Do you say Yidhi or Yiri


Aiming to become the greatest farmer alive
yidhi and yiri they both sound right
I would rather use:
wuxu dahay
waxay dahdey
I'm not sure if I have ever used this word but I would say yiri out of the two.

Yidhi is probably used by Northerners, they love their dh's :drakelaugh:

yidhi and yiri they both sound right
I would rather use:
wuxu dahay
waxay dahdey

I say this as well, yiri sounds like something old people would say :lolbron:
Wax aan/uu/ay ku idhi/yidhi/tidhi.

Ku and kuu make big differences.

For example:
"Waxaan ku idhi sidan samee"= (I'm telling you) do it this way. Correct translation would be - i told him/her to do it this way.
"Waxaan kuu idhi sidan samee.."= I told you to do it this way because.. the translation was right without the "because". Ku = to, kuu = you!
If you want to be understood depending on the region you are in, it would be best to learn them.
Yidhi - told them plural. Northern Somalia/Somaliland
Idhi - told him/her singular.Northern Somalia/Somaliland

Yiri - told them plural. Central,south Somalia
Dhahay - told him/her singular. Central, south Somalia
Sheegay - told you (earlier past tense) singular. Central, south Somalia