Do slanders hate Somalis THIS MUCH???

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
@Nuur Iidaan if you don't want people mistaking Dhuso Bixi as your "president" you need to distance yourself from him and your community (Arab). Do you know that guy called Abdikarim Jeegandiid in fbook? he is popular in social media.

Like you think shisheeyes can tell the difference between us :mjlol:

You also telling a grown ass man to distant himself from his own community. Comical :heh:


Like you think shisheeyes can tell the difference between us :mjlol:

You also telling a grown ass man to distant himself from his own community. Comical :heh:

What community? his community is Arab. What I mean is Arabs should distance themselves from Muse Bixi. @Nuur Iidaan is smart anyway and knows what is good for him and his community.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
What community? his community is Arab. What I mean is Arabs should distances themselves from Muse Bixi.
Oh I guess I read that wrong. Either way we are not daroods we’re Somalis see different subclans. End of the day you can hate the current administration but not your own people


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
You focused on the insults and didn't take in anything else I said.

You said "Your deranged khat eating president" as an insult towards me by attacking 'my leader'. You couldn't just say "Dhuuso Biixi your president preaches the same message everyday."

Which I would've replied: "f*ck that nigga Biixi, I don't care what he says, he don't speak for me". I don't listen to his words like how MJ's listened to Abdullahi Yusuf (AUN).

Same way that 'politician' Mukhtar Geeraare doesn't speak for us, the Landers on the ground. Not the politicians, but the people who are trying to get by in life.
Your rebuttal stands on thin ice and it doesn't make any sense.
What's the difference between "Your khat eating president" and "Dhuuso Biixi your president"?! :faysalwtf:
Both sentences are derogatory insults towards Biixi but you magically got offended by the former?!!


Oh I guess I read that wrong. Either way we are not daroods we’re Somalis see different subclans. End of the day you can hate the current administration but not your own people

His own people are Arab not Jeegaan though. I don't promote kapos.
Your rebuttal stands on thin ice and it doesn't make any sense.
What's the difference between "Your khat eating president" and "Dhuuso Biixi your president"?! :faysalwtf:
Both sentences are derogatory insults towards Biixi but you magically got offended by the former?!!

Oh shit, I added 'your president' after Biixi. Yh lol that wasn't supposed to be there.

I need to sleep, it's nearly fajr here.
@Nuur Iidaan if you don't want people mistaking Dhuso Bixi as your "president" you need to distance yourself from him and also your community (Arab) needs to distance themselves for the Dhuso Bixi. Do you know that guy called Abdikarim Jeegandiid in fbook? he is popular in social media.

I know some from my community don't like him, I really don't like this administration. I like SL, but not biixi's government. I know there was a more capable leader from amongst us, who could lead SL, fresh blood, not old kacaan-bred men.

I'm not going to force others from my community to distance themselves. They're grown folk, they'll change their minds once they notice that it doesn't align with their self interest.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
What's with the insults ninyahow?! :what1: I labeled Dhuuso Biixi as khat eating drunk and it's the truth. Why did you insult me?!
Will you distance yourself from Madoobe and his administration if he sides with the a Kenyans over Somali govt?

It is high time we need to draw the lines.

Do you really think that would happen, just walking in and saying "hey guys I got some saliid/lacag for you, let's be brothers again". Loool no, I don't even believe that should be allowed, they isolated themselves, ended up choosing a shitty leader Who's got 0 leadership qualities, and they (the people) should deal with it.

Has SO even got a functioning national army, and no I ain't talking about these tribal federal state militias. As soon as Farmaajo and Co. gets security sorted, a REAL reconcilation program should be ran nationwide, telling EVERYONE, come and sit. <---- get this completed, an actual National army can be made. Watch, get your shit sorted, and they'll come back easy.

All this shit is about Self-interest, these ''Landers" are trying to make sure everything is in their self-interest and Yes, enemy #1 is SO, who's trying to block their ictiraaf. SO's self interest is to make sure that kenya doesn't expand on it's maritime border to claim oil that is not theirs. Kenya's self interest is to try and do anything to push SO away from pursuing the maritime border dispute further in front of the ICU (cos they know SO is going to win) and so are willing to 'threaten' SO with the recognition of 3 federal state (PL,SL and JL).

The vast majority of you niggas are vexed because SL's self interest is going against SO's self interest. That's it. Do you not think these same niggas don't think you guys are 'shameless', for constantly cock-blocking them/pissing them off?

It's a 2 way street saaxiib, yaan lagu jiidhin.

Sit back and look at it from a logical point of view.

This might be the biggest opportunity the Somali peninsula has seen since the great chimp out. A trillion dollars worth of oil extracted over 20 years at a measly 90-10 split almost the GDP overnight. Somaliland has literally nothing to gain from the status quo. Kenya's recognition of SL is extremely unlikely and if it by chance happens, borderline meaningless. I might be wrong, but I can't see what they could possible get that is worth the irreparable damage it causes between Somalia and Kenya. And nevermind the FG, Puntland is just as much of an obstructionist when it comes to your sovereignty. When push comes to shove, the disputed areas are between PL and SL. But forget all that, I'm not interested in the SL government's stance.

Supposedly only 2 of the blocks are close to and not even in the disputed area Somalia is bound to win anyway. Kenya is not going anywhere with this.

I am triggered by the shameless bootyclapping on twitter. Kenyans: we'll deport useless somalis from kenya
SL twitter starts twerking 'we told you so, SO government bad'
And then Kenyans left them blue-ticked.

Even Sijous held the fort down and low key they not even on the team
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This might be the biggest opportunity the Somali peninsula has seen since the great chimp out. A trillion dollars worth of oil extracted over 10 years at a measly 90-10 split still doubles the national GDP overnight. Somaliland has literally nothing to gain from the status quo. Kenya's recognition of SL is extremely unlikely and if it by chance happens, borderline meaningless. I might be wrong, but I can't see what they could possible get that is worth the irreparable damage it causes between Somalia and Kenya. And nevermind the FG, Puntland is just as much of an obstructionist when it comes to your sovereignty. When push comes to shove, the disputed areas are between PL and SL. But forget all that, I'm not interested in the SL government's stance.

Supposedly only 2 of the blocks are close to and not even in the disputed area Somalia is bound to win anyway. Kenya is not going anywhere with this.

I am triggered by the shameless bootyclapping on twitter. Kenyans: we'll deport useless somalis from kenya
SL twitter starts twerking 'we told you so, SO government bad'
And then Kenyans left them blue-ticked.

Even Sijous held the fort down and low key they not even on the team

"SL twitter starts twerking 'we told you so, SO government bad'
And then Kenyans left them blue-ticked."

Well there you go, the Kenyans gave them their answer, which was nothing. You focused on the SLanders who were vocal in the timeline. I guarantee you their were Landers from 'SL' Twitter (is there even a thing?) who 'held the fort down' but because they weren't going against SO self interest and bootyclapping you didn't take notice of them, or might not have seen them at all.

The eyes see what the eyes want to see.

Ah well, I can't change your mind when it's already been made up. Do you family.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Will you distance yourself from Madoobe and his administration if he sides with the a Kenyans over Somali govt?

It is high time we need to draw the lines.

Madoobe isn't my leader. He's Darood and that doesn't mean he's my leader. Jubalanders need to oust him and get rid of him if he sides with Kenya.


It’s just politics bro, let’s not look too much into those comments. The people of Sland love their brothers and sisters if it comes down to it. Right now if anyone of us got stuck in Hargiesa, we will be welcomed and taking care of in no time :)


Weeping for the Nation of 68
What a dumb id**r

Somalia means Land of Somalis(=Somaliland)
So he says: i support the enemy of Somali-Land(Somalia).:faysalwtf:

Such people i call Qal**n and id**r.. they are fake isaaqs. They are xabashi.
But honourable people like Coldoon, Bohol and Sh.Mustafe Xaaji Ismaaciil are the real ones.
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