Does Life after Death Exist?.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.

Internet Nomad

As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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If your gonna do the r/atheism thing then at least do it right.

Muslim believe that animals will be resurrected on doj and they will get their revenge if they were wronged in this world.

However we don’t believe they have a Paradise or Hell.

Internet Nomad

As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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The odds of life are so minuscule that I believe it’s so improbable that it happened by chance and we are of the product of it. That chances of a uncaused cause who is powerful and intelligent is too likely.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
The odds of life are so minuscule that I believe it’s so improbable that it happened by chance and we are of the product of it. That chances of a uncaused cause who is powerful and intelligent is too likely.
I don`t think so. the entire universe is just floating thousands of planets are dying and born at the same time. we don't know If other living beings exist on those planets. but If the creator exists he would've already shown himself. why hide from your creations or if I say send them prophets to deliver your messages he can snap his finger and plant a memory of his existence in our brain without spreading religions through bloodshed, division and forcing others to believe his message through human beings.

Internet Nomad

I don`t think so. the entire universe is just floating thousands of planets are dying and born at the same time. we don't know If other living beings exist on those planets. but If the creator exists he would've already shown himself. why hide from your creations or if I say send them prophets to deliver your messages he can snap his finger and plant a memory of his existence in our brain without spreading religions through bloodshed, division and forcing others to believe his message through human beings.
We have zero evidence of other beings existing the universe has been around for 13.7B years and the earth 4.5B years. If there were other advanced beings their signs would’ve been noticeable by now.

We just have to assume that there is none just like we can assume unicorns don’t exist even if they can possibly exist we assume they don’t as we have zero evidence for them. All we know is that life exists on earth and we are situated perfectly in the goldilocks zone for life to exist.

Also when i was talking about fine tuning i was talking about the laws of reality if they were any different they wouldn’t even be possible for life to exist.
According to standard cosmology model, the initial state of the space-time, and thus gravity, of the early universe had very low entropy[1]. The ‘mass-energy’ of the initial universe had to be precise to get galaxies, planets, and for us to exist. The most extreme example of fine-tuning has to do with the distribution of mass-energy at that time.

Just how precise?

The odds of a low-entropy state to exist by chance alone are one out of 1010^123 – the Penrose number. Let us try to get an idea of what type of a number are we talking about? You don’t have enough particles in the universe (that we know of) to write down all the zeroes! This number is so large, that if every zero were 10 point type, it will fill up a large portion of our universe! That is why we will explain it with three illustrations:
First, balancing a billion pencils all simultaneously positioned upright on their sharpened points on a smooth glass surface with no vertical supports does not even come close to describing an accuracy of one part in 1060.

Second, this is much more precision than would be required to toss a dart and hit a penny across the universe!

Third, cover America with coins in a column reaching to the moon (380,000 km or 236,000 miles away), then do the same for a billion other continents of the same size. Paint one coin red and put it somewhere in one billion of the piles. Blindfold a friend and ask her to pick the coin. The odds of her picking it are 1 in 1037.

All these numbers are extremely small when compared to the precise fine-tuning of the Penrose number, the most extreme example of fine-tuning that we know of.

In summary, the fine-tuning of many constants of physics must fall into an exceedingly narrow range of values for life to exist. If they had slightly different values, no complex material systems could exist. This is a widely recognized fact.

Your last point about how god decided to reveal his message. Thats all up to his wisdom that I can’t understand.
As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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No, there’s no after life ❤️


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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@Dalac Bilaash

I am vastly disappointed. Yet u r the one who corrected me when i said a mistake on historical Islam context. Huuno-- you r a danger to Somali.


Coping through the 1st world
As an agnostic: I don’t know if there’s an after life but I wouldn’t go this far to disprove it. It’s pretty naive to disagree the possibility of an hereafter just as much you’re 100% certain. There’s no scientific evidence to prove nor disprove it. This information is beyond and outside of our realm and understanding. It requires too much investigation. The galaxy or the universe is 400 billions times the size. So there’s have to be something out there. Maybe. We don’t know what’s out there. We can’t conclude and exclude the possibility. This shit still needs more investigation and time. That’s why I have hope in the next generations to
do more work on this matter. There’s got to be a reason on why we’re here.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Tbh I would've liked it too If Afterlife existed but the brutal truth is that it doesn't exist.
How do you know it's a truth? What tests have scientists done to conclude this? It's just a hypothesis made by atheists.

Actual scientists, including atheists, still say that life after death is debated. We don't have any scientific explanation for consciousness we don't know how it works at all in the context of western science.

So all of this shit you read of reddit is just random conclusions made by uneducated. With no scholarly merit.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I personally find murtads somalis an HIV virus in Somalis. I hope it does not infect and spread.


As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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You disclose you are a gaal to your people or anyone fom tolka irl you will be disowned and shunned immediately. If you're lucky it will be left at that. Maalin maalmaha ka mid ah wee kaa so fakandoonta ina tahay gaal :ufdup:
As an atheist I believe that there is no after life when we die. we will just disappear like the rest of living beings on this planet we're not different. Humans have this stupid high ego that only them will have afterlife and either enter Paradise or Hellfire while the Rest of All Animals on earth will just disappear forever. we are all the same they feel pain we feel pain they bleed we bleed they die we die they feel happiness and sadness like we do. Religion makes you Believe that those Animals are nothing and they will just disappear forever and only humans will have afterlife . but in reality we will go where they go which is vanishing forever so enjoy this life which is the only guaranteed one you will ever have.
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Sad that I agree with all your politics posts laakin totally disapprove of your stance on religion when that matters more at the end of it. Come back to the deen before it's too late Mr Daudoow :fittytousand:

