Calgary has a Muslim mayor. He is left wing and won back to back elections in a very right wing city. What's your point? London with its 1 million Pakistanis and millions of Muslims voted for their son. There is also an Arab Muslim mayor in a small redneck town a few hours from me. These are real cases where people voted for the best candidate.
@Abdalla I am taking generally here. Lets be honest. European Somalis are headless chicken. They dont know where they're going. They're also despised by the locals and other immigrant groups.
You make it seem Pakis rule London

The Calgary mayor is an uncle Tom who confessed he's not practicing Muslim. The London and Rotterdam mayors achieved high public office without selling out. The London mayor called moderate Muslims uncle toms and the one in Rotterdam said in public debate and in several interviews that he forbade his daughters, according to Sharia law, to marry non-Muslims