DH Wants to Help Grow Christianity

Omar del Sur

ok so DH is responding. here is what he says:

Because Madkhalis are liberal secular political activists - who have left Sunni Islam - they falsely argue that Islam values a liberal atheist society as much as a traditional Christian society. For Madkhalis, it does not matter if Christians believe in God and the Last Day (Quran 2:62, 5:69) while liberal atheists deny and mock God and the afterlife. For Madkhalis it also does not matter if Christians do righteous deeds (e.g., prayer, chastity) (see Quran 2:62, 5:69), while liberal atheists spread drug use, fornication, gay sex, transgenderism. Madkhalis also ignore the fact that the Quran (5:82) asserts that Christians are the religious group closest to Muslims. They likewise ignore the fact that the Quran (30:1-6) expresses a preference for Christians to triumph over Zoroastrians in political-military conflict. Question for the Madkhali deviants: Islam guarantees Christians the right to practice their religion as dhimmis under an Islamic state. Does it guarantee the same for liberal atheists? Reflect on these matters and then repent from your deviant liberal secular aqida.

this just highlights how dangerous it is to take these social media celebrities seriously.

his whole argument here is nonsense.

"Question for the Madkhali deviants: Islam guarantees Christians the right to practice their religion as dhimmis under an Islamic state. Does it guarantee the same for liberal atheists? "

I already said before he put this out that seeing Christians as relatively better than pagans and atheists is a normal Muslim position. But because of this- we should actively help them preach their religion??

I think every Muslim scholar ever has seen the Christians as better than outright pagans. This is not a dispute. But I don't think any Muslim scholar ever has ever, on that basis, gone to the point of actively helping the Christians to preach their religion.


Christian’s hard to stomach least two favorite groups Nigerian Christians and there constant blood of Jesus like broken record. Second group southern Baptist redneck alcoholics whole identity based on politics/racisms seems like