Did Ilhan f*cked it up this time?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
She had to be the one to talk about shit like that. The reps didnt speak upon it. Why her. f*ck saudi and israel. She is a fraud . she doesn't represent somalis. Plain and aimple. As a so called muslim aome of the things ahe says takes her out of the fold.
What’s wrong with exposing saudia arabia and Israel’s mafia behaviour? What’s wrong with calling a spade a spade? Atleast give her credit where credit is due besides she’s vited in by mainly gaal voters so majority always rules the minority
What’s wrong with exposing saudia arabia and Israel’s mafia behaviour? What’s wrong with calling a spade a spade? Atleast give her credit where credit is due besides she’s vited in by mainly gaal voters so majority always rules the minority
Again mr istupid. She doesn't represent us. End of story


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Thats what im saying. You are blindly supporting her based on qabil. When in fact everything ahe says is totally agaisnt us.
I support her for exposing saud death cult rogue state of saudia arabia and her sister the apartheid state of Israel I reiterate my enemies enemy is my friend


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Bro u sound like a bot. U keep repating the same shit. Who is paying u sxb. Anigana haa ii shaqaleysiiyan
You are a man who is jealous of a womans achievements guun yaheey guunta dhashay ihan is a landheere you bitter langaab hoyada iyo tii ku xaartey ba waase ihan represents mj not your langaab as guun yaheey
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You are a man who is jealous of a womans achievements guun yaheey guunta dhashay ihan is a landheere you bitter langaab hoyada iyo tii ku xaartey ba waase ihan represents mj not your langaab as guun yaheey
Nigga she doesn't represent mj. She is the gold standard of laangaab os mx. Take her and ayaan hirsi. Other mjs are noble. Your so laangaab that u want to claim females. Ceeb

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
You are a man who is jealous of a womans achievements guun yaheey guunta dhashay ihan is a landheere you bitter langaab hoyada iyo tii ku xaartey ba waase ihan represents mj not your langaab as guun yaheey
Technically she reps Minnesota 5th congressional district dominated by the LGBT community

And she goes home to HG man. Naagtan Ilhan Hadii Mj ay matalayso ma ciil baa qabi lahayn xataa hal mar haday viva MJ Capitol Hill ka dhihi lahayd waxbay ahaan laheed laakin qaniis iyo nimow naag iyo Falastiin bay ka dhamaan la’dahay
Technically she reps Minnesota 5th congressional district dominated by the LGBT community

And she goes home to HG man. Naagtan Ilhan Hadii Mj ay matalayso ma ciil baa qabi lahayn xataa hal mar haday viva MJ Capitol Hill ka dhihi lahayd waxbay ahaan laheed laakin qaniis iyo nimow naag iyo Falastiin bay ka dhamaan la’dahay
Exactly. Its not something to complain. Laangaabnimada os mx at its finest. Wallahi i would disown her. Especially when her husband is another qabil. I always say the women is her husband's tribe.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Exactly. Its not something to complain. Laangaabnimada os mx at its finest. Wallahi i would disown her. Especially when her husband is another qabil. I always say the women is her husband's tribe.
I thought
Os Mx was some kind of operating system. Very creative

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Shey laga xiiishon laha bey suuqa warewgiinaya
Way isku ciyaartay wallahi mar hadii iyadoo Muslim ah poster child of gay community noqotay


Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
War weyna ceebeyse. Sawirkaan naga qaarii. Nasty to claim somali muslim with this shit.
Gaalada siidaan uuma deereyso. Too fast. Fuudey
If one wants to see slick politician who thrives in liberal city look no further than Abdi Warsame. That guy juggles many things at once whilst keeping his dignity


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nigga she doesn't represent mj. She is the gold standard of laangaab os mx. Take her and ayaan hirsi. Other mjs are noble. Your so laangaab that u want to claim females. Ceeb
She is a laandheere boqortooyo one cismaan maxamud woman is equal to 25 warsengali men kkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Technically she reps Minnesota 5th congressional district dominated by the LGBT community

And she goes home to HG man. Naagtan Ilhan Hadii Mj ay matalayso ma ciil baa qabi lahayn xataa hal mar haday viva MJ Capitol Hill ka dhihi lahayd waxbay ahaan laheed laakin qaniis iyo nimow naag iyo Falastiin bay ka dhamaan la’dahay
She represent mj not somalis since mj are the majority of somalis in minnisota besides your people are not from somalia you are from a country that no country in the world recognises a country that does not exist called somaliland

Even in somaliland you are a langaab others from your own tribe treat you worse than how white europeans treat negro in the united states may Allah free your people from bondage muuse handaraab kkk
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