Cushites ruled the known world...

When you hear cush it is actually referring to the kishon river or gazzan waterbed north of zebid. Its apparently here that the sabean musaikiya settled with the azd and furnished the name Ghassan.

According also to the Arabic texts of Al –Baladhuri and others, this people called al-Azd had in ancient times come to settle near a Yemenite “spring” or pool of water called Ghassan. Philip Hitti’s translation of al-Baladhuri’s text, Origins of the Islamic State reads, “… al-Azd had settled near a spring called Ghassan. Hence their name Ghassan.” (Hitti, 1916, 2011, p. 32).
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Ancient Somalis had a similar tribal structure to the Israelites. The Israelites were divided into 12 tribes and Somalis into 9 tribes. These nine are known as Sagaalka Samaale.

Also, the people Somalis claimed were the rendile, not the amhara although there is undeniable blood relation between us.

The Rendile trace descent from Maqarre Samaale. The linguistic similarity between our languages are futher proof. The Oral account claims that they apostated from Islam but that is not complete truth.
The Rendile apostated from the old Noahic religion of Somalis. Abroone, the grandfather, in one account re discovered Tawheed of Nuh pbuh through some scrolls and re-established Tawheed
sounds like mythology but interesting nonetheless. we will never know
It was apparently at this lake that the yemenite Amr Musaikiya passed away

Al-Masudi also speaks of the story of early Azd people under their prophetic leader Amr Muzaikiyya and his diviner wife Zarifeh whose story parallels the biblical Midianite Moses and wife Zipphorah, the so-called “Cushite”. In his story - 'They continued on their way and came to a camp between the land of the Aharites and Akk, near a pool named Gassan, between two valleys called Zebid and Rima, and they drank the water of the pool" (Velikovsky, Collected Essays, Archive). This Rima could only refer to modern Rima or Rema’a in Yemen not far from the valley or “wadi” called Zabid
. The Book of Numbers 21:12 paralleling the story of the Azd mentions this region of Zebid with reference to Moses, and authors rendered the word as “Zerid” or “Zared” - “From thence they removed [i.e., from the wilderness which is before Moab, toward the sunrising], and pitched in the valley of Zerid. From thence they removed and pitched on the other side of Arnon ... And from thence to Beer [pool]: that is, the well whereof the Lord spake unto Moses…” (Velikovsky)

Finally the book of Judges 4:7, 4:13 and 5:21 refers to the same area as “brook”, “stream” or “torrent valley of Kishon” where Canaanites were swept away. “The river of Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon.”
When did Somalis start practicing "WE wuZ n sHiitz"?

We are not Arabian, we are Somali. Stop begging midget dhegcas, it's embarrassing.
From Ibn Mudjawir we learn that the Tihama plain in fact located between the Wadi Zabid and Rema'a in the Yemen retained its ancient name "Kush" or Kus even into the Islamic era. Ibn Mugawir, Tarikh 83
“The tradition related by Mas’udi is that Amran the diviner indicated the direction that each family should take according to its strength and courage. Those who followed Amr Muzaikiya himself journeyed to the land of Akk which is on the seacoast in the Northern part of Yemen, and were received hospitably by the tribes. Here they

established themselves, according to Mas’udi, near a pool called Ghassan, from which they afterwards took their name; and here ‘Amr died. He was succeeded by his son Tha’labeh, in whose time or soon after it, the emigrants, who were called from their ancestor the Benu Azd, came into the district of Mecca, and either destroyed or greatly reduced the power of Jorhom.”

Although this historian says hospitably were the Azd welcomed by the Akk most other historians make it known it was by brute force.
After this
Two other famous populations led north to settle in the area of Medina and Mecca affiliated with the Ghassan/Kushan were the historically-documented tribes of Aus or Aws and Khazraj or Khazras. By tradition the Gassanides were kinsmen to the Aws and Khazraj - the grandfather of Gassan being Jafna, brother of the grandfather of Aws and Khazraj.
Another account of Amr Muzaikiya and his migration by the 9th century Al-Baladhuri
Seeing what happened, Muzaikiyah, i.e. Amr bin Amir…ibn Amru’l Kais…ibn –Yarub ibn Kahtan sold all of the property and cattle he possessed summoned together the Azd and started together to the land of the tribe of Akk…the tribe of Akk was distressed at the fall of their lands into the hands of al-Azd and asked the latter to evacuate their lands. ‘ We are the descendants of Ghassan of Mazin there is no doubt, the Ghassan versus the Akk of Akk and they shall see whether we or they are the weaker.’ Previous to this al Azd had settled near a spring called Ghassan. Hence their name Ghassan… After settling in Najran they departed with the exception of a few who had special reasons to stay. Al Azd finally arrived in Mecca which was populated with the Jurhum tribe. They made their abode in batn el Marr.”
Several more accounts of the yemenite Amr Muzaikiya and his Cushite/ghassanid followers:

According to Ibn Ishaq also, the Azd tribes led by Muzaikiyya ‘s descendants settled between Jiddah and Mecca “with their hordes of horsemen” in Marr el Zahran, a days journey from Mecca and were called Khaza’a or Banu Khuza’a. It is they who later drove out the tribe of Jurhum.
The 9th century Persian Al-Baladhuri made the following assertion “They made their abode in Batn Marr. Tha’labah the son of Amr Muzaikiya demanded that the plain of Jurhum be given to his people. This request having been refused, a battle ensued in which Tha’labah got control of the plain. “ (Hitti,2002, p. 32).The Banu Khaza'a are traditionally descendants of Tha'labah.
Similarly we are told in the Kitab al-Aghani:

When Allah sent the breaking of the dam of Arim on the people of Marib, which was the tribe of Azd, there arose their leader and said, 'Whoever has a sufficient camel and a milk-skin and a strong water skin, let him turn from the herds of cattle, for this a day of care, and let him betake himself to Ath-thinyu min shann – it is said to be in as-Shara, and those who settled there were Azd of Shanua' then he continued, ‘and whoever is in misery and poverty and patience against the staits of this world let him betake himself to Batn Marr’ – those who dwelt there were the tribe Khuza’a…. ‘And who desireth things rooted in mud and nourished of dust, let him betake himself to Yathrib, rich in palm trees’ – those who settled there were the tribes of Aws and Khazraj.” from Aghani, Vol. XIX, (Macdonald, D., 1909, p. 21)
There is thus an unquestionable parallel to the story of this Marr of Muzaikia with the "Marah" where Moses led his people in the book of Exodus Chapter 15:23 where the chapter reads - “Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah.” Exodus 15:23.
Unfortunately western misinterpretation of the ancient place names of the Hebrews now places the Marah somehow near Gaza far away from where Moses ( who was, in fact, the Arabian Muzaikia) once roamed.
Furthermore Ibn Kathir then writes of the battle of the followers of Muzaikiya, i.e. Amr ibn ‘Amir of the tribe of Lukhami or “Lakhum”, a descendant of Azd who descended from Saba through Uraib mentioned previously- against the descendants of ‘Ak or Akk whose name is curiously like that of Og, son of Anak, a remnant of the Rephaim or "Emim" and an Amorite king who fought against Moses.

@Samaalic Era
In the arabian traditions, moses is held to be a descendant of saba. You shouldnt pay too much mind to exact lineage. All that is certain is that he was of the seed of the righteous prophet noah AS. He was a noahite.
@Samaalic Era Luqman is referred to Balaam in the bible.

Baalam who appears as Lokman the Adite in Arabian tradition, who were all considered “Adite”, “Amalekite” or “Sabaean” chiefs of the Qahtan from Yemen settling in the Hijaz.
The time period to which these chiefs lived according to most accounts is some time in the 2nd millennium B.C., or else the time of David, Goliath and Solomon and it was thus said that “Lokman allakber dispatched Marsad b. A’fyr, with Kyl b. Ghafar, and Lakym B. Hezal and Jehlah b. A’fyry, with many other chiefs of the people, to Mekkah to pray for rain. At that time the descendants of Tasm b. Lawuz, brother of A’mlyk, as well as the descendants of Jadys b. A’aber b. Arem b. Sam b. Nuh who were likewise A’adites, resided in Yemamah, which bore the name of Jaww, whilst the descendants of A’mlyk b. Lawuz b. Sam b. Nuh dwelt in Mekkah” (Rehatsen, 1869, p. 209).

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
I have a theory that Gaxajis/Dir Somali males decedent from 2000 year old Yemeni Azd tribesmen who fled Yemen when the dam there collapsed. So far, it seems pretty possible since we share the same subclade of T1a from a random Saudi dude.
The tribe of Ad was descended from Ad, the son of Aws, the son of Aram, the son of Sem the son of Noah who after the confusion of tongues, settled in al Ahkaf or the winding sands in the province of Hadramaut, where his posterity greatly multiplied. Their first king was Shedad the son of Ad of whom the eastern writers deliver many fabulous things…” FromThe Koran, translation and notes by George Sale,” 1890, p.5.
I have a theory that Gaxajis/Dir Somali males decedent from 2000 year old Yemeni Azd tribesmen who fled Yemen when the dam there collapsed. So far, it seems pretty possible since we share the same subclade of T1a from a random Saudi dude.
Interesting you say that.
I am also concocting a thesis in which the Sab( of sab and samaale) are traced to the sabeans of yemen. You see it is well recorded that the azd were black and and that they spread north south east and logically they went WEST into the horn region as well. Its only like a 30 mile journey across bab elmandab. Considering also the oromo have an eponymous answer called Iram( ie Iram, the place of the dyke)

"ارم ذات العماد التي لم يخلق مثلها في البلاد"
It seems the e1b1b isaq were the puntite berbers who were originally there. Ofcourse they too are noahites but they came a little earlier.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Interesting you say that.
I am also concocting a thesis in which the Sab( of sab and samaale) are traced to the sabeans of yemen. You see it is well recorded that the azd were black and and that they spread north south east and logically they went WEST into the horn region as well. Its only like a 30 mile journey across bab elmandab. Considering also the oromo have an eponymous answer called Iram( ie Iram, the place of the dyke)
View attachment 73733
"ارم ذات العماد التي لم يخلق مثلها في البلاد"
It seems the e1b1b isaq were the puntite berbers who were originally there. Ofcourse they too are noahites but they came a little earlier.
I found this image of Azd Arabs,


they look pretty similar to Somalis. Could explain Dir/Gaxajis carrying an Arabian paternal haplogroup well looking exactly like other Somalis.:hmm:
I found this image of Azd Arabs,

View attachment 73734

they look pretty similar to Somalis. Could explain Dir/Gaxajis carrying an Arabian paternal haplogroup well looking exactly like other Somalis.:hmm:
The entirety of arabia was like the azd. War mahaysid nin yahow. Stay tuned sxb.
The Azd are the mighty Ghassanids of the levant, aws and khazraj, khuza, and beni shanuah. 4 went north and 6 either stayed or went south(ie horn africa). The azd that conquered the hijaz are still there, they are called dawasir. They are Bedouins and those that know no better say they are black because they're slaves but wallah that is not the truth. I will discussed them soon.

The Azd are semites sons of saba son Yarub son of Qahtan son of Iram son of Sem Son of Noah

Tafsir Ibn Kathir:
(It was neither a land nor a woman. It was a man who had ten children, six of whom went Yemen and four of whom went Ash-Sham. Those who went Ash-Sham were Lakhm, Judham, `Amilah and Ghassan. Those who went south were Kindah, Al-Ash`ariyyun, Al-Azd, Madhhij, Himyar and Anmar.) A man asked, `Who are Anmar' He said:

«الَّذِينَ مِنْهُمْ خَثْعَمُ وَبَجِيلَة»

(Those among whom are Khath`am and Bajilah. )'' This was recorded by At-Tirmidhi in his Jami` ﴿Sunan﴾ in more detail than this; then he said, "This is a Hasan Gharib Hadith.'' The genealogists -- including Muhammad bin Ishaq -- said, "The name of Saba' was `Abd Shams bin Yashjub bin Ya`rub bin Qahtan; he was called Saba' because he was the first Arab tribe to disperse. He was also known as Ar-Ra'ish, because he was the first one to take booty in war and give it to his people, so he was called Ar-Ra'ish; because the Arabs call wealth Rish or Riyash. They differ over Qahtan, about whom there were three views. (The first) he descended from the line of Iram bin Sam bin Nuh, then there were three different views over how he descended from him.

(Dir means to disperse. Ilaahay ayaa kala diray. Like sab'a means to disperse)
More of Loqman Al-Hakim. In arabian traditions he is son of Ba'ura, similarly Balaam is son of Beor in the bible

Balam is said to be also Bela son of Beor or Bil’am son of Beor. This biblical Be’or, was called the first king of Edom, and also a “man of rank among the Midianites.” The story of Balaam, "a diviner", takes place in the plains of Midian not long after the time of Moses. According to the Syrian al-Masudi, Loqman lived in the region of Midian as well. Bil’am or Baalam was summoned by Baalak, a ruler of Mo’ab to use his sorcery and curse the Israelites. But, most convincingly, the “Book of Enoch” simply states that Balaam or Balaamhe was called Loknin (Lokman) in Arabia (See The Twentieth Century Outlook on Holy Scripture: A Familiar literary Review, 1913, p. 101, The Holy Bible According to the Authorized Version, p. Vol. 1 Frederick Charles Cook, 1872, p. 739 and The Jewish Encyclopedia 1912, Isidore Singer, Cyrus Adler p. 90-91)
Even in medieval Jewish literature Baalam and Luqman “the Wise” are also touted as one and the same person. Petrus Alfonsi, a 12thcentury Jew of Spain wrote -
Balaam, who in the Arabic language is called Luqman, said to his son: Do not let an ant be wiser than you, who gathers in the summer so that he may live in winter….” Bil’am or Baalam was summoned by Baalak, a ruler of Mo’ab to use his sorcery and curse the Israelites"
Tabari also mentions Ma’ad in connection with the Yemenite land of Shamran or Biblical Simran/Zimran another "brother of Midian" and "Madan".
After speaking of Lihamm or “Lehummim” and Ma’add he goes on to say in his Muhammad at Mecca that the Ma’add were brethren to the Akk who had lived in Shamran–

Some genealogists say that ‘Akk departed from Samran, in the Yemen , leaving his brother Ma’add. This is because when the people of Hadur killed Shu’ayb b. Dhi Mahdam al Haduri, God sent Nebuchadnezzar against them as a punishment. Armiya and Barkhiya went away taking Ma’add with them and when the warfare had died down they took him back to Mecca. ..They quote the following verses in proof of the above story: We left our brothers, al Dith and’Akk on their way to Samran and they departed quickly”. (Watt and McDonald, 1988, p. 37)

Ofcourse Armiya and Barkhiya are none other Than Jeremiah the weeping prophet and his friend Baruch, who also lived during the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Coincidence? I think not.
("In Jeremiah 36:4 mention is made of the two who lived in the time of Nebuchadnezzar.")

This Armiya and Barkhiya associates of Prophet Shu'ayb AS were according to Tabari from the Yemen region. Certainly not the levant.

@Samaalic Era

Samaalic Era

Tabari also mentions Ma’ad in connection with the Yemenite land of Shamran or Biblical Simran/Zimran another "brother of Midian" and "Madan".
After speaking of Lihamm or “Lehummim” and Ma’add he goes on to say in his Muhammad at Mecca that the Ma’add were brethren to the Akk who had lived in Shamran–

Some genealogists say that ‘Akk departed from Samran, in the Yemen , leaving his brother Ma’add. This is because when the people of Hadur killed Shu’ayb b. Dhi Mahdam al Haduri, God sent Nebuchadnezzar against them as a punishment. Armiya and Barkhiya went away taking Ma’add with them and when the warfare had died down they took him back to Mecca. ..They quote the following verses in proof of the above story: We left our brothers, al Dith and’Akk on their way to Samran and they departed quickly”. (Watt and McDonald, 1988, p. 37)

Ofcourse Armiya and Barkhiya are none other Than Jeremiah the weeping prophet and his friend Baruch, who also lived during the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Coincidence? I think not.
("In Jeremiah 36:4 mention is made of the two who lived in the time of Nebuchadnezzar.")

This Armiya and Barkhiya associates of Prophet Shu'ayb AS were according to Tabari from the Yemen region. Certainly not the levant.

@Samaalic Era

I thought Armiya the weeping Prophet was based in Jerusalem and then after the siege went Egypt but this info is interesting.
Another interesting thing is that when I was in Somalia, there is a place in Xamar where some locals called Khidir and that Khidir came here.

The locations of many events in the Qur'an may not actually be based in Palestine but in Southern Arabia and Horn of Africa.
I thought Armiya the weeping Prophet was based in Jerusalem and then after the siege went Egypt but this info is interesting.
Another interesting thing is that when I was in Somalia, there is a place in Xamar where some locals called Khidir and that Khidir came here.

The locations of many events in the Qur'an may not actually be based in Palestine but in Southern Arabia and Horn of Africa.
The thing about xamar is that its self evident thats theres' a connection between himyarites(south arabians, also said to be descendants of sabeans by the greeks) and hamar.

