Do Somalians hate everyone?

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Stroking my Australinimo
Hello everyone,

After visiting various Somalian forums and social medias, I have noticed many Somalians are bashing everyone in this world. I have yet find one that spoke positively to non-Somalians online.

Do they really hate White, Black, Asians, Arabs, Ethiopians, and others? What is the reason behind the hate? Do they feel jealous or something?


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Somalians hate other Somalians. Take it from me, I'm an ex-Somalian.
Hello everyone,

After visiting various Somalian forums and social medias, I have noticed many Somalians are bashing everyone in this world. I have yet find one that spoke positively to non-Somalians online.

Do they really hate White, Black, Asians, Arabs, Ethiopians, and others? What is the reason behind the hate? Do they feel jealous or something?

Our arch enemy and the ones we hate are only the Kenyan/Ethiopian government. We're Muslims and our religion forbids us from such hate.
Hello everyone,

After visiting various Somalian forums and social medias, I have noticed many Somalians are bashing everyone in this world. I have yet find one that spoke positively to non-Somalians online.

Do they really hate White, Black, Asians, Arabs, Ethiopians, and others? What is the reason behind the hate? Do they feel jealous or something?
No, I have pretty much love or indifference feelings for most people :manny:
Hello everyone,

After visiting various Somalian forums and social medias, I have noticed many Somalians are bashing everyone in this world. I have yet find one that spoke positively to non-Somalians online.

Do they really hate White, Black, Asians, Arabs, Ethiopians, and others? What is the reason behind the hate? Do they feel jealous or something?

So you had formed your opinion on 17 million persons (living in horn Africa) based on let's say couple of hundred persons online!!!!!online where you are not even sure of their true ethnicity (they could be imposters)!!!!!common sense!!!!!
Somalis have terrible nicknames for the disabled ,goofy,baldy,fatty ,etc .our culture is a no prisoners taken one and all can get "hated" on .we (the nomads)made rude nicknames for farmers,blacksmiths and even our clans .that said ,Somalis do not hate other communities .a Somali neighbour ,colleague , friend ,will no doubt treat you with hospitality and respect .a Somali will be the funniest and best mate you ever heard ,unless he/she is a ghetto wannabe . We Somalis rarely habour any hatred towards other communities .somalis mock and ridicule and laugh @ others ,but we don't hate Anyone .the only time I have seen Somalis speak with hatred and venom is against their own clans . The Arabs and madows hate us more than we dislike them .
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somalis hate ethiopians and kenyans first, then comes fellow somalis, then comes everyone else. its not jealousy but more so an extreme version of self love. you cold NEVER tell a somali he aint shit, he won't believe you lol. were all born with a sense of entitlement. the poorest somali would still see himself as better then the richest foreigner. its both a gift and a curse


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We detest the state that the buck dancing coon put themselves in, on one hand they are fighting wars for corporations, get the corporations goods or die trying, driven by consumerism, yet the same corporations are shooting wholesale on the land their forefathers built. You degrade your women & openly treat them like sex toys on music videos, your music & culture is owned lock, stock & barrel by the Jewish community. You worship musicians & actors who don't really contribute nothing back into their communities, you don't support eachother financially, you don't practise group economics, your women pay trillions of dollars just so that they can have the same hair as their oppressor, cops kill you at home & the same people who control the cops send you to distant foreign land so you may oppress other yet you're getting oppressed in your own home, pitiful, it's not hate I say it's pity.


Cultural revolution
We detest the state that the buck dancing coon put themselves in, on one hand they are fighting wars for corporations, get the corporations goods or die trying, driven by consumerism, yet the same corporations are shooting wholesale on the land their forefathers built. You degrade your women & openly treat them like sex toys on music videos, your music & culture is owned lock, stock & barrel by the Jewish community. You worship musicians & actors who don't really contribute nothing back into their communities, you don't support eachother financially, you don't practise group economics, your women pay trillions of dollars just so that they can have the same hair as their oppressor, cops kill you at home & the same people who control the cops send you to distant foreign land so you may oppress other yet you're getting oppressed in your own home, pitiful, it's not hate I say it's pity.

Somalis have no right to pity black Americans. They are collectively worth more than a Trillion dollars and are a lot more significant than Somalis when it comes to almost everything.

Have some shame and think twice before writing this crap


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Somalis have no right to pity black Americans. They are collectively worth more than a Trillion dollars and are a lot more significant than Somalis when it comes to almost everything.

Have some shame and think twice before writing this crap
Trillion of dollars which they give to Koreans to do their hair & nails, the cracker for the designer stuff & the Arab grocer for the food. They don't practise group economics. Next time before you decide to make assumptions about someone I'd suggest you test the water before jumping in on the deep end.
Somalis have no right to pity black Americans. They are collectively worth more than a Trillion dollars and are a lot more significant than Somalis when it comes to almost everything.

Have some shame and think twice before writing this crap
are you new here? he talks nonsense all day, its his signature. i generally skip over his posts because its just gibberish


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Trillion of dollars yet America is in debt, how does that work exactly? Last I checked the United States of amerikkka was 19 trillion in debt.
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