Make Dhulos Great Again
The land of Cush was originally in Arabia, the ancient Arabians were cushites, there were two races in ancient Arabia. The ancient cushites and the semites who came later on... the semites Arabians came at the time when the Israelites migrated to the land of Canaan the were mainly in the hedjaz region....ETHIOPIA TRANSLATES AS CUSH IN HEBREW
Cushites migrated from Arabia into Africa and Asia...the Phoenicians, chaldeans were descendants of Cush, they brought science, maths, astronomy everything we were KANGGGZZZ !!
We migrated from arabiaaa into Africa negus...
Cushites migrated from Arabia into Africa and Asia...the Phoenicians, chaldeans were descendants of Cush, they brought science, maths, astronomy everything we were KANGGGZZZ !!
We migrated from arabiaaa into Africa negus...