Bob Marley
Ugh I'm gonna answer you this one time.
1. As for as I know no DNA results have been made public.
2. Fulani actually look East African... probably because of east african migration just like with the tutsi of Rwanda
3. I'm sure alot of Africans can claim similar culture to the Ancient Egyptians, afterall it was an Empire that traded and spread their influence.
4. West Africa has their own kingdom go study it.
5. I made you this picture
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Lmaoo I knew you wouldn't be able to resist responding

Fulani population - approximately 20 million people
Somali are around 10 Million so if anything it's you who look like them

But they don't look "East African" considering they have their own unique set of features (wont go into details at the risk of it sounding offensive)
One thing I can tell you for a fact is they are proud West Africans and would never claim your region