does anyone remember that somali girl with the secretly anti islam ditch husband?

I don't know why people are bringing this up. This happened years ago, the story is done and dusted, let the girl move on.

@Angelina You're right, there's a lesson to learn here and that's being cautious if one intends to marry a revert. I heard someone advice to never marry a new revert but one who was a Muslim and practicing for at least 2 years.
hi hodan

I don't care about the girl. I saw a video of a dutch man and it looked familiar so I'm trying to remember the guys name. Does anyone remember the name?
Doesn’t work in the situation in which the dad is gaal. Really depends on the sincerity of his conversion tbh. If it was fake then the marriage was really null and void tbh. Obviously the Muslim wife would be innocent since she was deceived. But as far as I know kids with gaal dads upon conception take the mother’s name and tribe. That’s Islamic law.
I think That is not Islamic law that is not logical nor does make sense the kids take their non somali fathers name and tribe their are not decent from somali male and I dont believe that it is Islamic law cuz there is no evidence of it and it contradiction the other Islamic law that say kids take their father name and tribe and kids dont take their mother name and tribe cuz the mother had kids outside marriage
I think That is not Islamic law that is not logical nor does make sense the kids take their non somali fathers name and tribe their are not decent from somali male and I dont believe that it is Islamic law cuz there is no evidence of it and it contradiction the other Islamic law that say kids take their father name and tribe and kids dont take their mother name and tribe cuz the mother had kids outside marriage
It is a fact that if a mother had a child outside of wedlock, the child is attributed to her. This is well known. I will not argue with you, google is your friend or you can ask your local imaam.

Only in halal marriage do the kids take their father’s name.
subxanallah i noticed there are a minority of reverts who only come to islam because they think its "le based" against current culture war and in order to try and secure a wife since its the dating market is beyond salvageable for kuffar
She's on TikTok hodan.ysf ... Her kids are all grown. While I sympathize with her kids, what she did was unbelievably stupid. She was complacent in every step and now playing the victim card. She posts girls content about make up and stuff. Alas, all she has left are her kids. Wether they're Somali or Dutch it's all what they have.
We can't blame her she was groomed at a young age of 16
subxanallah i noticed there are a minority of reverts who only come to islam because they think its "le based" against current culture war and in order to try and secure a wife since its the dating market is beyond salvageable for kuffar
well there are dawah brothers selling islam like this putting their muslim sisters on the chopping block
He was her fellow classmate so he wasn't an adult grooming her. He likely converted then returned to his former kufr. She then divorced him after he was exposed and permanently cut ties. This leads me to the conclusion that she was unaware.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
She was a somali hating kaffir herself. She just thought she found love when in reality bro wanted info on the somali community

