Does Somalia Need A Powerful Sugar-Daddy?

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As much as it pains me to say this I feel Somalis suicidal recklessness when it comes to politics and military arena is why we have no friends and a lot of enemies. If you look at he crazy regimes that seem to get away with doing what they want, they all have one thing in common, a powerful big brother type nation that prevents other powerful entities from taking control. E.g. North Korea and China, Chechnya and Russia, Ethiopia and the West. Even rich East Asian countries like Korea and Japan needed support from the US.

Maybe we need to solicit someone on the security Council?
I really dislike that term, but unfortunately we'll need a foreign ally to financially & militarily back our rise, but we must remain steadfast & always put our interests first.

Which country do you have in mind that'll make a great friend(s)? I think Russia & China will make great allies, but we should also have good relations with the West for economical reasons.

Dhay Geel

"Aar kow Dheh"
We should fellow the south east Asia model.
Countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei...
They did not have no sugar daddy but they seem to be doing well.
We should fellow the south east Asia model.
Countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei...
They did not have no sugar daddy but they seem to be doing well.

Brunei is a tiny oil-rich country with a tiny population. Malaysia and Indonesia have huge resource-rich populations and Singapore is a colonial trading outpost that developed into a financial powerhouse city-state. You can't compare us to them, they have fundamentally different histories, societies and geography.
Suldaan Erdogan is our sugar daddy:rejoice:


It's all so tiresome
We should fellow the south east Asia model.
Countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei...
They did not have no sugar daddy but they seem to be doing well.

Those countries have less strategic relevance in geo-politics. We are cursed/blessed with the location we're in and could affect the local balance if we had a powerful navy and air defense.

Most importantly we've created the impression over the past century that we're not easy to control. From forcing Britain to send a couple of it's first warplanes after a previous embarrassment to thinking we could play the Soviets & the West against each other in the 80's... who the f else would even think of doing that?

So we're seen as a loose cannon in a strategic location and we won't be able to rise without a powerful ally and none of them want anything to do with us. :mjcry:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Somalia is this state because of our unreliable leaders. Siad barre was left hanging by the big boys because he use to flipflop alliances. If he stuck to one sugar daddy, he wouldn't be dropped. If your word means nothing, nobody will take a risk for you. All the crazy dictators that are being kept on life support are at least reliable in terms of their course.


It's all so tiresome
Turkey is too pragmatic to be relied on as a backer. The moment some other power pushes Turkey on Somalia issue, Ankara will give us up. Also why is everyone just listing nations... In today's age the other missing half of the security council are powerful multinationals.

Provide them with a perfect deregulated HQ in Africa and they'll create Free trade agreementss all across Africa for you. A single wave of their hand is enough for regional powers to back off from interfering in Somalia.
I suggest the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and as well as the United States of America be our sugar daddy.

China is too vulnerable, their export-oriented economy can collapse in seconds.

We need experienced and powerful countries, Italy would also be on the list.


Why not let Ethiopia use you to rise (instead of resisting so hard and making it difficult), then once we've become established we'll be your sugar daddy ^.^:it0tdo8::it0tdo8::icon lol:
There is no need to get cadaans, dhegcas, or these Turks; you are better off with people who are similar to your kind, ya know? :siilaanyolaugh:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Somaliland already has a sugar daddy in fact it was her sugar daddy who gave her the name British somaliland that's why she regards her sugar daddy's words as sacrosanct.
Why not let Ethiopia use you to rise (instead of resisting so hard and making it difficult), then once we've become established we'll be your sugar daddy ^.^:it0tdo8::it0tdo8::icon lol:
There is no need to get cadaans, dhegcas, or these Turks; you are better off with people who are similar to your kind, ya know? :siilaanyolaugh:
You guys are still dirt poor for the most part...

We may belong in the same race, but you niggas need to tone it down with the imperialism. The development gap between Somalia & Ethiopia is kinda small. A stable & peaceful Somalia will catch up with Ethiopia in less then a decade.
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