Dark skin xalimo claims dark skin xalimos are the most neglected in Somali households

Dark girl: I'm so neglected
Big nosed girl: hold my shaah

Thats true, colorism for us isnt the same as it is for other black people. Somali people are more featurist then colorist, we can except a dark skin girl as long as she has the right features and jaleec hair but never a light skin girl with a big nose and kinky hair. Were kinda opposite from other madow people who obsess over light skin over everything


This isn't a revelation, and why is she saying the Somali community as if other African, Asian, Hispanic, etc communities aren't colorist? She's just giving ajnabis ways to bash our community alone

And who goes on public platforms like twitter to criticize their own people? Only place you'll see me talking about the negatives of our community is on Somalispot

@xalimathe6 sister what is your qabil and your faraax qabil?


This isn't a revelation, and why is she saying the Somali community as if other African, Asian, Hispanic, etc communities aren't colorist? She's just giving ajnabis ways to bash our community alone

And who goes on public platforms like twitter to criticize their own people? Only place you'll see me talking about the negatives of our community is on Somalispot
she's not even from Somalia but Djibouti should have said the instead and kept our name out her mouth


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
I never seen in real life a dark skin women capture the whole room with her presence and beauty even though they look great but I've seen a few white women do so.


I never seen in real life a dark skin women capture the whole room with her presence and beauty even though they look great but I've seen a few white women do so.
I've seen them cause traffic and mass honking/ catcalling, does that count?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
we all have to admit white women are the most beautiful

If you're speaking from the classical Somali sense, no they are not. Simply put, light coloured eyes and hair were not present in the Somali peninsula and had no gravitas. Nor did Somalis ever fawn over it, rather it was castigated and referred to as cursed or 'sana cadale' (probably a result of unadvantageous recessive gene mutations i.e. heterochromia or albinism).

The classic unmarried Somali beauty was reddish in hue, with narrow features, curly-wavy tresses, tall, thin, with a long neck, dark gums, and a narrow waist. The fact that you're globalizing them as a universal beauty standard is a misfit. And you're obfuscating your experience brought up in the west with what Somalis have historically thought of as beautiful.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
If you're speaking from the classical Somali sense, no they are not. Simply put, light coloured eyes and hair were present in the Somali peninsula and had no gravitas. Nor did Somalis ever fawn over it, rather it was castigated and referred to as cursed or 'sana cadale'.

The classic unmarried Somali beauty was reddish in hue, with narrow features, curly-wavy tresses, tall, thin, with a long neck, dark gums, and a narrow waist. The fact that you're globalizing them as a universal beauty standard is a misfit. And you're obfuscating your experience brought up in the west with what Somalis have historically thought of as beautiful.
white women have blond hair and blue eyes you cant compete honey.


You didn't read, soomaha. :ftw9nwa:
this is probably his type of halimo

with his white washed ass:ftw9nwa:

This is an interesting revelation. Can the darkies like @HalimaJ @VixR and @Knowles confirm?
Fake news. Maybe it's not the fact your dark skinned, it's probably because you embraced toxic third wave feminism, could your y attitude aka strong independent woman who don't need no man, or despite the fact you're"educated", you have no critical thinking skills and have you the same basic interests as the s working at Foot Locker ? The maadow men are a word for this. She's what they call a colorism crybaby. Does the Somali version have swirl fever, while condemning any black men not dating dark skinned women or black, too ?

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
If this skin color thing about Somalis was real than why haven't my sister ever got harrasesd by Somali women? She is also extremely dark skinned yet no one ever said anything.

Maybe because I don't know.... Somalis aren't colorists?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Fake news. Maybe it's not the fact your dark skinned, it's probably because you embraced toxic third wave feminism, could your y attitude aka strong independent woman who don't need no man, or despite the fact you're"educated", you have no critical thinking skills and have you the same basic interests as the s working at Foot Locker ? The maadow men are a word for this. She's what they call a colorism crybaby. Does the Somali version have swirl fever, while condemning any black men not dating dark skinned women or black, too ?

We don't have that issue. Darkies get married, have jobs and are fully participating in society.

They have absolutely nothing to complaun about if you compare their situation with other ethnic women. @TheShinning was bragging about how Somali men pay the bills, even if the wife works. Tell me which other race does that?
We don't have that issue. Darkies get married, have jobs and are fully participating in society.

They have absolutely nothing to complaun about if you compare their situation with other ethnic women. @TheShinning was bragging about how Somali men pay the bills, even if the wife works. Tell me which other race does that?
Thank God. I'm around that all the time and it's depressing. I've tried to read Ebony and jet and I can't take all the self pity. Also AA women like to be head of the household and be in charge. It's weird. I find that to be stressful. And a majority embraced single motherhood. Like on Ebony and essence, they celebrate the baby mamas of those reality shows as in on the front cover. This one article that written by Jill Scott was about how seeing a black man with non black makes think about slavery. But quotes Maya Angelo who is married to a white man. Also, alot of AA are overweight. It's true. The dark skinned thing is a scrap goat
My family is mostly light skin or mariin and I've overheard my aunts referring to some women as "midee madobeed" even if their slightly darkish-carmel. Colorism exists if we're being honest, but it's not overly blatant.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
I am gonna hit on every big bootie southie girl I see, and if she don't drop the digits, I'll tell her bye darkie go rope


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Light skin xalimos are fawned over more than dark skinned xalimos. Thats a fact.

Maybe that's in the female heads? Every guy here doesn't care yet the ones that say there's a colourism is a girl.

The tweet says neglected and if they're treated worse, which is a total nonsense.

My family is mostly light skin or mariin and I've overheard my aunts referring to some women as "midee madobeed" even if their slightly darkish-carmel. Colorism exists if we're being honest, but it's not overly blatant.

It's a proud Somali tradition to contribute physical attributes and nicknames. Madoobe is a physical attribute as is Cadde.

Cadde is not a term of endearment nor is madoobe a dig at someone. Not is it to call someone with a limp lugey or someone missing a hand gacamey.