Mogadishu decline has to be studied from being ibn battutas most favourite city to slowly becoming more and more dominated by omani influence to and eventually becoming vassal state to oman before being handed to italy and although im HG and i know im not indigneous i will drum the hiraab card all i want dont come for me.
Someone needs to do a piece on why it declined so badly before colonialism, mogadishu zeila and harar were the 3 greatest somali cities where scholars around the world would travel to study Islam. We know why harar and zeila declined because of ethiopia but why mogadishu to this extent.
Someone needs to do a piece on why it declined so badly before colonialism, mogadishu zeila and harar were the 3 greatest somali cities where scholars around the world would travel to study Islam. We know why harar and zeila declined because of ethiopia but why mogadishu to this extent.