Dark skin vs light skin, colourism

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Btw when I was in Denmark this group of Somalis asked me if I wanna go to the tanning salon

It was so confusing Cause they were already dark skin


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

They had the same skin tone like this




Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Bullshit. There is no Somaliland look. They are indishuiable from Djibouti Somalis, Ogadenis, and Puntlanders.

Only thing that differentiates is that stupid accent.

Hows the accent stupid?

Its not like reer xamaar sound better they sound like babies speaking Broken Somali



Mudug Somali / Puntland dialect = standard Somali.

Waqooyi Galbeed and the South speak a bastardized creole language.

Nigga, theirs no such thing as puntland accent. reer puntland either have Bari or mudgu accents. Cajiib how these mjs try to manipulate things,


Nigga, theirs no such thing as puntland accent. reer puntland either have Bari or mudgu accents. Cajiib how these mjs try to manipulate things,

Dialect continuum. Same basic grouping, different subgroups.

The language of Puntland is understood well by Somalilanders and Southies, while Southies and Somalilanders have problems communicating directly.
I don't think this is true in South Somalia.

I suspect around 20% of South Somalis who consider themselves ethnic Somali have a Bantu somewhere in their family tree. In North Somalia (includes Puntland and Somaliland) nobody has a Bantu in their family tree.
You suspect?:bell: Only deep in the jungle that would be gossip at best


Bullshit. There is no Somaliland look. They are indishuiable from Djibouti Somalis, Ogadenis, and Puntlanders.

Only thing that differentiates is that stupid accent.
Wallahi I can tell. Lol at stupid accent kkkkk warya ka daa dee our accent is the sax one ma fahantay, no niic niic abaayoo bullshid


Dialect continuum. Same basic grouping, different subgroups.

The language of Puntland is understood well by Somalilanders and Southies, while Southies and Somalilanders have problems communicating directly.

fock of kid, you think I am some ciyaal u can tell stupid lies. I been around all of Somalia. Puntland it self has two dialects, reer bari and reer mudug. The reer mudug dialect is spoken by everyone, mjs, hg, dir, etc, and its not exclusive to anyone.
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