Deni Speaks On SSDF


Ask @DR OSMAN he said it himself They surrendered and joined the kacaan

I didn't say we surrendered because we lost, I said marehan ayaa ii dhaamo IRIR GOVT waryaa. I refuse to work with u on those grounds, hence 30 year civil war, stop twisting shit. MAJERTEN IS STRONGEST CLAN IN SOMALIA, WE JUST DON'T LIKE TO USE OUR POWER TO SCARE U AND GIVE U CUQDAD KALE.

This nigga thinks SSDF losst becauses waa laga awoodi badiyay, haye, war kalay dhulkani 750 km ah iga qaad hadi aad iga awoodi badin kartid? just try to displace me if u have power today


Ask @DR OSMAN he said it himself They surrendered and joined the kacaan

I know desert warfare ma taqanid, I updated all Majertens with the evidence, all your wars has been hit n run and urban inside the city. U fear conventional and outside the city warfare, this is where we will pressure u the hardest, since u beat the enemy, where he never FIGHTS AMA MEESHU KA CARARAYO, Waxan uu soo jiidaya dagaalku mar walbo BANANKA cause waan aqana inaad cabsan doontid, mental terror ayaa ka hayso conventional warfare, I will ensure PL forces continue this tactic and to ensure to take all the cadows outside the city, never fight the cadow where he is comfortable like hit n run jabhad style in the city.

All Somalis know your hiding among dhulbahante, using them as blanket against Majerten. All Somalis know this, I don't need to even tell you that. But once exposed as ID22R by himself, u know the truth, id22r know the truth also.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Nayaa get to work. MJ culture is well defined and known. Carurta waxay ku abtirsadan abaha, so your name will not count in the survival of awooweyasheenu, so u work the other side, strategically marry males who 'top class' irrespective of nation. Loot that hanti when he leaves u 'his will'. Do not bring us some low class c*nt or middle class, shoot for the top nayaa.

Do your bit for your own name also since u count males name also like we all do. As my awoowe wud say 'wiilashu magacayga bay si wadayan' iyo gabdhuhu 'hanti bay keenayan' thru strategic marriages. We don't suffer an identity problem in Majerten like other clans, we know what we stand for, what our purpose is on this earth, and how we going to achieve it. Now get to work. This is how we survived for centuries.

Each society has peasants, merchants, religious, king or ruler. They are all the same no matter where u go nayaa, u just 'target' males based on they're class and status in they're nation. Forget religion even, it's about 'danaheena' beel ahan, do not forget your religion since it's apart of identity and important to our ancestors if it may not be to you.
Don’t call me nayaa, dameeryahow.


Don’t call me nayaa, dameeryahow.

I am proud of MJ women, they are still strong minded, they dominate anyone they marry. Uma cabsidi nagaha, im sick of our weak males who are not doing they're bit. It's because dhaqanki hore ma fahamsana, they just flow with anything they see and then when it breaks down they don't know why, you need to know the principles of those who gave u a life, land, name, culture, identity, if u don't U WILL ADOPT SOMEONE ELSES AND ONCE U DO, YOUR CONQUERED


Don’t call me nayaa, dameeryahow.

Gibin those small 10 million jews planned themselves well for thousands of year. They know abtirsikooda or lineage is inherited from father to father from Jacob who is Israel down to anyone alive today on that tree. But they're women were empowered and told listen since u do not carry 'lineages' because ppl don't abtirsi on women name, they said we want u penetrating rich upper class 'goyim' families and making them jewish friendly. They been doing this for thousands of years and inherited so much dhaxal from each century, they are brutally the world rulers. I want Majerten who had a similar culture and approach to return to that. Let's forget the brainwashing of the 60s-91, let's find our roots before the 60's or else this means we WERE BORN IN THE 60S and this isn't true at all.

This is one of the biggest lies spread. Somalia is on strategic lane way used by all empires of the world, we were KINGDOMS, maybe not EMPIRES but we had some sort of governance. Even in our rural interior since we are not located in one place we had mobile oral laws or penal systems. The opportunity for city state in the desert is IMPOSSIBLE, the people are on the move constantly and not in one location like city. But those rural nomads did develop one thing city folks, strong sense of identity, culture, their place in th world, appreciation of history, ancestors, religion, poetry, etc. But one thing they mastered was 'warfare' which is evidenced in futuh al habash, they cud give the vikings a run for they're money.
I urge you to marry white males who are european or american ok. @Gibiin-Udug

They leave everything to they're wives, waa xoolo toos ah. Forget old societies like india, arab, chinese, russia. Wa dhaqan dhisan weeye, nidaamkooda horey bay ku shaqayan which won't involve enpowering you. Do not marry a damn jew either, they have ancient culture of empowering themselves only. We can strategically ensure all these westerners dump they're assets in Somalia, while they are open to 'change' iyagu, ma gaban dhaqan xoogan, ma garatay? ka fa'idayso
Ease it with the cuckoldry ina adeer


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I like how he says in kismayo the enemy doesn’t live amongst them the people of kismayo caste their enemies out likewise in puntland we can’t have people who tell us they are our allies by day and tie their face up and indulge in terrorism by night.


Ease it with the cuckoldry ina adeer

Cuckhold, now u demonstrate to me how your women are not ghetto cuckhold. At least mine marry high class, plus we teach them your female but u have abtirsi also which is male name. Our women serve a purpose for us, we use them as front line for beesha growth following dhaqan darod and islam. A woman can only be measured on how much wealth or knowledge she brings back to her tribe and clan, since she knows in the world we live in boys are named after they're fathers. Even gaalo culture, no-one has a surname of BETTY OR MARY LOL. I want us to separate from each other so we don't infect each other because we have infected each other with lower cultures, and now look at Somalia.

Women are critical arm in bah dubays clan planning, I could give a f*ck about what u do waryaa. As long as I inherit the earth and teach the adoomo I control HASSAN YUSUF AWOOWAHAYGA MAGACISA while i bad mouth @Teeri-Alpha awoowe as he knows dhaqanka darod we won't xushmay the other lineages its every lineage for himself let alone SOMALI inu ku xushmayo, I COULD GIVE A f*ck ABOUT UR AWOOWE, HIS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY, HE NEVER HELPED ME SURVIVE FOR CENTURIES, CUCKHOLD KULAHA, HE WANTS ME TO THROW HIM SADAQA AND HELP HIM, BAH DUBAYS WONT HELP U WARYAA. Your very lucky osman mahmoud powersharing is based on bah also, if we did on reer yusuf maxamed or something u wud be annihilated, your dealing with one bah at a time while u unite all as a reer and we still kicking ur ass.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I urge you to marry white males who are european or american ok. @Gibiin-Udug

They leave everything to they're wives, waa xoolo toos ah. Forget old societies like india, arab, chinese, russia. Wa dhaqan dhisan weeye, nidaamkooda horey bay ku shaqayan which won't involve enpowering you. Do not marry a damn jew either, they have ancient culture of empowering themselves only. We can strategically ensure all these westerners dump they're assets in Somalia, while they are open to 'change' iyagu, ma gaban dhaqan xoogan, ma garatay? ka fa'idayso
Why white men? I'm not attracted to them.

@Cognitivedissonance would never advice me to marry ajnabi.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why white men? I'm not attracted to them.

@Cognitivedissonance would never advice me to marry ajnabi.
Baayo i am not a xaasid i love for others what i love for myself.

I want to marry and settle diwn back home cause the system in place in puntland is the shariah law, say my wife wants a divorce, i get to look after the kids and financially she is not my responsibility, i get to keep my possessions such as the home and assets.

That why i would agree with osman for a female in the modern western gynocentric system you are better off with an ajnabi who has accumulated much wealth since farax tend to invest tgeir money bqck home and rarely pay mortgage on a property, whereas middle to upper class european will have had inheritance.

I understand its in q womans nature to be hypergamous just like its part of a mans primordial nature to be attracted to pretty women, i rather you marry an ajanbi since many women marry samaale ajnabi men anyway personally i view all ajnabi the same whether they are bantu, samaale, cadaan or indho yar.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Baayo i am not a xaasid i love for others what i love for myself.

I want to marry and settle diwn back home cause the system in place in puntland is the shariah law, say my wife wants a divorce, i get to look after the kids and financially she is not my responsibility, i get to keep my possessions such as the home and assets.

That why i would agree with osman for a female in the modern western gynocentric system you are better off with an ajnabi who has accumulated much wealth since farax tend to invest tgeir money bqck home and rarely pay mortgage on a property, whereas middle to upper class european will have had inheritance.

I understand its in q womans nature to be hypergamous just like its part of a mans primordial nature to be attracted to pretty women, i rather you marry an ajanbi since many women marry samaale ajnabi men anyway personally i view all ajnabi the same whether they are bantu, samaale, cadaan or indho yar.
It's 2019 boowe, no man keeps his assets or properties after the divorce, he will be the one who's going out of the house. Ciao.
Cuckhold, now u demonstrate to me how your women are not ghetto cuckhold. At least mine marry high class, plus we teach them your female but u have abtirsi also which is male name. Our women serve a purpose for us, we use them as front line for beesha growth following dhaqan darod and islam. A woman can only be measured on how much wealth or knowledge she brings back to her tribe and clan, since she knows in the world we live in boys are named after they're fathers. Even gaalo culture, no-one has a surname of BETTY OR MARY LOL. I want us to separate from each other so we don't infect each other because we have infected each other with lower cultures, and now look at Somalia.

Women are critical arm in bah dubays clan planning, I could give a f*ck about what u do waryaa. As long as I inherit the earth and teach the adoomo I control HASSAN YUSUF AWOOWAHAYGA MAGACISA while i bad mouth @Teeri-Alpha awoowe as he knows dhaqanka darod we won't xushmay the other lineages its every lineage for himself let alone SOMALI inu ku xushmayo, I COULD GIVE A f*ck ABOUT UR AWOOWE, HIS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY, HE NEVER HELPED ME SURVIVE FOR CENTURIES, CUCKHOLD KULAHA, HE WANTS ME TO THROW HIM SADAQA AND HELP HIM, BAH DUBAYS WONT HELP U WARYAA. Your very lucky osman mahmoud powersharing is based on bah also, if we did on reer yusuf maxamed or something u wud be annihilated, your dealing with one bah at a time while u unite all as a reer and we still kicking ur ass.
Omar girls kaliya maahe, all puntites/somali females baan ka masuul ahay. Omar girls are your sisters, dont you think you took it too far ina ader?


@Cognitivedissonance this @Tucking_Fypo I suspect isn't reer Mahad. They respect boqortoyo, they know we laid the foundation so that he can now 'grow' waa niin ka 'fa'idaystay' foundationka loo dhiigay, unfortunately hawiye doesn't want to accept they had nothing before Osman Mahmoud so we can do the same for them, this is the REAL CRUNCH of the matter. Hence why I respect Omar mahmoud the REAL ones, they know who laid the road or else he would be in silly tit for tat wars in mudug/ogadeniya living the 'cawaan lifestyle'.

But some Omar Mahmoud are not wise either and can be bit 'naanaab' when they think they can use the majerten card on us to further the interest of Omar mahmoud and create 'proxy enemies' with Hawiye so they break our long established ties since the 1920's with Hawiye boys. We know Majertenimo began in 1977, it didn't exist prior to that as my father went into hamar as a 'somali' and there was no hand outs given to anyone on tribal base. Infact an abgaal helped house him on shared interest, i scratch ur back, u scratch my back agreement.

Majerten card came to play in SSDF era, which is still around, while we the osman mahmoud know this is a 1970 invention and Omar mahmoud is actually trying to sell it to the KINGS who have 300 years of recorded history and proof of civilization. That's when Omar mahmoud becomes silly naabnaab thinking just cause u can sell that shit down south, it won't work with a place that had long history before knowing the TRUTH of 'idealogy'. That's when I tell Omar Mahmoud war niyahow iska bow gareey. That's why I bow to Boqor Burhan, if he didnt lay foundation for me, I wouldnt be at this level myself, u bow to osman mahmoud as we did the same for u, then hawiye shud bow to keenadiid. We should just respect the FACTS. I am bah dubays and I am telling u I am bowing to someone who killed 3 lineages of mine, why are u NOT BOWING. Bowing doesn't mean disrespect, its acknowledgement. Now we can move forward as Somalis marki qof walbo tarikhdisa loo xushmaayo and don't get jealous and backbite or create FKD narratives.


Reer Mahad must Face Bah Dubays before they even open they're mouths about Bah Gareen-Bah Dirooble-Muse Suldan-Bah Leelkase-Bah Dhulbahante. I am nugaal. HANDLE ME WARYAA and I bet you cant even get past me let alone more established osman mahmoud clans. We are considered the more backward type osman mahmoud and I school all u NUGAAL NIGGAS BE IT DHULOS-OMAR-ISSA.

Don't worry @Cognitivedissonance bah dubays and reer keenadiid ensured omar mahmoud are WISE as we lived with them. Kan ayaanu la yaaban ahay keliya oo riyoole which is making me look bad sxb as bah dubays i didnt control CAWAANKA like Reer keenadiid did with Omar. He did so to ensure they develop in the future and omar took advantage, ISSA HASNT.

Thats why my father is saying arinta issa mahmoud gacanteena way ka baxday, we need help from boqor burhan. We can list all theyre violations for over 100 years. Even sayid gave up on them and decided A POGROM is the best solution in ILLIG. Maybe Eyl can be a new mountain that we decleanse Issa riyoole so we RESTART FROM SCRATCH as the cawaan when they become too many, they need to be 'cleansed' for a new REBIRTH
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@Cognitivedissonance this @Tucking_Fypo I suspect isn't reer Mahad. They respect boqortoyo, they know we laid the foundation so that he can now 'grow' waa niin ka 'fa'idaystay' foundationka loo dhiigay, unfortunately hawiye doesn't want to accept they had nothing before Osman Mahmoud so we can do the same for them, this is the REAL CRUNCH of the matter. Hence why I respect Omar mahmoud the REAL ones, they know who laid the road or else he would be in silly tit for tat wars in mudug/ogadeniya living the 'cawaan lifestyle'.

But some Omar Mahmoud are not wise either and can be bit 'naanaab' when they think they can use the majerten card on us to further the interest of Omar mahmoud and create 'proxy enemies' with Hawiye so they break our long established ties since the 1920's with Hawiye boys. We know Majertenimo began in 1977, it didn't exist prior to that as my father went into hamar as a 'somali' and there was no hand outs given to anyone on tribal base. Infact an abgaal helped house him on shared interest, i scratch ur back, u scratch my back agreement.

Majerten card came to play in SSDF era, which is still around, while we the osman mahmoud know this is a 1970 invention and Omar mahmoud is actually trying to sell it to the KINGS who have 300 years of recorded history and proof of civilization. That's when Omar mahmoud becomes silly naabnaab thinking just cause u can sell that shit down south, it won't work with a place that had long history before knowing the TRUTH of 'idealogy'. That's when I tell Omar Mahmoud war niyahow iska bow gareey. That's why I bow to Boqor Burhan, if he didnt lay foundation for me, I wouldnt be at this level myself, u bow to osman mahmoud as we did the same for u, then hawiye shud bow to keenadiid. We should just respect the FACTS. I am bah dubays and I am telling u I am bowing to someone who killed 3 lineages of mine, why are u NOT BOWING. Bowing doesn't mean disrespect, its acknowledgement. Now we can move forward as Somalis marki qof walbo tarikhdisa loo xushmaayo and don't get jealous and backbite or create FKD narratives.
This nigga said he bows to boqor burhan. Stagfurulah that’s blasphemy


سلطنة مجرتين
@Cognitivedissonance this @Tucking_Fypo I suspect isn't reer Mahad. They respect boqortoyo, they know we laid the foundation so that he can now 'grow' waa niin ka 'fa'idaystay' foundationka loo dhiigay, unfortunately hawiye doesn't want to accept they had nothing before Osman Mahmoud so we can do the same for them, this is the REAL CRUNCH of the matter. Hence why I respect Omar mahmoud the REAL ones, they know who laid the road or else he would be in silly tit for tat wars in mudug/ogadeniya living the 'cawaan lifestyle'.

But some Omar Mahmoud are not wise either and can be bit 'naanaab' when they think they can use the majerten card on us to further the interest of Omar mahmoud and create 'proxy enemies' with Hawiye so they break our long established ties since the 1920's with Hawiye boys. We know Majertenimo began in 1977, it didn't exist prior to that as my father went into hamar as a 'somali' and there was no hand outs given to anyone on tribal base. Infact an abgaal helped house him on shared interest, i scratch ur back, u scratch my back agreement.

Majerten card came to play in SSDF era, which is still around, while we the osman mahmoud know this is a 1970 invention and Omar mahmoud is actually trying to sell it to the KINGS who have 300 years of recorded history and proof of civilization. That's when Omar mahmoud becomes silly naabnaab thinking just cause u can sell that shit down south, it won't work with a place that had long history before knowing the TRUTH of 'idealogy'. That's when I tell Omar Mahmoud war niyahow iska bow gareey. That's why I bow to Boqor Burhan, if he didnt lay foundation for me, I wouldnt be at this level myself, u bow to osman mahmoud as we did the same for u, then hawiye shud bow to keenadiid. We should just respect the FACTS. I am bah dubays and I am telling u I am bowing to someone who killed 3 lineages of mine, why are u NOT BOWING. Bowing doesn't mean disrespect, its acknowledgement. Now we can move forward as Somalis marki qof walbo tarikhdisa loo xushmaayo and don't get jealous and backbite or create FKD narratives.

You are truly a deranged and cuqdaad filled person who's abtis lies is your view. Claiming MJnimo started in 1970 you say and Omar Mahmuud use the MJ card is the most dumb thing i ever heard and expected this type of propaganda from our enemies.

You is not an MJ but some cuqdaad ridden murusade with inferiority complex iyo neceyb MJ!

@Gibiin-Udug @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman is this the how Osman Maxamuuds think of MJnimo or SSDF?


You are truly a deranged and cuqdaad filled person who's abtis lies is your view. Claiming MJnimo started in 1970 you say and Omar Mahmuud use the MJ card is the most dumb thing i ever heard and expected this type of propaganda from our enemies.

You is not an MJ but some cuqdaad ridden murusade with inferiority complex iyo neceyb MJ!

@Gibiin-Udug @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman is this the how Osman Maxamuuds think of MJnimo or SSDF?

I am not saying Majerten are not family nor even Darod. War abtirsigu diidi maayo, lakin isku siyasad ma ahayn weligeen. U changed the abtirsi into siyasad by crying majertenay because of SSDF. Listen, this majerten card and getting shit never existed. Somalia short lived 1960-1991 period also had different phases such as civilian era, dictatorship era, then the hawiye era. It was the hawiye era which scared bah dubays and osman mahmoud to accept the majerten card policies, not because we don't know what happened. We know Abdillahi Yusuf opened Jabhad and taught hawiye qabiilku iyo dawladnimadu waa laysku heli kara, u paved the way for the b22ns to pick up weapons and complete the destruction.

Thru this now you argue majertenimo in order to create an era of qabiil politics, ileen maskax ama tarikh wax kuma heli kartide soo ma aha? war balaayada osman mahmoud dhex taagan regarding your abdillahi yusuf is VICIOUS. My father tanasuled and met jama ali jama at haj and many warsangeli key officials in saudi arabian govt. He told jama iska tanasul, wadanku hawiyenimo ayuu ku jira, we need abdillahi to deal with them. This then caused a fracture between bah dubays and muse suldan who we support the most in osman mahmoud @Jablibax who also knows the silly games u r trying to play in achieving tribally suitable somalia to enhance your importance by telling people 'hawiye ka ilalinaya' horta adaa nagu dirtay keleb yahow markad ssdf furtay.

It's the only saving grace u have, you left a damn SFG govt so we can restructure the state again and bring it out of this 4.5 garbage and tribal selections and best man for the job. I have political family from siyad days in my family, plus i know the damn miyi cause my family lives there too. Dont u ever play silly games with me waryaa reer mahadow, koonfurtasi sidad uu washay do not expect it will be exported to the KINGS. Ana wax ka dhigay waryaa, i am your KING BOW NOW. YES BOWING MUST BE DONE. SUJUD WAA QASAB ANA KA SAREEYO, THATS WHAT SUJUD IS FOR, ITS NOT WORSHIP AMA GOD. ILLAHI ANIGUNA WAA IGU SAREEYA
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I am not saying Majerten are not family nor even Darod. War abtirsigu diidi maayo, lakin isku siyasad ma ahayn weligeen. U changed the abtirsi into siyasad by crying majertenay because of SSDF. Listen, this majerten card and getting shit never existed. Somalia short lived 1960-1991 period also had different phases such as civilian era, dictatorship era, then the hawiye era. It was the hawiye era which scared bah dubays and osman mahmoud to accept the majerten card policies, not because we don't know what happened. We know Abdillahi Yusuf opened Jabhad and taught hawiye qabiilku iyo dawladnimadu waa laysku heli kara, u paved the way for the b22ns to pick up weapons and complete the destruction.

Thru this now you argue majertenimo in order to create an era of qabiil politics, ileen maskax ama tarikh wax kuma heli kartide soo ma aha? war balaayada osman mahmoud dhex taagan regarding your abdillahi yusuf is VICIOUS. My father tanasuled and met jama ali jama at haj and many warsangeli key officials in saudi arabian govt. He told jama iska tanasul, wadanku hawiyenimo ayuu ku jira, we need abdillahi to deal with them. This then caused a fracture between bah dubays and muse suldan who we support the most in osman mahmoud @Jablibax who also knows the silly games u r trying to play in achieving tribally suitable somalia to enhance your importance by telling people 'hawiye ka ilalinaya' horta adaa nagu dirtay keleb yahow markad ssdf furtay.

It's the only saving grace u have, you left a damn SFG govt so we can restructure the state again and bring it out of this 4.5 garbage and tribal selections and best man for the job. I have political family from siyad days in my family, plus i know the damn miyi cause my family lives there too. Dont u ever play silly games with me waryaa reer mahadow, koonfurtasi sidad uu washay do not expect it will be exported to the KINGS. Ana wax ka dhigay waryaa, i am your KING BOW NOW. YES BOWING MUST BE DONE. SUJUD WAA QASAB ANA KA SAREEYO, THATS WHAT SUJUD IS FOR, ITS NOT WORSHIP AMA GOD. ILLAHI ANIGUNA WAA IGU SAREEYA
Cuqdada iska dhaaf. harti oo dhan waay ii siman yihin. Its you Mjist that puntland is having border diffuculties, cuz of short sighted Mj supremacy . The border i recognise is the one in abdullahi yusuf time. All harti are rer puntland . An cusmaan maxmud dhulbahante intaas in le'eg kama xigo PL, waryaa. Mj unity was a by-product of Puntland it wasnt the end goal as some maanyare would like. As i said prior My subtribe cutoff who I honestly feel is family is omar mahmoud, after which all puntites are equal for me. Abdullahi yusuf nin aragti dheer ayuu ahaa, anything less than hartiland is bound to collapse. Hence why PL for the last too terms was arduously working to reinstitute harti relations which incompetent offices prior fumbled. Anybody who badmouths warsangeli and dhulbahnte waa Maangaab Gun ah, regardless how intellectual they think they are.