Do you believe in evolution?

Do you believe in evolution?

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East Africa UNUKA LEH
How am I supposed to believe I came from a fish 20000000+ years ago?
It wasn’t even 100 years ago that John Scopes was jailed for teaching about it but now it’s in every school.
Not full on evolution like being fishes and apes but in the adapting to environments sure. That's why we are all different based on where we are from at the end of the day because we adapted genetically to our environments and those best suited where able to carry on there genes to the next generations.
I wonder about neanderthals, floresiensis, denisovans, and all those other "archaic humans". Was Adam also their father. Was Adam homo sapien? We will just have to wait for the next life to find out.

Internet Nomad

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I believe parts of the evolution story but i also believe that Man and Woman was made by Allah.

Omar del Sur

Darwin's famous book is commonly known as On the Origin of Species

but the the full title is- "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

Darwinism and ideas of eliminating "inferior races" are inherently linked. Darwinism is just propaganda for Anglo imperialism (and also for godlessness, as it's meant to promote a basis for believing humans weren't created by Allah). evolution is fake.

Omar del Sur

ChatGPT is right about his views on race but gets it wrong in trying to separate his "science" and his racial views- Darwin's white supremacist views and his so-called "science" are linked. they should both be rejected


Charles Darwin, one of the most renowned naturalists and evolutionary biologists of all time, is often regarded as a revolutionary thinker who contributed immensely to our understanding of the natural world. However, it is important to note that his views were not free from controversy. In particular, Darwin held beliefs about so-called "inferior races" that are now widely considered to be outdated and problematic.

In his book, 'The Descent of Man,' Darwin refers to non-white races and "savages" as being inferior to white Europeans. He argues that these races are less evolved than the European race, and that they are closer to apes in terms of their physical and mental characteristics. This belief in racial hierarchy was a common one at the time, and it was based on the idea that different races had evolved differently over time.

Furthermore, Darwin's views on race were influenced by the prevailing European colonial attitudes of the time. For example, Darwin believed that the "civilizing" influence of British colonialism could help to improve the mental and physical capabilities of these "inferior" races. He also believed that the extinction of these races was a natural consequence of the survival of the fittest, and therefore unavoidable.

Of course, it is important to understand Darwin's views on race within the historical context in which he lived. While it is clear that these views are unacceptable by today's standards, it is important to recognize the ways in which colonialism and imperialism influenced scientific thought during that time. Darwin's theories of natural selection were often used to justify these racist and colonialist attitudes, and it is important to recognize and acknowledge this history.

In conclusion, while Charles Darwin's contributions to the field of biology can still be celebrated today, it is important to recognize the problematic and outdated views he held about race. We must acknowledge the ways in which these views were shaped by the prevailing attitudes of colonialism and imperialism, and work to ensure that we challenge and reject racist ideas in all forms.

Garaad diinle

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No or at least not as it's represented on media. The theory in it's current form is full of nonsense and absurdities not to mention it's strongest advocate happens to be atheist.

I have much to say about it but i'll just leave this video that has english subtitles for those who wanna delve a bit deeper into it.

What remnants on our body show that human evolution has happened?

GPT answer:

There are several remnants on our bodies that provide evidence for human evolution:

1. Vestigial structures: These are anatomical features that have lost their original function over time. Examples in humans include the appendix, tailbone (coccyx), and wisdom teeth. These structures were likely functional in our evolutionary ancestors but have diminished in importance or become non-functional in modern humans.

2. Human-like primate anatomy: Humans share various anatomical similarities with other primates, such as opposable thumbs, similar bone structure, and the presence of mammary glands. These similarities suggest a common ancestry with other primates and indicate our evolutionary relationship.

3. Fossil record: The discovery of fossils, including early hominin remains, has provided a wealth of evidence for human evolution. Fossils like "Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis) and "Homo habilis" have helped to fill gaps in our understanding of our evolutionary history.

4. Genetic evidence: Comparative studies of the genomes of different species, including humans and other primates, provide strong evidence for common ancestry. DNA sequencing has revealed genetic similarities and shared genetic sequences, further supporting the concept of human evolution.

These and many other lines of evidence collectively provide compelling support for human evolution and our shared history with other living organisms.
i refuse to believe it when i look at a monkey or ape i see no different than a pig or a giraffe. meaning both are animals. we are humans not animals
i refuse to believe it when i look at a monkey or ape i see no different than a pig or a giraffe. meaning both are animals. we are humans not animals
A monkey is anatomically much more similar to you than it is to a giraffe or pig. You are also an animal. Humans are animals.

Animal; “a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.”
A monkey is anatomically much more similar to you than it is to a giraffe or pig. You are also an animal. Humans are animals.

Animal; “a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.”
humans aint animals what . also The genetic dna similarity between pigs and human beings is 98%. and with bananas 60 percent. that does not mean we are bananas now
A monkey is anatomically much more similar to you than it is to a giraffe or pig. You are also an animal. Humans are animals.

Animal; “a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.”
were totally different bro

were not animals
were totally different bro
What makes you different? Do you eat, drink, go for a shit, move around, sexually reproduce, have the ability to sense and interact with your surroundings and environment. Made up of cells and have the same cellular structure as all other animals and will eventually die?

If you have all those characteristics, hate to break it to you sxb, but you’re an animal. Unless you identify as plant or some shit lmao.
What makes you different? Do you eat, drink, go for a shit, move around, sexually reproduce, have the ability to sense and interact with your surroundings and environment. Made up of cells and have the same cellular structure as all other animals and will eventually die?

If you have all those characteristics, hate to break it to you sxb, but you’re an animal. Unless you identify as plant or some shit lmao.
i identify as an human.

''Like other animals man also has many wants and desires and in the light of what he knows and understands, he makes efforts to secure and realize them. Man differs from other living beings in that he knows more, understands better and his wants and desires are of a higher level.

This characteristic of man distinguishes him from all other animals and makes him superior to them.''
What makes you different? Do you eat, drink, go for a shit, move around, sexually reproduce, have the ability to sense and interact with your surroundings and environment. Made up of cells and have the same cellular structure as all other animals and will eventually die?

If you have all those characteristics, hate to break it to you sxb, but you’re an animal. Unless you identify as plant or some shit lmao.
what makes us different from animals is that we understand better and know more , just because we have desires does not make us animal
what makes us different from animals is that we understand better and know more , just because we have desires does not make us animal
“knowing more” isn’t a criteria for what is considered an animal or not. You’re just making up your own definitions at this point.
“knowing more” isn’t a criteria for what is considered an animal or not. You’re just making up your own definitions at this point.
i identify as an human.

''Like other animals man also has many wants and desires and in the light of what he knows and understands, he makes efforts to secure and realize them. Man differs from other living beings in that he knows more, understands better and his wants and desires are of a higher level.

This characteristic of man distinguishes him from all other animals and makes him superior to them.''
just check this out

