Donald Trump ATTACKS Somalis in Maine and Minnesota and wants them OUT for terror and crime fears

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Southie pride
My relatives in back home told me today that Oromos are flocking to every remote areas. Naked without money, they took almost of all jobs even the habashis are taking the good jobs. He told me that the Ethiopian government is sending them because Somalia is region 7 of Ethiopia.
What you saying is true and I'm aware that already.

Oromo's land taken force by Amhara. They were farmers. Some Ethiopia's government top guys gave them money to buy a land in Hargeisa, Buro and Bosasso. See, they taking almost everything. Somalis can't see nothing. They are plan stupid. This nation, Doomed!! f*ck up society!!


Southie pride
Trump, he is not smart guy. He just talk too much. When he is at home, he practice what to say on Tv or conference. He is not gifted when it comes to speach. No "Balaaqo". Plus he is rude to everyone, even to kids. Maybe he has Alzhameir. But Clinton she is very smart woman, though she is woman, she have a balls more than him.
What you saying is true and I'm aware that already.

Oromo's land taken force by Amhara. They were farmers. Some Ethiopia's government top guys gave them money to buy a land in Hargeisa, Buro and Bosasso. See, they taking almost everything. Somalis can't see nothing. They are plan stupid. This nation, Doomed!! f*ck up society!!

Worst thing is some of them would kill you just for some money and run away, they can not be trusted luckly my family' villages, they segregated Oromo and watched them carefully.


Southie pride
Worst thing is some of them would kill you just for some money and run away, they can not be trusted luckly my family' villages, they segregated Oromo and watched them carefully.

I can't trust these people. But the saddest thing, many Somali tribes trust these people and hates fellow Somali, if you know what I mean: "Your based clan". However, How can we relocate 30 million people?. Where is your family village?
I can't trust these people. But the saddest thing, many Somali tribes trust these people and hates fellow Somali, if you know what I mean: "Your based clan". However, How can we relocate 30 million people?. Where is your family village?
North Somalia.


I got boomer connections
Somalis have revived Lewiston Maine, as usual Donald Trump speaks without facts, if it wasn't for Somalis Lewiston would've gone ghost, thanks to Somali refugees the city is live and back on track. :salute::denzelnigga::damedamn:

"Barely a decade ago, Lewiston, Maine, was dying. The once bustling mill town's population had been shrinking since the 1970s; most jobs had vanished long before, and residents (those who hadn't already fled) called the decaying center of town "the combat zone." That was before a family of Somali refugees discovered Lewiston in 2001 and began spreading the word to immigrant friends and relatives that housing was cheap and it looked like a good place to build new lives and raise children in peace. Since then, the place has been transformed. Per capita income has soared, and crime rates have dropped. In 2004, Inc. magazine named Lewiston one of the best places to do business in America, and in 2007, it was named an "All-America City" by the National Civic League, the first time any town in Maine had received that honor in roughly 40 years. "No one could have dreamed this," says Chip Morrison, the local Chamber of Commerce president. "Not even me, and I'm an optimist."


The USA barely has any Somalis.

90k for a country of 320 million.
While Sweden has 70k for a country of 10 million.


Suicidal men adore me.
Somalis hardly commit terror and crime tho. If he fears anyone it should be the whites, blacks, and mexican gangs in his country.

I've been to the states I have family that lives in California, Minnesota and NYC. MashAllah they were all doing well. Living close together in a neighborhood buying food from Somali owned stores. They were thriving.

And I just googled Maine Somali and the pics came out bantu.
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Somalis hardly commit terror and crime tho. If he fears anyone it should be the whites, blacks, and mexican gangs in his country.

I've been to the states I have family that lives there. MashAllah they were all doing well. Living close together in a neighborhood buying food from Somali owned stores. They were thriving.

And I just googled Maine Somali and the pics came out bantu.

I went to lewiston last summer. Its mostly Somali Bantus that live there.
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