keep capin u celibatelool Says the one begging every black mofo on the planet @Barni might be annoying at times but shes nothing like a self loathing race traitor as you
lmaoooooooooo the ironyDon't know about Ethiopians but Somalis only have Somali DNA.
Like I said Fulani are either a mix of ancient east african nomads or a mix of north africans and people who are native to west Africa. Africa is a huge continent, ethnic groups migrate and there is huge likelihood that people from other regions have crossed paths.
I find Nigeria to be very interesting. If you look at the 3 different major tribes you will quickly notice that they divert in phenotype resemblance.
None of the 3 beautiful ladies look alike you can see that they are from different ethnic groups. Some like the Yourbas and Igbos look more alike. Judging by these pictures it's clearly evident that the Fulani's don't share some of the same facial structures like the Yorubas or Igbos. I hate to actually write these but certain regions in Africa have very stereotypical features set for that regions. I think we can agree on that can't we? No one expects to see a Khoisan looking ethnic group in Algeria right?
@Barni that's a tuareg woman
lmaoooooooooo the irony
she went from laughing at hotep jews to going full hotep herself
@Bob Marley
Nej vi är inte alla samma folk. Folk är olika har alltid varit olika o kommer alltid vara olika.@Barni vi är alla samma folk
How did I go hotep? I'm not claiming their history as mine nor their culture. All I'm saying is they don't look west african, west africans have a very distinct look and fulanis don't fit that picture.
holy shit stop
Nej vi är inte alla samma folk. Folk är olika har alltid varit olika o kommer alltid vara olika.
@afrosomali Your post says it all, really
I knew what she was trying to do the whole time
Just because they have a narrow nose or something they deem non-stereotypically West African, they'll claim them as looking like East African even when they actually don't. That guy she posted didn't look Somali or any East African tribe I can think of in that region.
(they do they same to AAs, Caribbeans or etc) it's pathetic
@Baraf I was just about to say that lol
@Barni You're such an idiot. I'm mad I even wasted time agruing with you.
-Fulani are West Africa
-West African are not Bantu
-West Africa has diversity
You're basically trying to project your own feelings of being distant from other Africans onto them
You said they don't look Bantu (as if Bantu was a phenotype)
Yeah claiming Fulanis have a bit of mixture wouldn't be a reach, especially considering their close proximity North Africans.
Tuareg are more than likely mixed too with North African but I don't think they're "East African looking" nor do I think they are mixed with your people. It's as simple as that.
I'd say Sahel or simply Fulani/Tuareg looking.
Let's stop calling them "East African looking"
And that goes for every other black person with narrow nose or features you don't consider Bantu or stereotypically West African. Deal? Afterall they don't have the matching big head combo to go along with it so I think it's fair.
they look very alike. She's beautiful.
Well here's a fulani woman I don't see West Africans features in here. People can be mad all they want.
I don't know about the fasting part but they clearly are determined to spread their delusions on other people. African Americans are decedent from West Africa and have no claim to North African History. I think a lot of this is due to systematic oppressing from whites who have been white washing Egyptian history while denying the existence of African history. It would be better for these people to learn about the various different kingdoms in west Africa, perhaps that would give them some sense of clarity? It's genuinely embarrassing seeing some of them claim Egypt and even Israel when their ancestral linage is soooooo far removed from those regions. It would be like me claiming some ancient China was built by Somalis. Makes no whatsoever fucking sense.
She does look West African... and here's the crazy part... She is West African![]()
If you're black with a narrow nose high cheekbones I'll call you east african looking the same way I'll call people with sharp straight feature, blue eyes and blonde hair Scandinavian looking. Certain phenotype is more common in some region that's a fact.
She does look West African... and here's the crazy part... She is West African![]()
Well now you have knowledge of those features existing outside of East Africa so maybe you should stop acting ignorant and wisen up
P.S. She aint got typical Somali or Ethiopian features, how you gonna claim her
Kinky hair all of a sudden becomes a feature ya'll trying to claim when it's attached to a pretty woman?
People would def look at her and assume she's West African/Black sooner than Ethio/Somali