Daniel Haqiqatjou and "Red Pill"

People, listen to what the Sheikh has to say here:

what he is saying is very clearly true, no matter how much people try to attack this guy. whether you like him or not and regardless of whatever it is you think about him, what he is saying is very clearly the truth.

these same "anti-Madkhali" people who accuse us of being agents because we don't agree with them.... they make this accusation and meanwhile NATO was using air strikes to help these people out in Libya

it was only like ten years ago that the West used these people to destroy Libya.


Omar del Sur

also as far as this ruler committing zina on tv thing which is something completely different than what I was talking about.... one of the conditions for rising up against the ruler is that he commits clear cut apostasy. now public zina.... I think it's pretty weird but when you look at it from the standpoint of evidence rather than emotions... it's pretty weird but I don't think in and of itself it constitutes apostasy. that's not to say that you who appeal to emotions should twist what I say to make it seem like I approve of it... but for example you can't just takfir someone because they drink alcohol or zina... that is textbook khawarij methodology... sin and apostasy are two different things
I already said- regardless of what you think of that Sheikh, what he said in the video I linked is correct. what he's saying in the video you posted is a different topic.

Your entire argument is don’t call out or condemn MBS for his liberalization project or that means you want…. Then you mention outlandish claims.

A foundational principal of Islam is commanding the good and forbidding the evil.

MBS liberalization project and war against Islam will always be called out by Muslims.

Madkhalism is a clear government project and is not convincing in the least.
also as far as this ruler committing zina on tv thing which is something completely different than what I was talking about.... one of the conditions for rising up against the ruler is that he commits clear cut apostasy. now public zina.... I think it's pretty weird but when you look at it from the standpoint of evidence rather than emotions... it's pretty weird but I don't think in and of itself it constitutes apostasy. that's not to say that you who appeal to emotions should twist what I say to make it seem like I approve of it... but for example you can't just takfir someone because they drink alcohol or zina... that is textbook khawarij methodology... sin and apostasy are two different things

You are mentioning uprising and the man in the video says you should not even condemn it, in fact he says draw the peoples hearts to the dear leader.

You and the Madkhalis started coming after Daniel after he repeatedly condemned uprising but your issue is exposing the liberalization project. You bring up uprising when no one has mentioned it as a distraction. All he did was condemn the government sponsored halloween.

it sent Madkhalis into a frenzy.

Madkhalis are just government agents and their number one priority is protecting MBS and his liberalization project, it is so clear.

Omar del Sur

Your entire argument is don’t call out or condemn MBS for his liberalization project or that means you want…. Then you mention of outlandish claims.

A foundational principal of Islam is commanding the good and forbidding the evil.

MBS liberalization project and war against Islam will always be called out by Muslims.

Madkhalism is a clear government project and is not convincing in the least.

look, all I saw is something about MBS. I am tired of hearing about MBS. I have no idea what any Gulf Arab royals are up to, maybe you could discuss it in a "celeb gossip" section. I don't follow the royals in Saudi or Britain or whatever. I don't talk about the governments of any Muslim country except Syria because I consider Assad a kaffir. There are dozens of Muslim countries where I don't talk about their governments. If you want to talk about Saudi current events or whatever, you should talk to someone who follows that stuff.

When I was a kid, I used to collect pokemon cards. That didn't mean I was some sort of spokesman for the Japanese government or whoever their royals are.

I wish nothing but good for the Saudis but those people live on the other side of the ocean from me. I have no idea what they are up to and I'm not out to weigh in on their politics.

Omar del Sur

another thing I want to mention... some Salafis defend the Saudi government... I have no comment either way about the government of Saudi, Somalia, Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, etc... I don't have anything to do with any governments of any Muslim countries

Omar del Sur

here I post content directly from- what government? from the government of Peru:

Communists attack ambulance trying to transport patients:

you can see in the video above their aggression against the poor ambulance....

and here some context from the Peruvian health ministry:

"The video was recorded in Puno, when the Melgar Health Center ambulance was attacked while it was transferring three patients to the Carlos Monge Medrano Hospital. Help us save lives!"

I did a whole thread talking against Communists in Peru

I can promise you... I'm not being paid by MBS or Farmaajo or HSM or the Mad Mullah or Erdogan or Imran Khan or Saddam Hussein or anyone from any MENA country to post content against Communists in Peru

Omar del Sur

Madkhalis are just government agents and their number one priority is protecting MBS and his liberalization project, it is so clear.

right... so MBS is paying me to fixate on Peruvian communists...

and I'm in favor of liberalism???

you and your Daniel Haqiqatjou cult are not the only ones who talk about liberalism. every Salafi in the world is against liberalism, no Salafi is in favor of liberalism. random boomers watching Fox news are against liberalism, Haqiqatjou saying "liberalism is bad" is not some groundbreaking new thing that he invented or has a monopoly on. "everybody has to be on board with Haqiqatjou or they're a liberal" is retarded.

you've accused me of being an agent multiple times, very casually. and apparently you want to imply I'm some sort of liberal or something. meanwhile nobody familiar with my views outside of your Haqiqatjou cult thinks I'm a liberal.

I am tired of you making stuff up and lying about me. If I work for any government or if I get paid to post on social media, may Allah curse me. Ameen.

Now why don't you ask Allah to curse you if I don't work for a government and I don't get paid to post on social media? You shameless liar.

Omar del Sur

also @AMusee since you want to lie about me- if I'm getting paid by Saudi, why am I vocally anti-vax when Saudi was staunchly pro mandate? if you really believe your own lie then explain that.

Omar del Sur

You see @Omar del Sur this is connected to faith. The stuff Mbs is promoting is the worst of evil and he declared his country to be not Salafi anymore. If you really like Salafiyah you should hate Mbs because he is the biggest enemy of Salafism.

Question: Does it belong to the methodology of the Salaf to condemn the leaders, mention their errors and backbite them from the pulpits? How does one advise the rulers according to the methodology of the Salaf? How should it occur?

Shaykh Ibn Bâz: This question has been posed several times. It does not belong to the methodology of the Salaf to mention the shortcomings of the rulers from the pulpits. It leads to revolts and that people refrain from hearing and obeying in that which is allowed. It leads to something that only harms and benefits nothing.

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Omar del Sur

@Hamzza but I guess you're going to just disregard Sheikh Ibn Baz like you disregarded Sheikh Fawzan and like I assume you'd disregard Sheikh Uthaymeen if I posted what he said..... you and the people who share in your mindset have gone astray... what kind of "traditional Islam" are you types defending if you aren't adhering to the scholars... Haqiqatjou calls to "defending traditional Islam"... while having zero scholars with him... so he's already lost! the liberals or whoever it is don't even need to throw a pebble in his direction because he failed the mission before the battle even started... the mission is already a failure


Question: Does it belong to the methodology of the Salaf to condemn the leaders, mention their errors and backbite them from the pulpits? How does one advise the rulers according to the methodology of the Salaf? How should it occur?

Shaykh Ibn Bâz: This question has been posed several times. It does not belong to the methodology of the Salaf to mention the shortcomings of the rulers from the pulpits. It leads to revolts and that people refrain from hearing and obeying in that which is allowed. It leads to something that only harms and benefits nothing.

Bro, you're getting too emotional. Sheik Ibn Baz said this too:

The sins should be mentioned without the mentioning of the sinner. Fornication, spirits and interest [all of these] should be condemned without condemning the one who falls into them. It is enough that one condemns the sins and warns against them without mentioning the sinner, regardless if he is the ruler or anybody else.

Guess what, Not a single Sheikh of all the arrested Ulema name called Mbs. They only mentioned the dangerous sin, that is Liberalising Bilad al Tawheed.

We had this conversation before. Mbs took the Ulema's condemnation of degeneracy personally as he is the one promoting it and arrested all of them.

Omar del Sur

Bro, you're getting too emotional. Sheik Ibn Baz said this too:

Guess what, Not a single Sheikh of all the arrested Ulema name called Mbs. They only mentioned the dangerous sin, that is Liberalising Bilad al Tawheed.

We had this conversation before. Mbs took the Ulema's condemnation of degeneracy personally as he is the one promoting it and arrested all of them.

how is me posting what Sheikh Ibn Baz said getting too emotional? are you a psychic?

you don't have any scholars with you and you don't even care. in reality, you and your approach and that of Haqiqatjou- you all are liberalism. when every person feels like they can disregard the scholars and interpret Islam however they like- that is liberalism. that is liberalization. if you want to defend traditional Islam, stick to the scholars. but you reject that in favor of your approach that is fundamentally liberal in its essence.


how is me posting what Sheikh Ibn Baz said getting too emotional? are you a psychic?

you don't have any scholars with you and you don't even care. in reality, you and your approach and that of Haqiqatjou- you all are liberalism. when every person feels like they can disregard the scholars and interpret Islam however they like- that is liberalism. that is liberalization. if you want to defend traditional Islam, stick to the scholars. but you reject that in favor of your approach that is fundamentally liberal in its essence.
You should respond to my post. According to Sheikh Ibn Baz, the arrested Ulema have done nothing wrong.
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Omar del Sur


I don't care about the rest of Haqiqatjou's post here but I agree with him that yes, that liberalism derived from Protestantism.

"Historical Protestantism is a Satanic world historical force, which led directly to liberal Enlightenment modernity."

How did liberalism emerge? It emerged from when Martin Luther rebelled against the Catholic version of their scholars and promoted the idea that everybody can just interpret Christianity however they want. That was where liberalism came from.

Now when it gets to the rest of post past that first sentence I quoted, imo it's just garbage and he doesn't get where the real essence of liberalism in Protestantism came from.... in reality Haqiqatjou is going the same route.... he pretends he's a defender of traditional Islam while promoting for people to disregard the scholars and interpret Islam however they want. That was how liberalism started.
I don't understand exactly what Haqiqatjou expects scholars to do. Look at this twitter page.

Any voice whether they are a layman or a prominent scholar like al-Ouda will get arrested and sentenced to many years if they go against MBS regime. Even in other Muslim countries you will find similar occurrences. They might just condemn the sin itself and still their life is in danger. It is better for them to remain silent instead of criticizing their governments. Does he want the people to rebel against their leaders? That is also haram if the leader is Muslim. At the end of the day tyranny is better than anarchy. Not every sheikh is willing to go to prison to preach what is right. But some brave ones still do and they will be honoured by Allah for enjoining what is good.



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