Do Somali guys or women initiate divorce more?

Has to be women, especially the ones that have more equal roles in their relationship (they work, earn money, etc)

As for Somalis in the old country, I’m not sure at all.


For US colonization of Somalia|Trudeau4Prison
Staff Member
If her dad gave her little to no affection or her parents split up, it will be women. Its not if but when (usually when they get the # of kids they want). Fathers and husbands are useless to them except for baby making and temporarily providing until the government will step in. Men will only leave if you disrespect them but only if they have much better options.
I thought it was mostly women but I have heard guys in the community do it more than them. Which is it?

I saw a clip where a guy went on a minibus in hargeisa and asked a stranger if he should divorce his wife. He immediately divorced.

Back home they marry and divorce like no other especially the older Somali men from abroad looking for a young child bride. There’s a whole documentary on how they abandon them, don’t even bother to divorce properly.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I thought it was mostly women but I have heard guys in the community do it more than them. Which is it?

The women always initiate it. Well justified too. If farahs were helping out with the children- things would have been different
Allah knows, but what's a fact is that a Muslim woman cannot get a divorce without the permission of the man or the Islamic courts hence in our community, Somali women cannot just file for it, they need to ask their husbands and only with his agreement can they pursue a divorce.

As for it being easy to remarry, it really isnt that easy to remarry a quality man. Even single never married women are struggling these days. If you're a fob woman who is marrying another fob and you're not fussed about degree and income then its easy, if you're a woman that want's a higher living standard and a certain level of income in can be hard.