Damn ONLF Are Massive

@Teeri-Alpha it's quite scary if that's your 'active' army only and 5-10% of ogaden capacity in 18-40 Male segment. Cause that segment there in Liyu and ONLF is already quite large and if only 5-10%, it's scary what full active ogaden males 18-40 looks like. It will be like Roman Empire in Somali clans.

why do you think habashi ask are you Ogaden or somali? because they know,

why do you think the oromo mases with langab somalis on the border, cagjar sent 2000 boys few weeks ago to canfaar ciise border, they stopped, have you heard about somalis being killed, anymore?


last week cagjar sent liyu to border, they attacked us, i do not know how many we killed, but reer amadin alone a sub sub sub clan of reer cabdulle lost 20 reer amadin, but we kileld dozens,

cabdil iley would sent 20,000 men, about 55 of liyu polcie, liyu is 80,000 to ahmaar and oromo lands, cabdi iley used liyu to kill ahmaar and oromo for years, he was weeding them down,

we have been trained by the best, its why cabdi iley culled HG, killed 4000 of them after they ataaked a bah gerri man and his wife and kid and poisoned the water well on the border our side and killed 20 wagardac marehan , he sent 2 liyu to tlak, they killed them, he sent 2 ogaden officials the animals killed them

he killed 4000 HG, took 600 females kids ad placed them in a camp, he burned 200 villages they built inside the border of DDS, we allowed them as somali refuges, he placed them in a camp with no food or water, then he made abdikariim galmudug president to come to jigjiga and do dhaanto, abdikarim begged ahmed madoobe to come with him so cabdi doesn't kill him, Ahmed took him to jigjga, then galmudu was forced to pay mag to the bah gerri they killed, return the weapons of the 4 DDS officials who were sent as envoys, and declared them as terrorist supporters and allowed liyu to come to galmudug any time,

galmudug sacked abdikarim straith afterwards, cabdi iley showed them OG doesn't play around, these HG waa barbaric no daqan, but they saw the ruthlessness when we act,

AUn to the dead, but their HG men asked for it by killing, posiing water wells and over extending themselves to the host who allowed them to live as refugees

do yuo hear HG saying anymore we own land in DDS? they stopped,

when hassan shikh called planes to pick up the dead and supplied weapons for HG from air planes, cabdi iley called adis and got them to stop the planes landing in galmudug,

we saved wagardac marehan, you should see how thankful they were wallahi, why didn't marehan do anything for them?

Lmao @DR OSMAN so you’re brand building Ogaden now. War waynu is garanayna. It was just earlier this year when we had Ogaden saladeen calacaaling in WhatsApp groups. All I need to say is Dir and Ogaden will come and negotiate with me.


why do you think habashi ask are you Ogaden or somali? because they know,

why do you think the oromo mases with langab somalis on the border, cagjar sent 2000 boys few weeks ago to canfaar ciise border, they stopped, have you heard about somalis being killed, anymore?


last week cagjar sent liyu to border, they attacked us, i do not know how many we killed, but reer amadin alone a sub sub sub clan of reer cabdulle lost 20 reer amadin, but we kileld dozens,

cabdil iley would sent 20,000 men, about 55 of liyu polcie, liyu is 80,000 to ahmaar and oromo lands, cabdi iley used liyu to kill ahmaar and oromo for years, he was weeding them down,

we have been trained by the best, its why cabdi iley culled HG, killed 4000 of them after they ataaked a bah gerri man and his wife and kid and poisoned the water well on the border our side and killed 20 wagardac marehan , he sent 2 liyu to tlak, they killed them, he sent 2 ogaden officials the animals killed them

he killed 4000 HG, took 600 females kids ad placed them in a camp, he burned 200 villages they built inside the border of DDS, we allowed them as somali refuges, he placed them in a camp with no food or water, then he made abdikariim galmudug president to come to jigjiga and do dhaanto, abdikarim begged ahmed madoobe to come with him so cabdi doesn't kill him, Ahmed took him to jigjga, then galmudu was forced to pay mag to the bah gerri they killed, return the weapons of the 4 DDS officials who were sent as envoys, and declared them as terrorist supporters and allowed liyu to come to galmudug any time,

galmudug sacked abdikarim straith afterwards, cabdi iley showed them OG doesn't play around, these HG waa barbaric no daqan, but they saw the ruthlessness when we act,

AUn to the dead, but their HG men asked for it by killing, posiing water wells and over extending themselves to the host who allowed them to live as refugees

do yuo hear HG saying anymore we own land in DDS? they stopped,

when hassan shikh called planes to pick up the dead and supplied weapons for HG from air planes, cabdi iley called adis and got them to stop the planes landing in galmudug,

we saved wagardac marehan, you should see how thankful they were wallahi, why didn't marehan do anything for them?

Damn ogaden know the 'tricks' of Somali to 'slowly' set up villages in other lands and then bring in soldiers from their original lands when 'questioned' on the land grab, that's how Somalis 'spread' sxb. They don't start the 'war' initially, they just push in and 'begin' villages, from villages, develops a major town, then 'gobol'. It's all structures and sequences bro. Damn Ilay was brutal I remember but didn't know the 'reasons' behind it wallahi but that nigga was ROUGH OGADEN, I know that. Nothing like 'cagjar' tho, that's why prolly why oromo said we gotta JAIL THE NAZI OGADEN. Ilay seems to represent your 'camp of ogaden' the 'ogadenist' first policy, while 'cagjar' is somali first type and let's be civil and not be in constant 'war path'. I see the political 'camps' in Ogaden. We got a similar camp of Some MJ who are sympathetic to Somali cause while others SSDF. But what we got that u don't is this 'creeping' up Islamist in our economic sectors who don't really have any influence, no one dies for Islam in PL, it's all controlled by Elders our pledges and loyalty. Their trying to create a society where we identify as sunni brothers loooool like Lebanon or Syria who have no tribe allegiance but are sunni, shia, sufi, christian. Their identity is religious, these islamist think they can pull it off in Somalia. It can't even pulled of in yemen who is still hella tribal before Islamic, why they think it will work in Somalia. This isn't north sudan who settle by a nice river, u can change societies who live by rivers and farms but not DESERT WARRIORS. No matter if he is arab desert man or african or muslim or samburu. The environment has shaped their values and culture and they have 'warrior' castes no matter who they are, they know 'biyo' cayaar laguma cabayo DESERT.
Out of curiousty, what is the relationship like with Hawiyes, Isaaq and Dirs (excluding Gaddarbirsi) and that organisation in question since they have been incorporated into the Ethiopian Federal government ?


Out of curiousty, what is the relationship like with Hawiyes, Isaaq and Dirs (excluding Gaddarbirsi) and that organisation in question since they have been incorporated into the Ethiopian Federal government ?

At least now u didn't give a 'marehan' response like 'amharo vs ogaden' argument. That doesn't make sense, when OG guy can karbash HG guy while the HG guy karbashed the marehan guy from gelinsoor, kaxandhale, balanbal. U see how it doesn't connect his argument and how if presented for 'grading mechanism, it will have 'inconsistencies' and hence 'degraded' or if put to popular vote, when someone shows the inconsistency, they wont vote for his side. Plus @Samaalism response is silly and goes basically against the fundamental natures of science. Positives and Negatives. 1 and -1. There is always 'two sides' to a coin, well there is two sides to the whole world we live in which is 2 dimensional. He wants to only 'focus on the negative' side hence by ignoring positive side doesn't end up with an invention or any data correlation to gain higher 'grading' in any endeavour of his life. His fundamentally going against 'science' and hence his not going to win, no-one has won against scientific culture. Baghdad bob attempt was like Somaliland Media manipulation but 'scientific cultures' won that 'war' and Baghdad Bob media manipulation is history, while science societies continue to power on to ensure 'world domination'.

That's like MJ if they adopt this scientific culture that I suggest, @Samaalism will be like 'baghdad' bob media manipulation tactic because SL does it always also, their using 'failed' method which is obvious it failed and ignoring the methods that work always. MJ will win Somalia in heartbeat while Samalism becomes 'baghdad' bob and gets 'shelved' out of existence since he worked on false premise and culture and proven failed models like baghdad bob, the SL media is the same it's baghdad bob society, 30 years working outside the structure of mathamatical world, the whole world borders are carved up and member states assigned which gives each nation rights and responsibility as per international charter, his actually forcing his ppl to join 'empty' spaces outside the world it's crazy. Nidaamka horta rac, gooni goosadkasi hayso ceeb ma aha, lakin nidaamka aduunka haka bixin ama meel banan ayaa istagaysa u dumb c*nt
At least now u didn't give a 'marehan' response like 'amharo vs ogaden' argument. That doesn't make sense, when OG guy can karbash HG guy while the HG guy karbashed the marehan guy from gelinsoor, kaxandhale, balanbal. U see how it doesn't connect his argument and how if presented for 'grading mechanism, it will have 'inconsistencies' and hence 'degraded' or if put to popular vote, when someone shows the inconsistency, they wont vote for his side. Plus @Samaalism response is silly and goes basically against the fundamental natures of science. Positives and Negatives. 1 and -1. There is always 'two sides' to a coin, well there is two sides to the whole world we live in which is 2 dimensional. He wants to only 'focus on the negative' side hence by ignoring positive side doesn't end up with an invention or any data correlation to gain higher 'grading' in any endeavour of his life. His fundamentally going against 'science' and hence his not going to win, no-one has won against scientific culture. Baghdad bob attempt was like Somaliland Media manipulation but 'scientific cultures' won that 'war' and Baghdad Bob media manipulation is history, while science societies continue to power on to ensure 'world domination'.

That's like MJ if they adopt this scientific culture that I suggest, @Samaalism will be like 'baghdad' bob media manipulation tactic because SL does it always also, their using 'failed' method which is obvious it failed and ignoring the methods that work always. MJ will win Somalia in heartbeat while Samalism becomes 'baghdad' bob and gets 'shelved' out of existence since he worked on false premise and culture and proven failed models like baghdad bob, the SL media is the same it's baghdad bob society, 30 years working outside the structure of mathamatical world, the whole world borders are carved up and member states assigned which gives each nation rights and responsibility as per international charter, his actually forcing his ppl to join 'empty' spaces outside the world it's crazy. Nidaamka horta rac, gooni goosadkasi hayso ceeb ma aha, lakin nidaamka aduunka haka bixin ama meel banan ayaa istagaysa u dumb c*nt

i'm genuinely asking since the voting patterns are different with regards to that those communities in question in comparison to Ogaden clan what is the relations like ?


i'm genuinely asking since the voting patterns are different with regards to that those communities in question in comparison to Ogaden clan what is the relations like ?

How can we have this dude as president @nomand when his argument are so weak and when he goes before the world u can imagine ppl looking down on us bro, it doesn't help Somali self image. Wuxu meeshani ku doodo eega. He used the argument ogaden vs amhara and ogaden losing. But ignores Amhara is 'dead' in Ethiopia itself. Plus ONLF never change policies they said their going thru political route since 'oromo' are not mentally built intelligent, so they may have strategy in plan. But what sad and more sad is he can't even fight HG off and save his land like kaxandhale, gelinsoor, balanbale(southern side), So the liklihood he can fight Amhara is unlikely bro, since he can't even deal with one clan in Somalia. On top of that, the same clan he is losing land too, Absame karbashed with 'ease'. So that indicates if Absame 'gets' tough, his sade ass is gone.

This is better flow of the 'data' and 'evidence'. He needs to develop himself sade and begin new strategy rather then sitting there looking at other clans like langaab, waa ceeb he begs somalinimo sxb waa ceeb isma bixin karo weeye, war qof kuma rabtee waryaa, imagine that a girl asking u she loves u and u slap her and she still hanging around, that's sade sxb begging for somalinimo. Markad 'wax soo saarto' sida invention oo somali haysan, Anaba markasi ku jeclan kari, as humans we love people who have something that we don't be it money, toys, inventions, etc. When u lack this humans 'discriminate' and 'hate'. It's simple as that. Sade shud focus on that inventions, money, knowledge, etc. Noone wants refugee sxb, like who the f*ck speaks to homeless ppl. I attend jewish business forum, jewish technology forums, they are leaders that's why or noble laureates i watch on youtube in their respective field, if u wanna be the best, learn from the best, its simple as that. Thats how i expand my knowledge identify who is the best in their field and 'gouge' his 'mind' and 'steal' it for myself. Cilmigu ceeb ma aha, somalis think if someone else has it, they feel ashamed to learn, it doesnt work like that bruv, or else u remain in the ghetto forever.
Out of curiousty, what is the relationship like with Hawiyes, Isaaq and Dirs (excluding Gaddarbirsi) and that organisation in question since they have been incorporated into the Ethiopian Federal government ?

JWXO has refused to be part of EPRDF and never will, isnah Allah,

firstly they have not been incorporated into Ethiopian federal system, they want to run the region, compete for elections in the region and have a referendum to get the hell out of that hell hole

what is the relation between ONLF and hawiye, 1door etc?

is that your question?

there is none, OG doesn't need a relation with a hawiye because there are no hawiye, or 1door, the 1door will do as he is told, since when did Ogaden ever get permission from many somali

every DDS president has been Ogaden, we tell the rest what to do, if we want a referendum, they better vote when the chance comes insha Allah,

Ogaden doesn't waste time on somali tribes, we deal with 110 million oromo, ahmaar, tigra, ethnic groups with tens of millions,

we have never needed nor do we ever need somalis in the region, Absame owns 84 out of 93 counties, 9 out of 11 gobals, 245 Mps out of 280 and the last 12 presidents have all been Ogaden,

so there is no relationship, its like asking what is the relationship between white americans and Haitians in the great old USA, is there a even a question there saxib?

ethopia is breaking apart and we want to leave,

look at onlf leaders, they say point blank inside jigjiga and godey we will leave ethiopia, inside Ethiopia, they dont care, they put their balls on the table and demand their wishes,.

onlf won 85% in 1991 and 87% in 1994, we only need 675 to change DDS laws, and even if we have jidwaq party dulmidiid with us, sicne onlf and jidwaq are working together now, we will own 93% of parliament, ciise is with us and garre/dagodi so in essence we will have 99% of Parliament, isnha Allah , 1door has 4 Mps, karanly has 0 zero, sicne they live in babile and voted in 2004 to join oromia region,
JWXO has refused to be part of EPRDF and never will, isnah Allah,

firstly they have not been incorporated into Ethiopian federal system, they want to run the region, compete for elections in the region and have a referendum to get the hell out of that hell hole

what is the relation between ONLF and hawiye, 1door etc?

is that your question?

there is none, OG doesn't need a relation with a hawiye because there are no hawiye, or 1door, the 1door will do as he is told, since when did Ogaden ever get permission from many somali

every DDS president has been Ogaden, we tell the rest what to do, if we want a referendum, they better vote when the chance comes insha Allah,

Ogaden doesn't waste time on somali tribes, we deal with 110 million oromo, ahmaar, tigra, ethnic groups with tens of millions,

we have never needed nor do we ever need somalis in the region, Absame owns 84 out of 93 counties, 9 out of 11 gobals, 245 Mps out of 280 and the last 12 presidents have all been Ogaden,

so there is no relationship, its like asking what is the relationship between white americans and Haitians in the great old USA, is there a even a question there saxib?

ethopia is breaking apart and we want to leave,

look at onlf leaders, they say point blank inside jigjiga and godey we will leave ethiopia, inside Ethiopia, they dont care, they put their balls on the table and demand their wishes,.

onlf won 85% in 1991 and 87% in 1994, we only need 675 to change DDS laws, and even if we have jidwaq party dulmidiid with us, sicne onlf and jidwaq are working together now, we will own 93% of parliament, ciise is with us and garre/dagodi so in essence we will have 99% of Parliament, isnha Allah , 1door has 4 Mps, karanly has 0 zero, sicne they live in babile and voted in 2004 to join oromia region,

out of curiosity are you calling isaaqs traders or as a slur ?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
here comes the b00n monkey, first fight then lets see what marehan can achieve,

they have achieved the right to do an election with our recognising Ethiopia or dropping their passports form other nations, the right to do a census and start the process for a eventual referendum if they win the elections and the right to not allow Ethiopia to take out the gas with out MoU with ONLF and western partners being signaturies to any deal so they keep their gas,

do you see Ethiopia begging to negotiate with anyone other than the ONLF,
out of 26 somali tribes in DDS, they only ever want to deal with Ogaden,

you claim marehan lives in all over DDS, so why don you have a B00N National Liberation Front?


Siad Barrr already tried to liberate you but you backstabbed him. We will never liberate you again. Alhmadullilah, from Ahmed Gurey too Amiir Nuur too Amiir Warwaajeclee we defeated ethiopia many times.

I am not under gumaysi like you for 100+ years. I am a free man in Cabudwaaq, unlike you.


Siad Barrr already tried to liberate you but you backstabbed him. We will never liberate you again. Alhmadullilah, from Ahmed Gurey too Amiir Nuur too Amiir Warwaajeclee we defeated ethiopia many times.

I am not under gumaysi like you for 100+ years. I am a free man in Cabudwaaq, unlike you.

Your fucking crazy sxb. Your in fowda and empty space of no governance, u r not growing, his in structure. It's like saying me in Australia am worse of then someone in GEDO. Fowdo means chaos and eventual death spiral, you become those people who used to 'exist' it's scientifically proven about the 'chaos' model how it spirals into 'non existence'. Damn jahil level in u is shocking, u cant lead somalia bro if u going to the world thinking like this.

Can u imagine if the UN and International law and Charter of Nation wasn't there, there is no 'system' to transition to, we all become like GEDO in the world in a place of 'no structure'. Do u understand 'structure' sxb? elements need structure before it can begin sequencing to create life or matter or even human beings. Your boasting how your free man in an empty space, u die in that space since u r not apart of the world community, your at best a non state actor, maba ka tirsantid aduunka. That's non-existence your boasting about. Fuckin GHETTO c*nt, DONT EVER COME TO MY CITY WARYAA WHERE WHITE PPL ARE AROUND ILL HAVE TO SAY HIS FROM THE LOWER STOCK PPL IN OUR NATION


@TekNiKo Your number skills lack that's a problem, we are made of numbers bro. Look at u your certain height which is number, certain weight which is number, certain shape which is measured as points. This is the whole world ayaa luqadani hos yimado. That's why the world uses NUMBERS for everything, adiguna waad ka baxday nidaamka aduunka manta jirta. Its not about opinions, it's the jahil in you iskaga fariso siyasada, ma haysid maskaxdi, lets go to university and do 'iq test' proper and get our results bro. Thats why somalis hide from other somalis like u in the west, cause waana ceebaynaysa the way you think and give us bad image.

Show me one marehan successful person in diaspora of 'nidaam' you don't even understand it that ur in world of mathamatical constructs and to base your views on mathamatics, everything in the world is under this rule. So anything u do is measurable, not debatable as their needs to nidaam to the debate and measurements like high distinction or credit like schools or popular vote and voting on winner. We need numbers at all times ama waa sheeko banan iska taala. Marehan cant survive in nidaam, the brain isnt there, u survive in vacuum of no governance and want to bring ppl with u NOT PL WARYAA, WE OWN U
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Siad Barrr already tried to liberate you but you backstabbed him. We will never liberate you again. Alhmadullilah, from Ahmed Gurey too Amiir Nuur too Amiir Warwaajeclee we defeated ethiopia many times.

I am not under gumaysi like you for 100+ years. I am a free man in Cabudwaaq, unlike you.

cabudwaq has ethiopia soldier,s

when it suits you and its time to share Mps in DDS you moan like a that marehan live in libaan region and wardeer and why oh why did you not get a single MP,

dont make me get you a video of barre hiraale moan on the bbc in 2008 saying ONLF kicked him out of kismayo when Hassan Turki the lion libax AUN and ahemd madoobe chased him out

in fact let me share

@DR OSMAN look at how the b00n moans about Ogaden karbashing him despite zinawi giving him weapons,

when he says i lots a lot of men, he had 40 vehicles with 500 men, reer kismayo and afmadow Ogaden karbashed him so much he went to luuq with 15 cars and only 200 men,

ONLf spokes man cadane telling bbc we ONLf were NOT involved :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::russ:



cabudwaq has ethiopia soldier,s

when it suits you and its time to share Mps in DDS you moan like a that marehan live in libaan region and wardeer and why oh why did you not get a single MP,

dont make me get you a video of barre hiraale moan on the bbc in 2008 saying ONLF kicked him out of kismayo when Hassan Turki the lion libax AUN and ahemd madoobe chased him out

in fact let me share

@DR OSMAN look at how the b00n moans about Ogaden karbashing him despite zinawi giving him weapons,

when he says i lots a lot of men, he had 40 vehicles with 500 men, reer kismayo and afmadow Ogaden karbashed him so much he went to luuq with 15 cars and only 200 men,

ONLf spokes man cadane telling bbc we ONLf were NOT involved :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::russ:

@TekNiKo worst nightmare is a panel who takes his point and say. Ok sonny jim we gonna 'measure' your point as we measure school work. High Distiction, Distinction, Credit, Fail lol. All the criterias are set up, after-all we all just want a number in the end. Noone is changing the criteria of academia for @TekNiKo but he would want that since his a b22n and can't operate in structured place, he needs to live in 'vacuum' outside of structure cause it 'exposes' him as b22n....

Imagine he presents this argument @Teeri-Alpha your ethiopian, your not somalian, your losing to habasha, I am free in Somalia. The panel recieves the b22n argument and carefully weighs it against the criterias against grading. They ask @Teeri-Alpha do u have a rebuttal? Teeri says, yes sure, thank god for 'structure' this guys want me to debate him non structured environment like gedo where points just go flying around chaotic elements outside of 'structure' lol like his b22n ancestors were living.

Teeri Responds to @TekNiKo I am not 'fighting somali' clans like u and when I do, I defeat them like HG yet he chased u out of kaxandhaale, gelinsoor, and southern balanbal. Your Somalia isn't even functioning state there is no way you can 'progress', at least I am in environment of structure. Finally Nigga you can't even handle HG, while I laid them out. Logic implies if u lose to HG, yet OG beats them without even dedicating much time too it, imagine what the f*ck wud happen to u?

Panel reviews all points as the b22n can't contemplate 'sophisticated' responses and gives him his grading as CREDIT and Teeri as High Distinction. Then b22n says change academia grading system and their like to what u b22n, to nothingness like you? kkkkkk


cabudwaq has ethiopia soldier,s

when it suits you and its time to share Mps in DDS you moan like a that marehan live in libaan region and wardeer and why oh why did you not get a single MP,

dont make me get you a video of barre hiraale moan on the bbc in 2008 saying ONLF kicked him out of kismayo when Hassan Turki the lion libax AUN and ahemd madoobe chased him out

in fact let me share

@DR OSMAN look at how the b00n moans about Ogaden karbashing him despite zinawi giving him weapons,

when he says i lots a lot of men, he had 40 vehicles with 500 men, reer kismayo and afmadow Ogaden karbashed him so much he went to luuq with 15 cars and only 200 men,

ONLf spokes man cadane telling bbc we ONLf were NOT involved :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::russ:

wallahi, b00ns always use ethiopians muscle to fight Ogaden.:lolbron:



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
cabudwaq has ethiopia soldier,s

when it suits you and its time to share Mps in DDS you moan like a that marehan live in libaan region and wardeer and why oh why did you not get a single MP,

dont make me get you a video of barre hiraale moan on the bbc in 2008 saying ONLF kicked him out of kismayo when Hassan Turki the lion libax AUN and ahemd madoobe chased him out

in fact let me share

@DR OSMAN look at how the b00n moans about Ogaden karbashing him despite zinawi giving him weapons,

when he says i lots a lot of men, he had 40 vehicles with 500 men, reer kismayo and afmadow Ogaden karbashed him so much he went to luuq with 15 cars and only 200 men,

ONLf spokes man cadane telling bbc we ONLf were NOT involved :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh::russ:

Fucking liar, no ethiopians in cabudwaaq 100% Somali. You are a slave to KDF in Kismaayo, a slave to Amxaaro in Kilinka 5aad and a slave too Kikiyubin NFD. AL shabab owns your azz in Buale and Badhaade.

Dont talk to me again slaveka tahay wasse orod isxoreya or I will deport you back to Addis Ababa like your b00n uncle Qalbiqarax.


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