Dark skinned Somali woman says Somalis are black!

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I am sick and tired of these SJW Somalis trying to speak for every Somali person that exists, just because they want to be black doesn't mean all of us Somalis do. I am not black. I will never indetify as black. I was not put on this earth to identify and call myself a color! Stop begging the blacks. Somalis are not black!

She just is looking for husband, it is hard to find good guy nowadays with moving Somali families to small towns and suburban neighbourhoods.


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@Bielsa :siilaanyolaugh:

I'm not sure why you tagged me bro. I'm totally indifferent to this whole "are we black" nonsense. We fall under the "black" category in the West so it is what it is. Racial construct as a subject is problematic but I/We got bigger priorities than this.

Walahi I don't care at all about this issue. Call me black. Call me Somali. Totally indifferent.
You don't walk into every room and start with "Hello, I'm Black". It's true AAs are the only ones to identify solely as Black because they don't know their roots. The question is: are Somalis black? Yes, Somalis are black just like every other ethnicity native to sub-Saharan Africa. This is exactly what I meant when it I said it doesn't come with prescribed political stances or world views. Just because we are both Black doesn't mean we are the same. There's an obvious difference in culture, language, appearance between a native Somali and a native to Nigeria. Us both being black doesn't eliminate our differences. An Italian is considered White just like a blue-eyed, blonde-haired Swede is considered white, despite the drastic difference in appearance, culture, language and geographical location. Are you going to tell me there's no such thing as White too? Or is it strictly reserved for White Americans that may not necessarily know where they originate from? In colloquial terms being "Black" is vague physical description to describe people of sub-Saharan Africa. It's not a culture nor is it language, it's a physical indicator.

I really don't care what white people call themselves. I am African -- that is what I ascribe to, black has no meaning to me and never will. Maybe if people put more effort into asserting their African-ess instead of trying to create a culture of Black-ness, our continent would not be looted by foreigners.


I really don't care what white people call themselves. I am African -- that is what I ascribe to, black has no meaning to me and never will. Maybe if people put more effort into asserting their African-ess instead of trying to create a culture of Black-ness, our continent would not be looted by foreigners.
Black, African and Somali exist in parallel, you don't choose. Black cannot have a single culture because it comprises of many different ethnicities, languages and locations. African-American culture does not equal Black culture. You're refusing the concept of Blackness while promoting the assertion of Africanism when truthfully it's the exact same thing. The only difference is the exclusion of African-Americans, Black-Brits, Caribbeans, Afro-Brazilians and any other descendants of the slave trade. It's just tied to a geographical location and nothing more.

I'm not forcing you to embrace 'Blackness' and I hate it when people do as these seem to be the same pan-African crowd that pretend that there are no differences between Black people. Me being Black is at best a vague and superficial description of me. The whole world could congregate tomorrow and declare me, as an individual, not black and I couldn't care less because being Black means next to nothing to me, nor do I see anything wrong with being described as a Black male. Believe me, if I had the choice to not be considered a Black man in Europe I would take it...


the worst is when they have "panels" to discuss it like their discussing something of the utmost importance to the somali community. ARE SOMALIS BLACK OR ARAB? if they have any clue they would know arab is a culture and heritage (which we don't have) and black is a race it's not a one or the other thing

they could discuss so much important things but they choose to discuss race and colorism, somalis are going through drought, famine,terrorism, corrupt governing broken families, but sure let's discuss whether we're black or not :ileycry:
It's the victim mentality. You have Somalis on twitter doing PhDs and masters degrees in women's studies and black studies and want to project this on to our community. Somalis already have a sense of self, it's called clan. Everyone proclaims their clan is best and clan politics rules. Instead, these Somalis talk about "anti blackness" but fail to mention how Bantus are treated in Somalia.

When you say Somalis need to talk about pressing issues such as employment, education, barriers of language and economic self-sufficiency, and how this ties to youth recruitment in terrorism they call it "victim blaming".

The fact of the matter is Somalis were self-selected migrants. The first wave left as seamen, the next left for education, finally the last left as refugees. The refugee narrative has been going on for almost 30 years now I think we can stop making excuses now.
Tyra is fake and she bleached her skin.
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