I know your intention is to be an agitating joker but I'm not taking the bait. Though I believe it was in poor taste to wish someone 'divorce'. Particularly one who has never been married and is circumspect about the topic of marriage. But if you are interested to know my views. I see marriage as a lifelong endeavour that should involve personal growth/development over ones life course. As for my familial history (there hasn't been a divorce to date). I would urge you to implore women to try their best to find the right fit for marriage, do what they can to effectively communicate and ideally stay married (God willing).
I haven't given my opinion on the topic of divorce, I just commented on a vlogger that immensely agitates me due to her inauthenticity. I know you're wary and quite unwilling when it comes to marriage, thats why I never cut too deep in our friendly exchanges on this topic.
I disagree with your view on divorce. You're giving marriage a much higher status than it deserves. You elevate it to the point that disappointment is bound to happen. I'm belong to the school of thought that if it is not working out, walk away. No need to uphold the illusion that marriage is a lifelong endeavour, sometimes it's temporarily. Don't fight for a life God hasn't chosen for you.
Nope. She’s late 20’s
Youre too positive in everything. She's not comfortable speaking English, she's holding back to speak Somali.
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