Did Allah Destroy The Ancient Somalis?


Cushite Arab
The ancient Somalis were a formidable and advanced civilization, central to global trade. Their military strength, which prevented foreign conquests and external influences, led to a distinctive phenotypical continuity. This isolation, despite global awareness, underscored their enduring autonomy and self-sufficiency.

In elucidation, Somalis can be categorized into two principal haplogroups: E-V32 (Arab) and T-M70 (Arab). Notably, the T-M70 branch, a group demonstrated to have arrived postdating the first millennium BC, represents relatively recent settlers, all tracing their lineage back to a 2000-year-old branch.
The majority of V32 Somalis trace their ancestry to the 2600-year-old Arab Adnaani branch, E-Y18629. Genetically, Arabs in this clade are the closest to Somalis among all Horn of Africa ethnicities.
On another note, Punt, an ancient region, predates over 4000 years. The Egyptians, since the 6th dynasty, undertook expeditions to this area and asserted descent from it. However, modern Egyptians and Somalis have been shown not to share genetic ancestry with this ancient civilization.

The enigma arises: What became of the ancient Somalis? If they were extant today, they would be encompassed within a 4000+ year-old haplogroup, likely numbering over 50 million. Yet, contemporary Somalia accounts for a mere 15 million, a stark contrast to the 3 million populace just a century ago. Do not forget the majority of Somalis are under Arab clades, the fact our clade is the same age as the Adnaani one and all the tribes matched under it evidences the fact the ancient Somalis never entered Arabia and we are in fact Arab.

Who were these enigmatic ancient Somalis? What befell them? Was it a divine intervention? They were a people renowned worldwide, speaking an unknown tongue, and their architectural marvels and opulence astounded even the Greeks. The Egyptians even laid claim to their lineage.
Yet, scant remains persist today of a once illustrious civilization. Considering its antiquity and grandeur, the paucity of information is striking.
Did divine intervention play a role? The fact that 95% of Somalis trace their lineage back to a single individual raises questions. It defies logic that an entire race could have perished, leaving only one survivor. If so, the Abyssinians would likely have assumed dominance in the region.

In a prior thread, I demonstrated that the kingdom of Punt held sway over segments of Arabia, indicating the presence of Arabs within Punt. Additionally, historical records document a substantial Adnaani Arab migration across the Red Sea, providing further substantiation of our Arab heritage. REMEMBER we can still claim the history of Punt, just like Egyptians claim their Arab tribes and the country's history and the same for the Iraqis
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Cushite Arab
Something hilarious is the fact that Somalis embraced a nomadic lifestyle, with "Somali" itself meaning nomad, much like "Arab." Given that if these advanced Somalis persisted, why didn't their civilization endure? Or, at the very least, why didn't the knowledge to establish a new one persist? Instead, the majority of Somalis were engaged in nomadic practices, tending to camels and livestock while traversing the peninsula. They had major trading towns going on expeditions to locations as far as the sub continent, the Mediterranean and various other places
They chained their prisoners in gold
Their architecture was so advanced they shocked arguably one of the most advanced European civilizations
How did a people so great disappear? Somalis are nomads today
Such a people so great had to have been unified and organized with advanced stable governments, and perhaps huge land
Somalis today are all divided, each tribe wanting his own little chiefdom for their development, and it's always been like this


I put Books to the Test of Life
don't have much knowledge about ancient Somalis, but honestly, we were doing better back then. I believe Allah humbled us and brought us closer to Him through the civil war and turmoil of the past 30 years.

Our decline started after 1990. Before that, Somali people were not present in the West or other parts of the world as immigrants or asylum seekers. We had kingdoms, and even the nomads among us were blessed.

I remember about 2 and a half years ago, I was attending this small mosque, and I struck up a conversation with an elderly Yemeni man. He started talking to me randomly, knowing I was Somali. He had no filter in his words. He said that during the period from 1960 to 1990, and even during the time of our first president, Somalis were prideful. We didn't want anything handed to us unless it was as precious as gold. This description highlighted the prosperity and peace we enjoyed back then. Then he continued, saying how we started to stray from our faith and began adopting non-believing ideologies in search of belonging. He believed that because of this, Allah humbled us. We were once the top country in Africa and the 15th world power, but now we are not even united, with nothing substantial to show for.

When gulf countries where nothing but deserts and poor we fed them and looked down upon them, Somali students and workers during our parents time where offered passports from uae and all these gulf countries to come and work and live their but some refused due to Somali passport being one of best in world at that time but today its opposite Allah raised them above us and we at bottom, thats sign and proof that ranks and statues in this dunya is useless and in end we will all return to our maker and our only rightful home is the grave.

But its fine to be honest life is test and trial and every dog has his day as long as my people are upon the truth and how blessed we are that Allah made our ancestors accept this final revelation in its earliest time before it even reached Syria or Iraq or the Persians, and today we have highest percentage of Muslims without ever being part of no Islamic empire or being conquered. so am happy my ancestors and all of my people today and the past will be in Jannah.


Cushite Arab
We were once the top country in Africa and the 15th world power,
No fucking way, IN THE WORLD?

Also Somalis fucked up the moment Aden Adde took rule as he didn't allow Shariah to be used to rule the country, so there were no good presidents

This thread is about the ancient Somalis, the Puntites and Macrobians all died off and were replaced by Adnaani Arabs who migrated and took over the whole peninsular as it is absurd to believe 1 man survived and his people died off, we are descended from a man who lived 2600 years ago

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
no, our ancestors believed the true god and we took on a foreigner religion outside of us.
if you don't believe the truth then you're a commie commie. I don't trust non-somalis tbh.


Cushite Arab
no, our ancestors believed the true god and we took on a foreigner religion outside of us.
if you don't believe the truth then you're a commie commie. I don't trust non-somalis tbh.
Waaq was a sky god and reread the thread carefully, it's genetically and mathematically impossible we paternally descend from the ancient Somalis and this is evident from our clade matching the Arab tribes perfectly according to lineages just read the thread


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
no, our ancestors believed the true god and we took on a foreigner religion outside of us.
if you don't believe the truth then you're a commie commie. I don't trust non-somalis tbh.
Waaq was a sky god and reread the thread carefully, it's genetically and mathematically impossible we paternally descend from the ancient Somalis and this is evident from our clade matching the Arab tribes perfectly according to lineages just read the thread
Walahi I'm finished with these people

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Here's a smarter question that O.P. should of had said to catch eyes:
Did the Somalis abolished their once old culture to replace it with modern Islamic one?

Think about that one! That makes much more sense, showing preservation of racial makeup.
But also showing the shifting gears of progressing from one way of life to set forth another.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The ancient Somalis were a formidable and advanced civilization, central to global trade. Their military strength, which prevented foreign conquests and external influences, led to a distinctive phenotypical continuity. This isolation, despite global awareness, underscored their enduring autonomy and self-sufficiency.

In elucidation, Somalis can be categorized into two principal haplogroups: E-V32 (Arab) and T-M70 (Arab). Notably, the T-M70 branch, a group demonstrated to have arrived postdating the first millennium BC, represents relatively recent settlers, all tracing their lineage back to a 2000-year-old branch.
The majority of V32 Somalis trace their ancestry to the 2600-year-old Arab Adnaani branch, E-Y18629. Genetically, Arabs in this clade are the closest to Somalis among all Horn of Africa ethnicities.
On another note, Punt, an ancient region, predates over 4000 years. The Egyptians, since the 6th dynasty, undertook expeditions to this area and asserted descent from it. However, modern Egyptians and Somalis have been shown not to share genetic ancestry with this ancient civilization.

The enigma arises: What became of the ancient Somalis? If they were extant today, they would be encompassed within a 4000+ year-old haplogroup, likely numbering over 50 million. Yet, contemporary Somalia accounts for a mere 15 million, a stark contrast to the 3 million populace just a century ago. Do not forget the majority of Somalis are under Arab clades, the fact our clade is the same age as the Adnaani one and all the tribes matched under it evidences the fact the ancient Somalis never entered Arabia and we are in fact Arab.

Who were these enigmatic ancient Somalis? What befell them? Was it a divine intervention? They were a people renowned worldwide, speaking an unknown tongue, and their architectural marvels and opulence astounded even the Greeks. The Egyptians even laid claim to their lineage.
Yet, scant remains persist today of a once illustrious civilization. Considering its antiquity and grandeur, the paucity of information is striking.
Did divine intervention play a role? The fact that 95% of Somalis trace their lineage back to a single individual raises questions. It defies logic that an entire race could have perished, leaving only one survivor. If so, the Abyssinians would likely have assumed dominance in the region.

In a prior thread, I demonstrated that the kingdom of Punt held sway over segments of Arabia, indicating the presence of Arabs within Punt. Additionally, historical records document a substantial Adnaani Arab migration across the Red Sea, providing further substantiation of our Arab heritage. REMEMBER we can still claim the history of Punt, just like Egyptians claim their Arab tribes and the country's history and the same for the Iraqis

The were destroyed by Sahabas because they were stubborn heads who did not want to convert. After the blow of defeat, the society crumbled.


I put Books to the Test of Life
The were destroyed by Sahabas because they were stubborn heads who did not want to convert. After the blow of defeat, the society crumbled.
What drugs are you taking?

The Horn of Africa has never been subjected to the authority or conquest of an Islamic caliphate/empire. Our acceptance of Islam did not occur through conquest or external pressure. We were among the earliest Muslims, predating even the Persians and much of the Middle East. To this day, our region boasts the highest percentage of Muslims worldwide. The presence of one of the oldest mosques in North Somalia, dating back 1350-1400 years, serves as evidence of our longstanding acceptance of Islam.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
What drugs are you taking?

The Horn of Africa has never been subjected to the authority of an Islamic caliphate. Our acceptance of Islam did not occur through conquest or external pressure. We were among the earliest Muslims, predating even the Persians and much of the Middle East. To this day, our region boasts the highest percentage of Muslims worldwide. The presence of one of the oldest mosques in North Somalia, dating back 1350-1400 years, serves as evidence of our longstanding acceptance of Islam.
these people don't know anything about somali Culture and history.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
What drugs are you taking?

The Horn of Africa has never been subjected to the authority of an Islamic caliphate or conquered by any empire. Our acceptance of Islam did not occur through conquest or external pressure. We were among the earliest Muslims, predating even the Persians and much of the Middle East. To this day, our region boasts the highest percentage of Muslims worldwide. The presence of one of the oldest mosques in North Somalia, dating back 1350-1400 years, serves as evidence of our longstanding acceptance of Islam.

Why else do u explain the full almost 100% Somali conversion to Muslim? It has happened. I am not sure if it was by force or their willingness. Maybe you could be right- they willingly did it
Without a shadow of a doubt. I do believe however we maternally descend from puntites because our mtdna is mostly african in origin while our ydna is clearly arab


I put Books to the Test of Life
Why else do u explain the full almost 100% Somali conversion to Muslim? It has happened. I am not sure if it was by force or their willingness. Maybe you could be right- they willingly did it
It can be attributed to common sense and the blessings of Allah that our ancestors had open hearts and embraced the final revelation. Additionally, the guidance of the Prophet, who advised leaving the Abyssinians alone as long as they did the same, explains why the caliphates did not engage in campaigns of conquest in the Horn of Africa.

And main reason is fascinating to learn that our ancient Somali ancestors practiced a monotheistic religion. They believed in a single supreme being without images or idols and recognized the existence of an intermediary spirit between humans and God. Their belief system included laws and orders, and they regarded certain individuals as messengers, similar to priests. Their belief in a holy book, even if it was lost in a cow's belly and sought each year through sacrifice, indicates a strong connection to divine guidance.

When Islam arrived, it likely resonated with them significantly. The concept of a holy book and a messenger would have aligned with their existing beliefs, especially given the proximity of the region where Islam emerged and also they probably took Prophet Muhammed as messenger from Waaq. The idea of a supreme being without partners, the creator of everything, and the existence of different nations in various lands would have found harmony with their worldview.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
It can be attributed to common sense and the blessings of Allah that our ancestors had open hearts and embraced the final revelation. Additionally, the guidance of the Prophet, who advised leaving the Abyssinians alone as long as they did the same, explains why the caliphates did not engage in campaigns of conquest in the Horn of Africa.

And main reason is fascinating to learn that our ancient Somali ancestors practiced a monotheistic religion. They believed in a single supreme being without images or idols and recognized the existence of an intermediary spirit between humans and God. Their belief system included laws and orders, and they regarded certain individuals as messengers, similar to priests. Their belief in a holy book, even if it was lost in a cow's belly and sought each year through sacrifice, indicates a strong connection to divine guidance.

When Islam arrived, it likely resonated with them significantly. The concept of a holy book and a messenger would have aligned with their existing beliefs, especially given the proximity of the region where Islam emerged and also they probably took Prophet Muhammed as messenger from Waaq. The idea of a supreme being without partners, the creator of everything, and the existence of different nations in various lands would have found harmony with their worldview.

huuno your hyperbole nationalist Somalielitist view is sick.

"When Islam arrived, it likely resonated with them significantly. The concept of a holy book and a messenger would have aligned with their existing beliefs, especially given the proximity of the region where Islam emerged"

So arrogant.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Why else do u explain the full almost 100% Somali conversion to Muslim? It has happened. I am not sure if it was by force or their willingness. Maybe you could be right- they willingly did it
Somalis weren't 100% somali that long ago. Even during the futuh the inland somalis in modern galbeed still had many Waaqist. Ahmad Gurey converted the remaining hinterland Waaqist somalis to islam as well as many Habash. 20% of Amhara are Muslim now thanks to Ahmad Gurey. As well as near all lowland horn.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
huuno your hyperbole nationalist Somalielitist view is sick.

"When Islam arrived, it likely resonated with them significantly. The concept of a holy book and a messenger would have aligned with their existing beliefs, especially given the proximity of the region where Islam emerged"

So arrogant.
That is not too far off actually.

The ancient Cushtic religion of the Somali (+ Oromo ect.) was a monotheistic religion that worshiped a single invisible sky god and nomads would put their hands together and pray to the sky for rainfall. And idols seem to not be a part of the religion or even condemned since we don't find Idols anywhere from pre Islamic Somaliweyn.

The monotheistic religions of the Semites, Judaism and Islam, would've made sense to the ancient Somalis.