Don't you dare waste your opportunity in the West and don't get too comfortable!!

you make due with what allah has given you and he gave you access to the west, Somaliweyn may never exist and Somalia will take decades to improve and heal so putting your eggs in this basket is risky.

Allah actually warned you about living in non Muslim lands, plus you have the freedom of choice and you’re not a tree.

Somaliwayn as in a geographical location not a country and it’s actually improving by the day, the problem is some of us want improvement overnight.

This is the time to invest in land, business and livestock before everything take off, I mean ajinabis are already doing it. How is it that they can see the potential of your country and you can’t.

Unless you are suffering from the evil eye, intellectually/physically disabled, learning difficulty, suffering from traumas, mental illness, terrible family background etc, you really have no excuse to chill in the diaspora.

Guriga hooyada miyaad mooday? You think they can't strip you of your nationality if the likes of Musty get more and more powerful? :comeon:

Your parents didn't bring you here to relax, and if Somalis are chased out tomorrow, what will you do back home? Do you have any transferrable skills? Go to those vocational colleges , learn how to carpent, lay some bricks, electrician, plumbing, wax uun baro. I really think those with white-collar jobs, should also try to pick up new skills, especially you men. You're not guaranteed an office job in Somalia, you'll need to create your own jobs.

Start working harder, save your money. Your parents need you, your current/future children need you and your country needs you. Most importantly, YOU need YOU.
You are naive. Youngsters usually are. We are European (Somalis) American(Somalis) etc and we’re not going anywhere neither are our parents so invest where you live and try to build a good life for yourself instead of dreaming about that which is far away.
Unless Somalia becomes this secular developed utopia nation I have absolutely no plans on moving there. How else would I live my current life there when I'd get killed at the first sight of me and i can't really open a dermatologist clinic there.
Unless Somalia becomes this secular developed utopia nation I have absolutely no plans on moving there. How else would I live my current life there when I'd get killed at the first sight of me and i can't really open a dermatologist clinic there.
Are you some important figure why would anybody wanna kill you lol

