Does jinn really exist?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Theres a conflict between people. Most Muslims believe jinn does exist but a small percentage believe they don't exist.

To the people who believe jinn don't exist, how do you explain when a person is possessed, how do you explain the weird voices that come out of them?

You will hear a woman with a man voice or a man with a woman voice, how do you explain that?

Disclaimer: this is not a thread for you heathens to diss the religion. I will report anyone who says anything slick about Islam. Don't test me heffas.


Have you ever seen a jinn?


I remember back in Somalia, they locked this kid up in a room with a chain around his ankle. They said he had jinn, the dude was strong as 6 men.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Yes, I believe they do exist I've seen people being possessed before and that shit is scary


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
How can one call them selves a Muslim & deny their existence? Illeen dhad iiska socodo ba jira, ina lillah waa ina illahay rajicuun.
I was asked to smell a suspicious white powder by Sufis once. If I reacted I was possessed. The thing is is that anyone would have reacted to that very, very foul odor.

I was a smart 11 year old. I tried my best to not say it had a foul odor. I knew if I would react, I would have been chained up like the rest of them.
Jins do exist and this is in the Quran however the whole jin possession act is mostly exaggerated. I know jins can shape shift and appear in the form of a human but going inside a person? I don't believe that.


I was asked to smell a suspicious white powder by Sufis once. If I reacted I was possessed. The thing is is that anyone would have reacted to that very, very foul odor.

I was a smart 11 year old. I tried my best to not say it had a foul odor. I knew if I would react, I would have been chained up like the rest of them.
Was it crack?
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