Does your family pressure you to marry?

you nafs is addicted to something and shaydhan is whispering in your heart, only you know what that is, you have been posting about this topic for around 4-5 years and it is clearly bothering you bro.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
No my mom knows I despise the idea of marriage and my dad wants nothing to do with me granted I’m much younger then you so time will tell.


Plotting world domination
I like being by myself. I think being married and having to spend all of that time with a woman would annoy and irritate me. Plus with children I would have no free time as well

If any of you faraxs are married, can you please share how your life was before and after
Find a child free Somali woman.
school, marriage , friends , work …. parents apply pressure because they want what’s best for you. Get married first have faith. Then you can say it’s not for you


frm da nawf 🥶🔛🔝
school, marriage , friends , work …. parents apply pressure because they want what’s best for you. Get married first have faith. Then you can say it’s not for you
Bro you need to understand that everyone aint built for marriage my guy
I'm male, 33 years old and it's understandably becoming a concern for my family. I've talked to my mom, dad and an uncle about it about how I don't want to marry. I'm positive my mom isn't ok with my decision and has decided for herself that I will marry but she hasn't talked to me about marriage at all lately.

Next week it's gonna be Christmas holidays and another uncle will stay with us for a couple of days. I'm pretty sure he's gonna talk to me about it as well. I don't have difficulties with standing behind my decisions and I'll tell him the same as what I've told every one but it's tiring to do so because my mom may jump in as well and then it's gonna be a 2 vs 1 :pachah1:

My mom and dad have already done a 2 vs 1 against me in the past so I'm experienced :drakelaugh:
Nah, I stay screaming niggas ain’t shit :chrisfreshhah: they know what’s up
My parents don’t pressure me at all because I’m in my early 20s, and I don’t want to because this is my prime. Why would I shackle myself to a man when I have big plans that revolve around me only? I wasn't joking when I said I'll become the first female president of Somalia.