Low IQ Somalis at it againz how can we hate Somali if we are Somali.
We don't like the Somali Govt, (why would we love a govt but that wants to stop us developing)
There is a difference between the perils in Somalia and the FGS
This might be the biggest opportunity the Somali peninsula has seen since the great chimp out. A trillion dollars worth of oil extracted over 20 years at a measly 90-10 split almost the GDP overnight. Somaliland has literally nothing to gain from the status quo. Kenya's recognition of SL is extremely unlikely and if it by chance happens, borderline meaningless. I might be wrong, but I can't see what they could possible get that is worth the irreparable damage it causes between Somalia and Kenya. And nevermind the FG, Puntland is just as much of an obstructionist when it comes to your sovereignty. When push comes to shove, the disputed areas are between PL and SL. But forget all that, I'm not interested in the SL government's stance.
Supposedly only 2 of the blocks are close to and not even in the disputed area Somalia is bound to win anyway. Kenya is not going anywhere with this.
I am triggered by the shameless bootyclapping on twitter. Kenyans: we'll deport useless somalis from kenya
SL twitter starts twerking 'we told you so, SO government bad'
And then Kenyans left them blue-ticked.
Even Sijous held the fort down and low key they not even on the team
Here's a Twitter vid proving what I said,
I told you the people who live there and the politicians/diaspora are not the same.
@Kodeen @Saalax Bidaar
Similar to all of you lot all having hate towards Somaliland but the people from kismayo to Bosaaso love us and want the best