Do Jinns Exist?

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I've always wanted to know because I have this one habaryar and everyone swears up and down she's possessed by 9 jinns.
But conviently I've never witnessed what everyone's talking about.
Could people that are "possessed" just be schizophrenic and Somalis can't process that this might be a mental illness. So they just label as it as paranormal activities.
Have y'all ever personally witnessed or seen these abnormal entities?
No they don't, they're a figment of human imagination. In the 7th century everyone was ignorant, they didn't even know that micro organism existed. They attributed all mental health issues including seizures to Jinn possession. Not surprising humans were ignorant back then, no need for us to continue the ignorance into the future since now we actually have correct answers


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
99.999999% of Jin cases are just some form of mental illness. Very seldom does a person actually have a jin inside them.

Plus Somalis hate labelling people as 'crazy'. There is a great stigma attached to it.

You may now end the thread. Before particular athiests (the shit ones) make this a religious battleground in an attempt to look for validation for their lack of faith.

You are welcome, and thank you.

Stay woke. :yousmart:
I've always wanted to know because I have this one habaryar and everyone swears up and down she's possessed by 9 jinns.
But conviently I've never witnessed what everyone's talking about.
Could people that are "possessed" just be schizophrenic and Somalis can't process that this might be a mental illness. So they just label as it as paranormal activities.
Have y'all ever personally witnessed or seen these abnormal entities?

Guurl, you're possessed by the devil himself , no Jinn would dare touch you:damn:

Now stop worrying about that silly stuff and get back to hustling Nigerian men :denzelnigga:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
I've always wanted to know because I have this one habaryar and everyone swears up and down she's possessed by 9 jinns.
But conviently I've never witnessed what everyone's talking about.
Could people that are "possessed" just be schizophrenic and Somalis can't process that this might be a mental illness. So they just label as it as paranormal activities.
Have y'all ever personally witnessed or seen these abnormal entities?

Yes and no.

If you are a Muslim then you believe in their existence. There is a whole chapter in the Quran dedicated to Jinns.
thats cool. But, haven't you ever wondered why you haven't contacted or heard the unseen. When you think about it, its really absurd to put a definitive reality on something you haven't experienced. you know what i mean?
thats cool. But, haven't you ever wondered why you haven't contacted or heard the unseen. When you think about it, its really absurd to put a definitive reality on something you haven't experienced. you know what i mean?

You assume that I haven't experienced it. Also, as Muslims we believe in the Quran wholly. We cannot accept some parts and reject others. I haven't seen shaytaan or God himself but I still believe. It is part of the Deen to believe in the Unseen.
No they don't, they're a figment of human imagination. In the 7th century everyone was ignorant, they didn't even know that micro organism existed. They attributed all mental health issues including seizures to Jinn possession. Not surprising humans were ignorant back then, no need for us to continue the ignorance into the future since now we actually have correct answers


The acknowledgement of Jinn-like entities has been in human history since its dawn. Why are you acting like this is some Islam-exclusive thing?
I've always wanted to know because I have this one habaryar and everyone swears up and down she's possessed by 9 jinns.
But conviently I've never witnessed what everyone's talking about.
Could people that are "possessed" just be schizophrenic and Somalis can't process that this might be a mental illness. So they just label as it as paranormal activities.
Have y'all ever personally witnessed or seen these abnormal entities?

Yes, they exist.

But it's true that people suffering from mental illnesses are misdiagnosed sometimes unfortunately.

What do you want to know about them?
thats cool. But, haven't you ever wondered why you haven't contacted or heard the unseen. When you think about it, its really absurd to put a definitive reality on something you haven't experienced. you know what i mean?

Thank Eebe that you haven't encountered them. Curiosity in this field can be unhealthy.
Yes, they exist.

But it's true that people suffering from mental illnesses are misdiagnosed sometimes unfortunately.

What do you want to know about them?
Why are you so firm in your beliefs? Have you encountered these mystical creatures?
You're being very cryptic.
If you really did encounter them what was it like?

I sympathise with your curiosity. I was once that curious, to the point where I'd search for the connection between them and modern occultism. I've danced very close to the boundaries of blasphemy. Curiosity in this field is dangerous - it sucks you in as each small chuck of the puzzle becomes validated.

We can discuss how they've been described by our scholars - especially Ibn Taymiyya (rA). We can also discuss their influence in recent societies. Any anecdotal story from me will be exactly that - anecdotal.
I sympathise with your curiosity. I was once that curious, to the point where I'd search for the connection between them and modern occultism. I've danced very close to the boundaries of blasphemy. Curiosity in this field is dangerous - it sucks you in as each small chuck of the puzzle becomes validated.

We can discuss how they've been described by our scholars - especially Ibn Taymiyya (rA). We can also discuss their influence in recent societies. Any anecdotal story from me will be exactly that - anecdotal.
So you're saying there's a correlation between jinns and cult followings?
And it's not like I'm actively trying to seek out trouble if it exists. There's a reason I don't walk by garbage cans at night.


I don't doubt ppl see things. What I highly doubt is the nature what they saw being paranormal.

It's like with near death experiences and dreams; the Christians very conveniently see Jesus and angel people and the Muslims see Mohammed. If there was objective truth to these sightings, and it isn't a glitch of the mind, a trick of the eyes, a psychological episode or dream, then why do these experiences always correspond to their preexisting beliefs?

In White culture, ppl say they see ghosts, apparitions of real ppl they knew. Muslims say they see the Jinns as perpetuated by their scriptures. I don't think its a coincidence that they respectively see exactly what they're exposed to.
So you're saying there's a correlation between jinns and cult followings?
And it's not like I'm actively trying to seek out trouble if it exists. There's a reason I don't walk by garbage cans at night.

You have to first understand their history. These entities were the original inhabitants of Earth, before the creation of Adam (as). Due to their corruption they were driven out of the mainland into Island(s) in the southern ocean. This should tell you how ancient they are.

The majority of ancient peoples acknowledged them as gods, spirits, demons, etc. There are several mediums one can contact/summon them. The main medium used is magic. Have you heard of Talut and Malut, the Angels sent by Ilahey to test the people with evils of magic? They descended around the time of Nimrod I believe, in the region of Babylon. Have you noticed occultists and their mention of Babylon/the Tower?
Then there was Sulaiman (as) and the books of magic ascribed to him - buried supposedly under his throne. Again occultists mention his ring, etc. and its power in their lore.

These occultists are very aware of the Jinn, as the Jinn are aware of them. A majority of their writings can be traced back to the two time periods mentioned previously.

They have their little gangs: pagan witchcraft, Wiccans, Thelemites, Right Hand & Left Hand magicians, Chaos magicians etc. but all seek to communicate with the Jaann.
I don't doubt ppl see things. What I highly doubt is the nature what they saw being paranormal.

It's like with near death experiences and dreams; the Christians very conveniently see Jesus and angel people and the Muslims see Mohammed. If there was objective truth to these sightings, and it isn't a glitch of the mind, a trick of the eyes, a psychological episode or dream, then why do these experiences always correspond to their preexisting beliefs?

In White culture, ppl say they see ghosts, apparitions of real ppl they knew. Muslims say they see the Jinns as perpetuated by their scriptures. I don't think its a coincidence that they respectively see exactly what they're exposed to.

There is some truth in what you wrote, but hallucinations and the existence of actual entities are not mutually exclusive.

A majority of the men who've kick started the European 'enlightenment', and subsequent men in positions of power across the West - have all engaged in or studied the occult. This is no mere coincidence.

Were the fathers of modern Europe madmen in this regard?

You're gaal right? If you are really curious (and brave) I can direct you to the relevant text that will allow you to... experience something. No drugs involved.
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