Did Ilhan f*cked it up this time?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ihan is david going against Goliath isreal and saudia arabia may Allah bless ihan for exposing the terrorist states of saudia arabia and israel :rejoice:

So what if she supports a few qanis its the united states a gaal country and as a muslim you must respect the law of the land of any country you visit.

Ihan enemies are israel and suadia arabia and @Suldaanka iyo @Saalax Bidaar

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
She represent mj not somalis since mj are the majority of somalis in minnisota besides your people are not from somalia you are from a country that no country in the world recognises a country that does not exist called somaliland

Even in somaliland you are a langaab others from your own tribe treat you worse than how white europeans treat negro in the united states may Allah free your people from bondage muuse handaraab kkk

First of all she does not represent Minnesota but a urban district in Minnesota called 5th Congressional district with 700,000 people.

Mjs didn’t get her into congress but urban White liberal leftists did. I mean if you combined all blacks in the district they only make up 16%.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You mean 25 osman mx is equal to one aub branch of dubays. Gtfo. Dont put qabil in this shit esp when u talking to Nin Warsangali.
In bosaso theres Only one four storey building that belongs to warsengali and that building it took many warsengali men to finance the building of just that one building so we reer bosaso call that building xaniinyo warsengali :chrisfreshhah::russ::lolbron::dead:
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