Damn ONLF Are Massive


Answer the question b00n boy where were the mighty Ogaden in the height of civil war 98-2006.:damn:
regrouping and solving internal issues before we took kismayo back.
where were b00ns in 2013-present?
:chrisfreshhah:there were litteraly zero maheran candidates in the last election, :drakelaugh:you were also shamessly rooting for a seraar/xidig who both were ogaden.:dead:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
regrouping and solving internal issues before we took kismayo back.
where were b00ns in 2013-present?
:chrisfreshhah:there were litteraly zero maheran candidates in the last election, :drakelaugh:you were also shamessly rooting for a seraar/xidig who both were ogaden.:dead:
Good now you admit without.KDF you are losers. KDF wont be here forever.


Good now you admit without.KDF you are losers. KDF wont be here forever.
were was the kdf in 2006/7 ?

you were tge first use foreign troops in jubbaland.
your nothing without ethiopia.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
were was the kdf in 2006/7 ?View attachment 82551
you were tge first use foreign troops in jubbaland.
your nothing without ethiopia.
Ethiopians came in 06, we conttolled Kismaayo 10 years before they came,we were fighting terrorist AS like your uncle Axmed Madoobe. Hahah, now he joined KDF, you are literally making yourself look dumb


Glad you admit ICU wa AS waalidkiis same shit, different toilet. Glad you admitted your terrorist.
is donald yamamoto a terrorist too?
'The 2006 war in Somalia did not go well either for the United States or Ethiopia. Recently a State Department spokesperson, Donald Yamamoto, admitted that the whole idea was โ€œa big mistake,โ€ obliquely admitting U.S. responsibility for the invasion. It resulted in 20,000 deaths and according to some reports, left up to 2 million Somalis homeless. The 50,000 Ethiopian invasion force, which had expected a cake walk, instead ran into a buzz saw of Somali resistance, got bogged down and soon withdrew with its tail between its legs. The political result of the invasion was predictable: the generally more moderate Union of Islamic Courts was weakened, but it was soon replaced in Somalia by far more radical and militant Islamic groups with a more openly anti-American agenda.''
is donald yamamoto a terrorist too?

what they do not mention is Hassan Turki and Ahmed madoobe went to hawiye who was dazed and said waryada we know how to fight habashi, come with us, a and so they created the first resist in hamar

have you not heard Mj saying if Ogaden did not wake up hawiyer we would have ruled xamar

do you know why Ogaden woke up hawiye?

my abti told me, Ogaden followed an old ideoalogy from Sultan Muxamuud Haybe, he si the guy who called the italins from xamar, asked them to chase haile selasi in the late 1930s and crown him king of Ogadeniya,

he told Ogaden one law in east africa and this is what hassan turki and ahmed madoobe were showing zinawi and other habashi, its a secretly understood law in east africa,

the law is this: zinawi and ethiopia were suddenly trying to make allies of Mj and this could not be allowed, for they will soon make them allies against other parts of est africa, future strategic moves, the habashi was never ever meant to have a somali ally or enemy other than the Ogaden, what stops Mj replacing us in saying DDS, jubaland, etc any time tomorrow?

this could be be allowed, so they were to be attacked, weakened and the natives woken up from their slumber, it was well known Ogaden had thousands of fighters in xamar udner hassan tirki and ahmed madoobe karbashing them, this gave hawiye massive confidence,

but the habashi were sent a very important signal, never ever ally with a somali that is non Ogaden, never, sultan haybe used to tell Ogaden never allow any other somali to come between Ogaden and ethiopian dealings, we will never ever allow a middle men between us and them, we fight when we fight, we make peace when we make peace, but never allowing another qabil to come between us,

this was a very strategical tactic to prevent being sidelined in any way, Ogaden must have influence in al 3 nations across the Horn, no ifs and no butts,

so when we fought them in kismayo, afmadow, xam,ar, and ONLF was stategically supporting them in somali and DDS, rmemebr when we kileld 84 habashi sodliers with 9 chiense oil engineers in Ogadeniya in 2007? that was a message being sent,

when zinaw was told how come Ogaden are fighting us in as far as afmadow, ksimayo, xamar and inside ethiopia, he udnertsood very well, he lived in somalia during the 80s and spoke very good af somali,

he udnertsoof the message we were sending, which is why even to his last few days he kept telling TPLF make peace with Ogaden

i remember gabre when he came us in ksimayo, i was there in 2013, then he went to garisa to see sultan cabdi cali sonkor, then nairobi to see Ogaden politicians then xamar,

he said " Ogaden, sicne 1991 when we tplf took power, we alwasy made sure we kept Ogaden out of kismayo so they never use the port, we armed morgan, we armed HG , we armed marehan, we called on the belgians to bomb Umar jeese so mrogan can win as he was struggling with umar jeese and ogaden, we kept you lot out, today we wish to make peace, tigra deosnt want war, ethiopia is changing, we are spending too much resources on Ogaden, our true enemy is ahmaar and oromo, kismayo belongs to Ogaden, zinawi demanded we make peace as his last wish, take ksiamyo port and make peace, we are tired of war@

the marehna went with him to xamar and said hw can yuo allow ONLF people to take over, they sued the ONLF card, he told them "leave me alone, Ogaden and us have shed enough blod, we want peace with these people"

the marehan were so shocked

so to concluded, we played a big strategic game, we make sure Mj never has power in xamar, we made sure to send a signal to habashi how dare you ruin the order of the somalis, and we helped a fellow muslim somali who was so dazed and confused, tigra shelled hawiye shops, mosques, raped and Mj laughed and encouraged them, hawiye for the first time was tamed since 1991, Mj were having a field day

but most importantly ethiopia has never ever tried to side lined Ogaden in any way, notice how out of 26 somali tribes in DDS they only negotiate with Ogaden?

that day, hassan turki, ahemd madoobe and JWXo were connected in mind, we sent a message

Mj did not understand this until years later, they would say booweee we had hawiye down like an animal in a cage, then Ogaden came and woke them up and showed them centuries of fighting skills against habashi,

most did not understand, but cabdullhi yusuf did, he was a very wise men,

speak to ilyaas bedel, the governor yusuf picked as the the governor of kismayo when he came with ethiopian tanks, he is Mohamed zubeer,

yuo see Mj made one massive misatke, cabdulli yusuf came to nariobi Ogadens and saidf cousns support me, marehan had 9 Mps, Absame had 15, MJ had 14, darood had 60 Mps, cabdulli yusuf sahred them out,

he came to Ogaden and said marehan will go towards hawiye unless you Ogaden and Majetreen sacrfice some Mps, so Ogaden gave 3 and Mj gave 2 making marehan go from 9 to 14 MPs, all in the anme of darood and making sure the b00ns do not go towards darood, allways thinking yeasr ahead the Mj adn Ogaden

so yusuf then used habashi to create mamul for kismayo, this was not part of the deal ( rememebr senator yusuf hajii then kenyan defence minsiter was in the mist of creating jubaland mamul under Ogaden but the future jubaland presdeint -( abdirizak sultan muxamuud haybe died, ahmed madoobe was his seodn in command -he died after getting sick in doobley and being flown to adis, some said zinawi killed him, but we strongly think it was alqadar, i forgot the illness, it was malaria related i believe , AUN his time came,

so when president yusuf tried to create jubaland mamul with no doubt strong Mj influence , this is when the gloves came off, and Ogaden in Kenya quietly gave ahmed madoobe the go ahead and this is when Hassan Turki is sent as commander with ahmed as second and his in law to show Mj and habashi the bigger game they were playing was very well understood

we had all the sudden this strange mix of Mj aiming to create federal mamuls udner their control,

and no other somali was awake except Ogaden, they all duenrtood,

but what Mj did not know at that time was sultan cabdi cali sonkor with kenyan minsters of Ogden blood were already in the mist of creating their own mamul but the war with ethiopia and ONLF who had bases in nairobi made it slow as Ogaden ministers in kenya and the sultan were getting Western leaders on their side, they had to since zinawi went everywhere in the west complain about jubaland creation and ONLf risks in kismayo

the Mj assumed they can score one under our noses and thought they had us since when cabdullhi yusuf came to us in nairobi he was given support, money, and the 3 MPs to marehan

Ogaden did best what when does best, no fan, no nose, quietly went on with his business of building future jubaland with 100% Ogaden influence from kenya, no puntland BS

we did this and we sent a signal to zinawi, stay away from MJ, you cannot replace our influence, ,

secretly top Mj leaders were very impressed, this is why they went into over drove to support jubaland, deep down Mj doesn't hold cuqdad, when impressed they admit it, and give you the upper hand, they dont beat around, when beaten they give yuo the respect due, not like marehan or 1door with cuqdad,

but they were also very very upset we ruined their chance for xamar domination,

thus is why marehan has 14 Mps today, Absame has 12 instead of 15 and Mj has 12 instead of 14

can any body else do that other than Mj and Ogaden sacrificing for the greater good,

cabdulli yusuf is umar mxuamuud, they are the wisest MJs, if you want to see a smart Mj, its usually uamr muxamuud, the are the very strategic ones, no emotions, hardly any cuqdad,

the Mj deep down looks down on all somalis, but when it comes to Ogaden, they are very strategic, not to piss them off, not to alienate them, and always carefully watch over them, because the Ogaden cannot be beaten numerically or at war and cannot be entered or influence, the MJ can divide hawiye into abgal and HG, he can divide 1door by arming dhulbahante on his side to attack dhulbahante that is pro puntland, he can attack marehan by causing rift between HG and merehan by saying marehan mudug can be part of puntland, but never Ogaden, the Ogaden keeps his distant, he deals with ethnic groups across africa, he never brings his level down to clan level,

the Ogaden is a bit racist, he tends to look down on other, in the Ogaden universe, the MJ doesn't exist, there is A very clear line of borders, not to be crossed, Ogaden doesn't discuss or need anything across east africa from other somalis, manpower, history, he is very self sufficient,

notice how the MJ is most strategic when dealing with Ogaden, he has no door to attack him, directly or indirectly, Ogaden is very quite like Russians, Mj when dealing with Ogaden is like a ant walking around a lion, always very careful, he tip toes around

so we followed sultan Muxamuud Haybe words: never allow another somali to take advantage of Ethiopian resources, its must always be Ogaden taking advantage of it,
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@Teeri-Alpha everything you said in that post was true.
ogaden clan is always are playing geopolitics chess while everbody playing checkers
after the May 1991 regime change was the Al-Ittihad al-Islam (Islamic
Unity). Al-Ittihad was a pan-Somali political organisation that sought to
unite all Somalis of the Horn of Africa under an Islamic State. Within the
Ethiopian Somali region, it was active among the Ogaden clan and
seemed to have worked closely with the ONLF
the habesha feared the day ogaden would take charge in somalia where contemplate to save kacaan regime.
With escalating political turmoil in Somalia, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry assessed the possible scenarios lying ahead. Four alternatives were identified, each of them designed to further Ethiopiaโ€™s interests while weakening Somalia. 4 first was to engage Barreโ€™s government in protracted talks, without raising the issue of frontier demarcation and abstaining from direct contact with opposition groups in a bid to wait and see the course of events in Somaliaโ€™s now menacing civil war. The second was to pressurize the Somali Government into maximum concessions regarding the border and to resume the negotiations along the line of the normalization agreement of 1988. In the case of an agreement from Somalia, Ethiopia would have to unconditionally withdraw its assistance to the major opposition factions and officially side with the Republic. Kenyaโ€™s recent protocol with Somalia on their common border and the formerโ€™s acceptance of the existing boundary was cited as an encouraging sign in this regard.
The third option was to save the Siad Barre regime from the imminent peril it was facing and positively influence its policies toward Ethiopia. This idea was promoted because of fear of the possibility of the accession to power of a regime even more virulently anti-Ethiopian than was Barre โ€“ perhaps seeing Muslim fundamentalists or Ogadenis coming to power in Mogadishu. This



Bro Osman Mahmoud are the 'brains' of Somalia. The whole dude running the International Courts of the world is one. Ayan Hersi irrespective of her faith is in a class of her own and at the level of 'Richard Dawkins' as an Atheist speaker. I mean look at the other Somali gaals, their with low level 'gaals'. U feel me nigga. We 'go' str8 for the top, we know how to get there not by emotions cause 'we don't faan' in Bari and Nugaal culture, it's very serious culture, the faan is brand building advertising tactic used by all 'reer mudugs' it's their culture not ours.

The Omar Mahmoud are very 'hawiye' conscious since they're close by and their not on 'friendly terms' but a 'ceasefire' green line type of existence. It's similar to gaza/israel lol in security context, it's stable, but it's explosive anytime over any matter lol. But as for Omar Mahmoud I give them one 'prop' their very 'majerten orientated' the people waa gob dhinacasi, not always their 'politicians' but their 'PPL' yes. Shacabka iyo Siyasiga iyo Isimka waa in la kala saara. They have good Isimo, Shacab, their politicians(very sneaky).

Osman Mahmoud not so much, that's why they all loved 'cade' u see. Anagu 'warkeenu' waa toos niyahow, we want a 'structure' iyo 'nidaam' that's why cause we know how to 'excel' then since we know what life is about to leave something so the next generation can use it as climbing ladder to the top again, where-as other clans in Somalia are not the same thinking, they want the job but waste time and their next generation are told we seen what ur clan can do kkkkkk and they lose out in power or at least 'influence'.

As for Ogaden outsmarting MJ. Listen don't twist the Hamar incident, abdillahi had to 'target' the bakaraha, he didn't care about 'civilian' xafaad unless the enemy was there. It was all about bakaraha since that's where most the HG extortion came from and little from checkpoints and airport. If this didn't happen, our UN seat wud still be empty, in the world we are considered OUTSIDE THE WORLD ORDER, so we would remain in our vacuum. At least we now progressed to 'humanitarian' zone of recovery, but we been in this stage since 2009 and it's 10 years and the problem is leadership knowing how to get around political beefs, clan agendas, waa inu qarta sidu obstacleka horyaala ka gudba si loo gaadho at least hamar 'securitykisa' gacanta laguu haayo sida kismaayo not having diploamts in shipping containers in xalane. The problem is there is no MJ who will quickly ensure this phase of security is over and our UN profile can return to reconstruction era. We have objectives not clan hatred as u put it, that's how they twist it. If we had clan hared we would go around 'xasuuq' on galmudug villages everyday, we don't because our objective is a govt and unfortunately it happens to be located in MOG
@Teeri-Alpha everything you said in that post was true.
ogaden clan is always are playing geopolitics chess while everbody playing checkers

the habesha feared the day ogaden would take charge in somalia where contemplate to save kacaan regime.

an Ogaden guy in London once met a hawiye Mp lady from xamar,

he asked her some questions, about why Ogaden is kept out of PM or president position,

she replied to him (couple years ago) the Ethiopians will be on the phone, then an Ethiopian will come to xamar, he will speak to the top officials and remind them to never ever pick an Ogaden as Pm/president,

because deep down habashi know an Ogaden top leader will rebuild the country immediately and march towards Ethiopia,

so the Mp said she knows the somali MPs in xamara and government offcials would get hanjab to make sure other clans were picked for president or Pm positions,

and in fact any Ogaden minister picked in xamar, the ethiopians would tap the shoulders of the somalis and say we want him,

their second worst nightmare is alwasy an Ogaden who is not connected to xamar

an 1door who landed in hargeysa was once visited by an ethiopian intelligence agent, he told him we need to ask you questions, are you Ogaden, where do you come from, this was about 5 years ago, he asked so many questions the 1door went back to canada, the 1door was told we own this country and is under our watch

puntland, galmudug, somaliland, they all have Ethiopian consulates where they keep an etye onthe somali

the country is massively colonised in such a way most somalis do not know, nothing can happen in somalilamnd or puntland or somalia with out their say so,

Ogaden picked kenya to block ethiopian influence in jubaland, its a safety measure, otherwise they would have marched in years ago or armed their goons,

making peace with ONLf was not an accdient, yuo see the Ogaden knows ethiopains very well, he knows who is hating who and can exploit it,

in fact they are doing it now, oromo have 34 %, if ONLF get theric ensua nd DDS is confirmed to have 15 million, they will get 150 Mps in federal,

so ONLF being the strategic people they are, created a sweet deal with oromo, they used the cushtic card, went to abiy and jawar and said listen, you get 34%, we have 15%, thats 495, give sidama their own state, sidama are cushtic, and we will bring harar and canfaar, lets create a cushtic majority parliament,

this is why the cenus was caneleld 3 times, we may have one fro DDS but ethiipia wide was caneleld 3 times in this year,


because estimates were placed that ethiopia may actually be atleast 61% muslim and sicne they have never done census in the country and they estimated in the 90s for DDS, they may be way more than 8 million, on top many oromo asmsiliated in ahmaar deep down know it, so do many shewa muslims who are ahmaaric muslims, many tigra muslims are voiceless and hate tigra, and ahmaar on top has also got many smaller groups like jarer who have woken up, many Christianise oromo muslims like macca, jima etc,

so they cancelled it as this will cause many top habahsi to lose more seats and may even see cushtics attacking them, after all oromo imagine being emboldened even more with news he is way more than 34%

so the ahmaar figure of 29 million or 29% is in really estimated to be around 15 million if you take away those they assimilated who know deep down what they are

the numbers are all estimated, the nation has never ever had any census, waa fake since ahmamar and tingra alwasy knew deep down they were minority

so in the space of a few months Ogaden has placed a massive rock in their glass house and has used the cushtic cards,

dont forget harar has had 4 Ogaden presidents and even jidwaq governors, so they will vote and so will muslim oromo and canfar and sidama,

Ogaden straight away supported the sidama to have their vote,

this is why they fear the Ogaden because deep down he knows their nature and can use it against them,

Ethiopia referendum: Sidama poll could test Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed


Bro the other day i was listening to Professor Muxamuud Ugaas, an ONLF high official, wallahi yuo have no idea how much these guys know Ethiopian ethnic groups inside out,

they take tigra and ahmaar and oromo tribe by tribe, they are not as one stock as we thing, they have many beef and different tribes inside them, issues, problems just like somalis, and they know them one by one , who hates who

the professor was showing us the borders wars and showed OGaden/oromo borders is very straight line, but oromo, ahmaar, tigra inside their regions its burning, so many different groups who hate each other

dd you know zinaw had a tigra group who left Ethiopia working to bring tplf down? they are based in eriteria, he has killed thousands of his kind,

so many land disputes so many beef, ahamar with tigra, canfara, benshunguli, same for oromo, it fights with every neighbour and they are so divided into dialect and even those assimilated by them and religion,

we know them inside out, heck the Ogadens even have nick names for many of them like 1door, dabyaco etc,
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Bro Osman Mahmoud are the 'brains' of Somalia. The whole dude running the International Courts of the world is one. Ayan Hersi irrespective of her faith is in a class of her own and at the level of 'Richard Dawkins' as an Atheist speaker. I mean look at the other Somali gaals, their with low level 'gaals'. U feel me nigga. We 'go' str8 for the top, we know how to get there not by emotions cause 'we don't faan' in Bari and Nugaal culture, it's very serious culture, the faan is brand building advertising tactic used by all 'reer mudugs' it's their culture not ours.

The Omar Mahmoud are very 'hawiye' conscious since they're close by and their not on 'friendly terms' but a 'ceasefire' green line type of existence. It's similar to gaza/israel lol in security context, it's stable, but it's explosive anytime over any matter lol. But as for Omar Mahmoud I give them one 'prop' their very 'majerten orientated' the people waa gob dhinacasi, not always their 'politicians' but their 'PPL' yes. Shacabka iyo Siyasiga iyo Isimka waa in la kala saara. They have good Isimo, Shacab, their politicians(very sneaky).

Osman Mahmoud not so much, that's why they all loved 'cade' u see. Anagu 'warkeenu' waa toos niyahow, we want a 'structure' iyo 'nidaam' that's why cause we know how to 'excel' then since we know what life is about to leave something so the next generation can use it as climbing ladder to the top again, where-as other clans in Somalia are not the same thinking, they want the job but waste time and their next generation are told we seen what ur clan can do kkkkkk and they lose out in power or at least 'influence'.

As for Ogaden outsmarting MJ. Listen don't twist the Hamar incident, abdillahi had to 'target' the bakaraha, he didn't care about 'civilian' xafaad unless the enemy was there. It was all about bakaraha since that's where most the HG extortion came from and little from checkpoints and airport. If this didn't happen, our UN seat wud still be empty, in the world we are considered OUTSIDE THE WORLD ORDER, so we would remain in our vacuum. At least we now progressed to 'humanitarian' zone of recovery, but we been in this stage since 2009 and it's 10 years and the problem is leadership knowing how to get around political beefs, clan agendas, waa inu qarta sidu obstacleka horyaala ka gudba si loo gaadho at least hamar 'securitykisa' gacanta laguu haayo sida kismaayo not having diploamts in shipping containers in xalane. The problem is there is no MJ who will quickly ensure this phase of security is over and our UN profile can return to reconstruction era. We have objectives not clan hatred as u put it, that's how they twist it. If we had clan hared we would go around 'xasuuq' on galmudug villages everyday, we don't because our objective is a govt and unfortunately it happens to be located in MOG

Ciise langab too much cuqdad, to loud, Sayidka killed them after they went to talyani and said give us weapons to kill him,

Osman very gentle quite, laid back, no shouting, Osman is like Mohamed Zubeer, very quite and chilled, but they love shagging any creature that moves, no matter even if she is bantu, dac dac

Osman muxamuud, wise, smart, they were actually on the side of the Sayidka, very tactical, long term vision, Umar is like Reer cabdulle of Ogaden,

when cabdulmajid the 1door zinawi made The head of parliament (not president as 1door claim, even though he was bah cabdall samaroon yet they claim he becase his clan pays mag with some habar 1door clan) went to somaliland, puntland, xamar

he came to puntland in 1997 and showed all the somalis a bag, he said in this bag are plans to destroy Ogaden and make sure they never ever have influence in east arfica, zinawi paid him to do this, he had so much cuqdad, he asked who will supprt me, all somalis put their hand up except for one group: Umar muxmauud and cabdullahi yusuf was there,

every somali including faroole voted with happiness,s they said warya show us how to destroy Ogaden,

cabdullhu yusuf AUN stood up and said " waryada marehan and majerteenow, today you boast and want to bring down Ogaden, this dir will do it to you tomorrow for you are no different to him, you are all darood, we will nto support this"

admit it bro, Umar muxamuud waa gob, very long term vision, nasab men, nasab blood, they sent away cabdulmajid, it was the worst war between Ethiopia and Ogaden, yet ciise muxmauud, marehan all other kashin were drooling at the prospect of seeing Ogaden destroyed, but it took wise umar muxamuud to say stop this waryada,


i always ask myself why there such low representation ogadeni mps in xamar.
one the saddest thing i've realised how much habesha played somali/somalia like a fiddle, specifically somaliland, not only did they train the sl army but also have free acces of there intel, they also planted bunch of spies for good messure.
i hope day this satanic jewish regime of ethiopia ends for good. sometimes i wonder allah put somalis on this helish trail to prove our faith.
i always ask myself why there such low representation ogadeni mps in xamar.
one the saddest thing i've realised how much habesha played somali/somalia like a fiddle, specifically somaliland, not only did they train the sl army but also have free acces of there intel, they also planted bunch of spies for good messure.
i hope day this satanic jewish regime of ethiopia ends for good. sometimes i wonder allah put somalis on this helish trail to prove our faith.

if only they stood their ground habashi would respect them

issues is bro they ere not tested like Ogaden Ogaden has been tested, this is why in DDS they are very united for the cause, because somalis do not see what we see: a foreign enemy on the gates, i believe this si why Ogaden has to die or expand for centuries, we had foreigners on our side, so we were forced to develop nidaam, culture, deen, defend land, Ugas-yaal,

this could be why we were expanding our lands for centuries when Somalis were sleeping, because they did not have any necessity or force by environment,

its why Russia reached the pacific, because the had mongols and khans invading them whilst their euorpean cousins slept in peace in the middle

notice how Spain and Portugal were so hungry after 900 years of islamic rule they exploded to the new world?

its because they tasted good fights and learned to die or survive, Czechoslovakia was never tested, nor was Moldova, its in the middle,

notice even in Ogaden its Mohamed zubeer who is most ahead, its because he is the border defence, he borders the foreigners, so he had to act whilst the others had moahemd zubeer as their wall,

borders shape races, so does potential invasion, your time is spent on how to defend yourself, so you become self sufficient, even when yuo marry its designed to increase your numbers, marriage becomes strategic

one of my ancestors Ugaas Xirsi made a law, every time harti, 1door, specially 1door, etc came to Ogaden lands for water, they would provide a virgin girl and the King ordered his soldiers to give the girls as wives to every Absame sub clan, makahil, abaskull, etc, this was designed to get as many wives from the nasab locals as possible and to create future defenders of the land,

what did ONLF do in 1991 when they won 85% of the votes? every Ogaden sub clan got their own gobal/s and degmos, why? it was designed to limit feud and focus on the enemy, no one fifhrting over a degmo or gobal,

what did cabdi iley do to improve this, he took it from 54 degmos and 9 gobals to 11 gobals and 93 degmos, he created 39 demgos and gave Ogaden alone 35 of them , it is based on numbers though, per 150,000 get a degmo roughly , per 1 million a gobal, ONLF will create more after the cenus as they predict we could be around 15 million instead of 11 million,

isnha Allah lets win the 202 election, you will see so many massive changes by ONLF it will make these look like child played isnha Allah, we have so many plans to improve Ogadeniya
I donโ€™t think thatโ€™s even a JWXO unit ๐Ÿ˜…(jabhada wadaniga xoreynta Ogadenia) our population increased and will continue to increase alxamdulilah Liyuu are just a little over 100 thousand right now but there are over half of a million young boys who wish to register but thereโ€™s lack of funds we are losing some of our money from our businesses to this fake doomed Addisโ€™s Abeba government as tax.


This is what Ogaden manpower would look like if they went all out๐Ÿ˜…
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