Dark skin vs light skin, colourism

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Isaaq and Darod are Arab is sooo 1900s.

What rock have you lived under? Are we going to debate flat earth theory next?


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
They are not Arabs.

Lol technically they are because they're ex Arab slaves. They're oromo slaves mixed with Arabs and he's on here talking about Somali genetics when he isn't even Somali.
Genetic analyses I have performed on Southern *ethnic* Somalis show that they have a Borana South Oromo & Omotic element that is not present among North-Central Somalis (Djibouti, Ogaden, Somaliland, Puntland).

The two groups are not the same. This isn't even talking about Bantu.
Then why did you say they (daroods like OG) were mixed with Bantu only to switch and say from the genetic analysis that you performed that they're actually mixed with Oromo?
Boranas have different facial structure from Somalis. Somalis have slender gracile faces while Borana have rough faces.

South Somalis are mixed with rough faced Boranas. That's why they look different.
You're talking deep south, but it still isn't true.


Then why did you say they (daroods like OG) were mixed with Bantu only to switch and say from the genetic analysis that you performed that they're actually mixed with Oromo?

South Darods are mostly Garre fuckers who switched their allegiances to Darod. They are not ethnic Darods.
I realised there are two different "darks". There is the dark that is beautiful, normal supple chocolate skin. And then there is that grey-ain't-seen-lotion-since-day-dehydrated-sunken-eyes-the-struggle-is-real kind of dark.

When people say duxul I think they're referring to the latter. I don't actually think Somalis would call a dark-skinned attractive girl duxul.


I realised there are two different "darks". There is the dark that is beautiful, normal supple chocolate skin. And then there is that grey-ain't-seen-lotion-since-day-dehydrated-sunken-eyes-the-struggle-is-real kind of dark.

When people say duxul I think they're referring to the latter. I don't actually think Somalis would call a dark-skinned attractive girl duxul.

off topic: Your display pic is really disturbing. :williamswtf:
That's not how anthropology and population analyses work. Yes, you always have statistical outliers, but we are dealing with population means.

The median northern face is narrower and more gracile than the median southern face. Fact. This exclude non-ethnics.
Says who? You?:mjlol:

You're talking out of your ass. One minute deep south Somalis are 20% Bantu next they're mixed with Oromo then next when you remember they are Darood too, you disqualify them as Darood :drakelaugh:
Anything South of the Shabelle river you find many Bantu faces. They don't look like other Somalis.
Genetic analyses I have performed on Southern *ethnic* Somalis show that they have a Borana South Oromo & Omotic element that is not present among North-Central Somalis (Djibouti, Ogaden, Somaliland, Puntland).

The two groups are not the same. This isn't even talking about Bantu.
Boranas have different facial structure from Somalis. Somalis have slender gracile faces while Borana have rough faces.

South Somalis are mixed with rough faced Boranas. That's why they look different.
South Darods are mostly Garre fuckers who switched their allegiances to Darod. They are not ethnic Darods.

The most southern Somalis you'll find are Ogadens and Marexaans


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ


iirc the outliers were only the NFD folk.*

To quote you "Only the Marehan in Kenya cluster with normal Somalis on genetic plots. The other Kenyan Somalis are too much mixed with Borana Oromos."


* Qabiil is still mostly bullshit
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