does anyone remember that somali girl with the secretly anti islam ditch husband?

I feel there should be scrutiny on the daughter’s potential partner no matter the age. A failed marriage is so devastating for anybody. The side effects of a one parent household can serious as well.

Yes there should be. But a woman's age absolutely matters. A little girl has no business getting married, and if she wants to, it should be to a man who doesn't have too much time on her, that made him more adept at manipulation.
Yes there should be. But a woman's age absolutely matters. A little girl has no business getting married, and if she wants to, it should be to a man who doesn't have too much time on her, that made him more adept at manipulation.
It all depends on the situation. Generally I would agree. I know story off 16 year old girl that had a strong sexual desire and the father saw that she will be doing haram if he doesn’t think of a solution. This is typically the motivation for a father to create an early marriage for his daughter.

In the west it’s so hard to stop a girl from doing what she wants as well.


Plotting world domination
I wonder how parents can counter manipulation from unsuitable men.

I think a key factor is being best friends with your child, and teaching them how to see through pick-up tactics. In addition, boosting their self-esteem so high, that a few words and trinkets don't sway them.
If you look at groomers and even grooming gangs, they target girls from certain backgrounds, for instance, girls in orphanages, girls with no male relatives etc. Also, girls with daddy issues, tend to seek love in the wrong places.

There are parents that never teach their kids about dating, and then they act surprised later.

@Angelina @Yazi
I'm honestly not surprised reading all this. Just like other poor communities in the west we will always have a bunch of traumatized, dumb and poor women that could easily be taken advantage of.

Only way to prevent stuff like this from happening is by elevating our people. Situations like this will start to disappear once we have better parenting and more somalis being raised in middle class households.

It's a bad look on the community too have a bunch of dumb chicks willing to marry suspicious converts.
Cheese and Xalwo. She deleted all her videos and divorced the man. It's a cautionary tale about why one should not elope at 16. The man was a racist who only pretended to convert in order to marry a 16-year-old, all while writing fascist and far-right blog posts, where he insulted the prophet. He married and deceived a Muslim woman for fetishistic reasons. There used to be a SSpot post putting down the entire stories, but seems like everythings wiped. All we've got is memory and posts talking about it when it came out on other forums.

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Man that is a most unfortunate situation for those kids.


Plotting world domination
:mjkkk: @Laiss

1. A lot of people that have mixed kids don't really think about the racism their kids could potentially experience.
Some of these parents are dumbasses too and don't raise their children in diverse areas.

2. A decent amount of mixed kids have parents that are Coons.

3. We need to make it illegal to have mixed kids while both parents are under the age of 25. Both of the parents need to have their frontal lobes fully developed before they decide to become parents in this racist world.

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Plotting world domination
I know two cadaan niggas that use to be very edgy when they were teens. They use to say racist shit all the time
Both of these guys ended up having mixed babies with madow women.
I feel there should be scrutiny on the daughter’s potential partner no matter the age. A failed marriage is so devastating for anybody. The side effects of a one parent household can serious as well.
So much worse when it’s a teenage girl. Compare that to a 28 yr old woman who has more life experiences who isn’t going to be manipulated as much. As a father, you should deffo be more worried about a teen.
I don't know why people are bringing this up. This happened years ago, the story is done and dusted, let the girl move on.

@Angelina You're right, there's a lesson to learn here and that's being cautious if one intends to marry a revert. I heard someone advice to never marry a new revert but one who was a Muslim and practicing for at least 2 years.
Honestly, again I feel bad for casting suspicions on their reversion since I can imagine the vast majority really do so because they have a genuine love for Islam, but I actually believe that they should be Muslim for 10 yrs before a Somali girl marries one I don’t think a girl under 25 should marry one. I think he should be someone that has been practicing and in the community for at least 10 yrs and someone has been consistent.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
How did you do that? How did you find out?

I remember making the thread and I do recall the evidence came from a piece he posted on a Dutch news website. He was quite public of his views but of course he wasn't anyone famous except with Somalis and some Muslim women on Instagram. His name wasn't really known. He was the Cheese in "Cheese and Xalwo". He said he saw Black women as a fetish or something like that. It was disgusting that she was showing that man around to young Somali girls as some kind of trophy.
I remember making the thread and I do recall the evidence came from a piece he posted on a Dutch news website. He was quite public of his views but of course he wasn't anyone famous except with Somalis and some Muslim women on Instagram. His name wasn't really known. He was the Cheese in "Cheese and Xalwo". He said he saw Black women as a fetish or something like that. It was disgusting that she was showing that man around to young Somali girls as some kind of trophy.

Was he writing those articles with his name on it? While married to a black Muslim woman? How did he not expect his racism to eventually be exposed if he wasn’t writing those article anonymously?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Kids not being ”somali” if your pops isn’t has came in very clutch. Those kids better get to know their nazi side.

Kids not being ”somali” if your pops isn’t has came in very clutch. Those kids better get to know their nazi side.

Doesn’t work in the situation in which the dad is gaal. Really depends on the sincerity of his conversion tbh. If it was fake then the marriage was really null and void tbh. Obviously the Muslim wife would be innocent since she was deceived. But as far as I know kids with gaal dads upon conception take the mother’s name and tribe. That’s Islamic law.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Doesn’t work in the situation in which the dad is gaal. Really depends on the sincerity of his conversion tbh. If it was fake then the marriage was really null and void tbh. Obviously the Muslim wife would be innocent since she was deceived. But as far as I know kids with gaal dads upon conception take the mother’s name and tribe. That’s Islamic law.

I know, Im just coping:kendrickcry:
I know since his is a white supremacist, he clearly is a few screws loose. But I could never for the life of me understand, how he was able to ‘convert’ to islam, marry a darkskin woman & have kids with her whilst having these views. I remember reading on reddit a confession of a white man who secretly visualises his mixed race black wife as a house slave when they are having s*x. I guess this is alot more common than I thought.
A 16 year old girl is more likely to be manipulated than an adult woman who has enough life experience to see through bullshit. That's precisely why creepy men target them. And even a 16 year old would not marry a racist, obviously he was hiding it.

Stop victim blaming and be grateful that you and your loved ones, are not being abused and deceived.
they were both teenagers and he was her boyfriend i think, so she wasn't groomed

anyway I never felt sorry for her. The situation was terrible but she chose to make a youtube channel acting like she had a happy family while basically sending that same message to other teenage girls that if you marry your convert white boyfriend and live in his parents house until you get on your feet, its okay because look at my beautiful family and house now! meanwhile the man is a kafir writing vile things on the Prophet (saw)! and probably being abusive too

