Did Muawiyah say this to his Black Companion?

Most of what was said about Muaawiya either a lie fabricated by his rivals or anti Ummayad, or propaganda paid by his dynasty.
This narration is in Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
Do you think Ibn Kathir was an enemy of Muawiyah and the Umayyads?
Ibn Kathir is considered a member of the Umayyad party and was not an enemy of Muawiyah the Umayyad.

تفسير ابن كثير

وَلَا تَنكِحُوا مَا نَكَحَ آبَاؤُكُم مِّنَ النِّسَاءِ إِلَّا مَا قَدْ سَلَفَ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَمَقْتًا وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا (22)

وقد أجمع العلماء على تحريم من وطئها الأب بتزويج أو ملك أو بشبهة أيضا ، واختلفوا فيمن باشرها بشهوة دون الجماع ، أو نظر إلى ما لا يحل له النظر إليه منها لو كانت أجنبية . فعن الإمام أحمد رحمه الله أنها تحرم أيضا بذلك . قد روى [ الحافظ ] ابن عساكر في ترجمة خديج الحصني مولى معاوية قال : اشترى لمعاوية جارية بيضاء جميلة ، فأدخلها عليه مجردة وبيده قضيب . فجعل يهوي به إلى متاعها ويقول : هذا المتاع لو كان له متاع! اذهب بها إلى يزيد بن معاوية . ثم قال : لا ادع لي ربيعة بن عمرو الجرشي - وكان فقيها - فلما دخل عليه قال : إن هذه أتيت بها مجردة ، فرأيت منها ذاك وذاك ، وإني أردت أن أبعث بها إلى يزيد . فقال : لا تفعل يا أمير المؤمنين ، فإنها لا تصلح له . ثم قال : نعم ما رأيت . ثم قال : ادع لي عبد الله بن مسعدة الفزاري ، فدعوته ، وكان آدم شديد الأدمة ، فقال : دونك هذه ، بيض بها ولدك . قال : و [ قد ] كان عبد الله بن مسعدة هذا وهبه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لابنته فاطمة فربته ثم أعتقته ثم كان بعد ذلك مع معاوية من الناس على علي [ بن أبي طالب ] رضي الله عنه

The scholars have unanimously agreed that it is forbidden to have intercourse with a woman with whom the father has intercourse through marriage, possession, or suspicion as well, and they differed regarding someone who has intercourse with her with desire rather than intercourse, or who looks at what it is not permissible for him to look at from her if she were a foreigner. On the authority of Imam Ahmad, may God have mercy on him, it is also forbidden in this way.

[Al-Hafiz] Ibn Asakir narrated in the biography of Khadij Al-Husni, a freed slave of Muawiyah, who said: They bought a beautiful white slave girl for Muawiyah and he brought her to him naked, with a penis in his hand.
So he started to lean towards ( his penis ) to her ( private part ) and : Then he lowered his penis into her vagina! and he said take her to Yazid bin Muawiyah. Then he said: Do invite Rabi’ah bin Amr al-Jarashi - who was a jurist - to me.
When he entered upon him, he said: I came to this ( white slave girl ) naked , and I saw this and that from her, and I wanted to send it to Yazid ( Muawiyah's son ).
He ( Rabi’ah bin Amr al-Jarashi ) said: Do not do that, O Commander of the Faithful
( Muawiyah ), for it is not suitable for him. Then he ( Muawiyah ) said: Yes, That is the best of your opinion.
Then he said: Call Abdullah bin Masada Al-Fazari for me, so I called him, he was Aadam Shadeed Al Udmah ( very dark black ), so he said: take this ( the white slave girl ) , And to make your offspring white ( whitewash your offspring by sleeping to the white slave girl ) .
He ( Muawiyah ) said : And [this] was Abdullah bin Masada, whom the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, granted ( Abdullah bin Masada as slave ) to his daughter Fatima, who raised him and then freed him, and after that he was with Muawiyah among the people over Ali [bin Abi Talib], may God be pleased with him.
That so called Black companion was a Pure Arab so more proof.@Haragwaafi @Cush This What the Tweet is Talking about, but here is the Full thing.

In Ibn Katheer’s Tafseer of the Quran chapter 2 he narrates,

Mu’awiya said, Call Abdullah bin Mas’adah al Fazari and he was Adam Shadeed Al Udmah Muaywah then he said (to Masa’dah) whiten your progeny with this Roman slave woman.”

تفسير القرآن العظيم – ج2 – 3آل عمران – 4النسآء ص ٢٤٧

قال حدثني خديج خصى لمعاوية قال قال لي معاوية ادع لي عبد الله بن مسعدة الفزاري فدعوته وكان آدم شديد الأدمة فقال دونك هذه الجارية لجارية رومية بيض بها ولدك

Ibn Katheer narrates about the same sahaaby in another chapter but in a slightly different way . This time he says Aswad Shadeed Al Udmah instead of Adam Shadeed Al Udmah as he did before but in a different context.

Ibn Katheer narrates in his book Tafseer Al Quran Chapter 10:

Abdullah ibn Mas’adah Al Faraazy was Aswad Shadeed Al Udmah

قال عماد الدين أبو الفداء إسماعيل بن كثير في كتابه تفسير القرآن العظيم (تفسير ابن كثير) – ج 10

عبد الله بن مساعدة الفزارى كان أسود شديد الأدمة

Ibn Katheer mentions him again in another book of his and describes the same sahaabah using only the word Aswad

Ibn Katheer says in his book Al Bidaayah wa Al Nihaayah Chapter 8 page 149

And Mu’awiya said, Call Abdullah bin Mas’adah al Fazari the servant of Fatimah the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, for me and he was Aswad. Then he said (to Masa’dah) whiten your progeny with her”

قال عماد الدين أبو الفداء إسماعيل بن كثير في كتابه البداية والنهاية

و قال: ثم وهبها لعبد الله بن مسعدة الفزاري مولى فَاطِمَةُ بِنْتُ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ، وكان أسود فقال له: بيض بها ولدك، وهذا من فقه معاوية ونحريه

Muawiyah himself was Pure Black Arab and the Arabs breeded heavy with their Persian and roman right hand possessions and the wealth they inherited from their victory, and now their Arabised Persian descendants are claiming to being the Original Arabs.
Arabs weren't black dumb boy or else we would have seen so many of them in the Arabian peninsula especially in the desert of Nejd and the isolated hills and mountains in Yemen
Most of what was said about Muaawiya either a lie fabricated by his rivals or anti Ummayad, or propaganda paid by his dynasty.
Banu Abbas who were staunch anti Ummayed used to spread and fabricate lies about the rulers of Banu Umaya and even desecrated their tombs that we don't know where Muawiyah is buried in Damascus.


Forza Somalia!
Banu Abbas who were staunch anti Ummayed used to spread and fabricate lies about the rulers of Banu Umaya and even desecrated their tombs that we don't know where Muawiyah is buried in Damascus.
Ummayad also made false claims for propaganda.
I don't have the sources but the Ummayad dynasty was famous for employing poets, historians and scholars for propaganda.
It has been reported that Abbasids did that as there's no mention of Ummayed dynasty dong that as there were the first powerful Arab-Islamic state that ever came in the region


I put Books to the Test of Life
Arabs weren't black dumb boy or else we would have seen so many of them in the Arabian peninsula especially in the desert of Nejd and the isolated hills and mountains in Yemen
@Cush This Jahil needs to get a life wallahi and bounce of my Wood. I do not think a single thing goes through his head bro literally asked why we do not see the Original Arabs in the peninsula anymore did we not literally give the answer a million times cant even put two and two together last time replying to your dumb ass :mjlol:

Al Mustadrik Ala AlSaheehain Chapter 4 Page 437

On the authority of Umar Ibn Sharaheel ” The Prophet Mohammed may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him said ” I saw a vision of myself following a group of black sheep then the white sheep mixed with them until he could see no more black sheep in them. So Abu Bakr said Oh messenger of Allah said As for the black sheep they are the Arabs and will become Muslims in mass numbers. The white sheep are the non Arabs and will become so numerous that there will be no Arabs amongst them . Then Prophet Mohammed may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon said that is the way an angel interpreted the dream.”

المستدرك علي الصحيحين ج ٤ ص ٤٣٧
عن عمر بن شرحبيل قال ‏”‏قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم ‏رأيتني أردفت غنم سود ثم أردفتها غنم بيض حتى ما ترى السود فيها فقال أبو بكر يا رسول الله أما الغنم السود فانها العرب يسلمون و يكثرون و الغنم البيض الأعاجم يسلمون حتى لا يرى العرب فيهم من كثرتهم فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم كذلك عبرها الملك سحرا‏”‏

Verified by Sheikh Albaani may Allah have mercy upon him in his book AlSilsilah As Saheehah Chapter 3 page 14

” I saw loads of black sheep being entered upon by loads of white sheep . They said ( the companions of the Prophet) What does this mean ? The Prophet said The non Arabs will share your religion and SHARE your LINIEAGES. They said, ” The non Arabs oh messenger of Allah ? He said, “If faith was hanging on the highest stars the men from the non Arabs would reach it …”

1018 – صحيح )السلسلة الصحيحة – الألباني) ج ٣ ص ١٤

[ رأيت غنما كثيرة سوداء دخلت فيها غنم كثيرة بيض قالوا : فما أولته يا رسول الله ؟ قال : العجم يشركونكم في دينكم وأنسابكم . قالوا : العجم يا رسول الله ؟ قال : لو كان الإيمان معلقا بالثريا لناله رجال من العجم وأسعدهم به الناس ] . ( صحيح ) وأما الشطر الثاني من الحديث فهو في الصحيحين وغيرهما
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I put Books to the Test of Life
Arabs weren't black dumb boy or else we would have seen so many of them in the Arabian peninsula especially in the desert of Nejd and the isolated hills and mountains in Yemen
Now look at the Saudi Arabs in the picture below. They are originally from Hadramout, Yemen.

would Ubadah align with them in appearance and complexion or the Saudi royal Family :russ:

