as Shia rawafid clerics didn't want to be united with the Sunnis or to bring the entire ummah together when comes to the religion as the khumus the money or the tax that shia people pay to the clergy was too much for them to let go so Nadir Shah died without restoring Sunni Islam to Iran.

This the "Iran" you support because of "Palestinian cause" while they publicly insult caliph Omar RA and celebrate the day he died
Also Ottomans we’re Hanfi Muslims who prayed the five Salah, idk how that can be not really Muslim


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Shah Ismacil was barbaric. He converted to Shia-ism, imported a bunch of Arab Shia jurists and forcefully converted Persians in the name of created a distinct religious identify that differentiated his people from the Ottomans?? :what1:

prince aqoonlyu.png

prince aqoonlyu2.png

making sunnis eat pork.png


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
also they have a strong history of supporting Sunni Muslims , keeping Egypt stable and safe from Europe, making sure Iraq was safe for centuries, ,and they even supported Pushto tribes in their incursions into Iran

Furthermore they left good traces in Europe how are Balkan Muslims Sunni if they weren’t
The Ottomans defended us and our Swahili neighbors from the leper skinned poorteguese. May Allah give the highest seat in paradise to the ghazi sons of Osman and may his curse be upon those who curse the Sahaba.


Persian sunnis that exist now are Tajiks in central asia and Afghanistan
tajiks fall under the turkic ethnic umbrella even though they speak a variant of persian. but there are ethnic persian sunnis in iran. im not talking about the turkmens balochs etc.

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What type of historical revinism is this ??? the conflict between the ottomans and the Safvids was a sectarian one as the Safavids made their main objective in ruling to be the eradication of Sunni Islam in Iran and the wider Khorosan regions and made the cursing of the sahabas and mothers of the believers become a daily ritual practice and hey also build a shrine dedicated to Abu Lulu al Majoosi the assassinator of the caliph Omar RA, hence why the Ottoman mufti called for their death and the Alevis in Anatolia be killed and their properties be confiscated by the Muslims.

Nader Shah who took power in Iran after kicking out the Afghans who overthrew the Safavids tried to moderate 12ver shiasm and got rid many of the blasphemous acts that and practices that safavids introduced so Ja'farism could be accepted and recognized as 5th fiqh school in Sunni Islam but with no avail as Shia rawafid clerics didn't want to be united with the Sunnis or to bring the entire ummah together when comes to the religion as the khumus the money or the tax that shia people pay to the clergy was too much for them to let go so Nadir Shah died without restoring Sunni Islam to Iran.

This the "Iran" you support because of "Palestinian cause" while they publicly insult caliph Omar RA and celebrate the day he died
Why did you say “Palestinian cause” as if it’s a conspiracy theory?

Here is what is envisioned by the Israeli government, but obviously you are a Salafi-Zionist which is why you are indifferent to the genocide and ethnic cleansing.



Why did you say “Palestinian cause” as if it’s a conspiracy theory?

Here is what is envisioned by the Israeli government, but obviously you are a Salafi-Zionist which is why you are indifferent to the genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Iran bought billions worth Israeli weaponry to overthrow Saddam's regime.
Why did you say “Palestinian cause” as if it’s a conspiracy theory?

Here is what is envisioned by the Israeli government, but obviously you are a Salafi-Zionist which is why you are indifferent to the genocide and ethnic cleansing.

The Zionist or the jews are enemies we can see who don't hide their true intentions but the rafidha and the Iranian regime you support are the biggest enemies of Islam who want to destroy our religion from within hence why the curse the sahaba and the mother of the believers who have transmitted the religion and the sunnah to us and also doubting the authenticity of the Quran that is exists between our hands and claiming the real one is with the supposed hidden Mahdi.

One of the main clerics in Shia tweleverism whose books are source of Shia jurisprudence, Mirza Hussain Noori Tabarasi, wrote a 900 page book called "The Final Verdict Proving the Corruption of the Book of the Lord of the Lord's" trying to proof that the Quran that we have now isn't the same Quran that was reveled to the prophet as the Sahaba have corrupted it all and he's btw buried alongside Ali's grave in Najaf. So how come are shia's are Muslims when they say all the blasmphous stuff ???


The Zionist or the jews are enemies we can see who don't hide their true intentions but the rafidha and the Iranian regime you support are the biggest enemies of Islam who want to destroy our religion from within hence why the curse the sahaba and the mother of the believers who have transmitted the religion and the sunnah to us and also doubting the authenticity of the Quran that is exists between our hands and claiming the real one is with the supposed hidden Mahdi.

One of the main clerics in Shia tweleverism whose books are source of Shia jurisprudence, Mirza Hussain Noori Tabarasi, wrote a 900 page book called "The Final Verdict Proving the Corruption of the Book of the Lord of the Lord's" trying to proof that the Quran that we have now isn't the same Quran that was reveled to the prophet as the Sahaba have corrupted it all and he's btw buried alongside Ali's grave in Najaf. So how come are shia's are Muslims when they say all the blasmphous stuff ???
Twelvers don’t believe the Qur’an is missing, you are talking about an extreme sect within the Akhbari branch that has weird views, but they’re an extinct sect that was defeated by Usuli Twelvers.

The Akbari sect were the extremists responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Sunnis in Iran under the Safavid.
tajiks fall under the turkic ethnic umbrella even though they speak a variant of persian. but there are ethnic persian sunnis in iran. im not talking about the turkmens balochs etc.

Tajiks aren't "Turks" they're khorosani Persians who speak a Persian dialect closer to the Middle Persian language. Imam Bukhari', Imam Tirmidhi and Imam al Nasa'i are all from Khorosan.

They don't fall under that term or that umberella as everyone in the region knows them to be Persians and Iranians.

Ahmed Shah Massoud was a tajik does he look like to you a Turkic??

Twelvers don’t believe the Qur’an is missing, you are talking about an extreme sect within the Akhbari branch that has weird views, but they’re an extinct sect that was defeated by Usuli Twelvers.

The Akbari sect were the extremists responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Sunnis in Iran under the Safavid.
Man I just gave you an usuli main shia cleric whose works are relied upon by the shi'as today and the Quran being corrupt is part of their creed as that validates their criticisms against the Sahaba and that Ali is the chosen successor of the prophet to lead the ummah.

Btw Tabarsi book is still published in Iran and Qom

