Dr. Umar Reaction To Guinean President White Wife 🤣

You actually need to learn how to read and stop coloring your bias, yeah cadaan don’t want to mix their blood, but from your past posts you clearly want to mix up your blood with cadaanc respect them and don’t lust after their cadaan women
Sis no point. In his eyes, you’re a bitter ethnic woman. Only a self-hating man who looks down on people can misinterpret my post in the way that he did. I’m still shocked at how he could say that to me.
The psyche of Africans has been thoroughly broken; it will literally require centuries of extreme self-love to rehabilitate that demoralised mind.
@Qeelbax @Nilotic It's over..

If you live in Africa, your official language is French, and your First Lady is a white French woman. Congratulations you are a colony!

Reminds of how IOG of Djibouti, married his daughter to a corrupt loser from Ivory Coast who gets young Ethiopian prostitutes and uses state funds to fly on private jets. Afrikay (Qoomaal)
Girl it’s changing, madow women are more open to non black men now, in the past they were very pickme with any madow men, now that they go to universities in comparison to madow men, they are going to be on the level of Korean women and will refuse to have children

All women groups go to university at higher levels than their male counterparts; and this becomes even more pronounced due to the high incarceration levels for AA men.

The IR numbers for AA women has increased to half the numbers of their male counterparts

AA fertility decline rates are inline with mainstream levels

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I really don't know to be honest; it's an inversion of how dynamics should play out. Men are supposed to be the ones that re-affirm race loyalty, but this seems to be tipped on its head for black Africans and their descendants.
You actually need to learn how to read and stop coloring your bias, yeah cadaan don’t want to mix their blood, but from your past posts you clearly want to mix up your blood with cadaanc respect them and don’t lust after their cadaan women
Lool.. Believe me if I wanted to mix my blood with cadaan I would've done that very easily long ago, but here your madow women taking your anger on us because the higher up cadaan men don't want to mix with you.


Lool.. Believe me if I wanted to mix my blood with cadaan I would've done that very easily long ago, but here your madow women taking your anger on us because the higher up cadaan men don't want to mix with you.

You interpret madow women not being able to get with higher up cadaan men as low self esteem of madow men? How so? Maybe higher up cadaans don't want to mix their blood out and become multi racial, you should respect that instead of going on goldigger mode.
I can understand indifference about madow women but the amount of hatred you got for madow women is quite concerning. you're really sounding like a madow man :jaynerd:
Wow what a way to misinterpret a post. It’s unbelievable that I don’t even see the point explaining myself.

Madow and ethnic men get with and elevate white women so that they can have a proximity to whiteness. White men historically looked down on blackness or race mixing as they thought it would taint their ‘whiteness’ and that of their future offspring.

Black and ethnic people think having white in their blood is something to be applauded and sophisticated.

On the other hand Europeans thought having ethnic blood was degrading.

The fact that you don’t see this and misinterpreted my post about what women can get rather than cultural attitudes to superiority and inferiority says a lot.

As for your last point. I respect cadaan men who don’t want to, my whole point is why can’t madow and other ethnic men be like that? Why did they have such low self esteem in the past that they’d celebrate whiteness whilst their genes are looked at as disgusting? They were colonized and on top of that they want to get masters approval by lightening their offspring.

That’s my point. But your misogyny and low-key dislike of ethnic women is why you misinterpreted me and even called me a golddigger when I wasn’t even advocating for mixed marriages, it’s actually the opposite. I’m looking at how Black and ethnic blood is looked at as lowly whilst whiteness is celebrated.

But ironically i’ve seen your posts of the past in which you’ll elevate cadaan women whilst you shit on your own Somali
Sisters. You’re one of the coons I’m talking about. Thank God Somali men of old were not like this.
You sounded butt hurt over naago madow weren't able to marry higher up cadaans..
You sounded butt hurt over naago madow weren't able to marry higher up cadaans..
Are you not embarrassed? Every guy on this thread was able to understand my point. They’re your age mates walal. If you don’t have the intelligence and the mental rage to engage in discussions far beyond your capabilities, be quiet. Because look around you, no one interpreted this way. Why only you? I’d be thinking I’m missing something and keep it moving lol.

It’s wild at this point.
I can understand indifference about madow women but the amount of hatred you got for madow women is quite concerning. you're really sounding like a madow man :jaynerd:
I'm a proud Somali man, only you xalimos seem to have low self esteem, I wouldn't wish to mix my blood out and here you are crying over to getting access to higher up cadaan men.
I'm a proud Somali man, only you xalimos seem to have low self esteem, I wouldn't wish to mix my blood out and here you are crying over to getting access to higher up cadaan men.
No you do have low self esteem to such an extent that you’d attack a fellow Xalimo for pointing that black men have historically engaged in IR to lighten their offspring to be closer to whiteness whilst white men viewed blackness as being below them for both themselves and their women btw. You then twisted it into something else?

Clearly you’re either not very bright or you felt personally attacked. I’m not being funny as this is the truth and everyone here know it, hardly any of the girls lust after white men. Whilst you not only lusted after white women but have also made a thread attacking Somali women in the process. Even now you’re doing it. This thread wasn’t an attack on Somalis, but still you’re going at it. My point was discussing historical realities and I was having it with the guys here who are smarter than you and are able to understand historical context and how colonialism led to their belief in white supremacy.

Like I said, this far beyond your reach and coming from a man that has publicly lusted after white women multiple times makes it even more embarrassing. You’re down bad.
No you do have low self esteem to such an extent that you’d attack a fellow Xalimo for pointing that black men have historically engaged in IR to lighten their offspring to be closer to whiteness whilst white men viewed blackness as being below them for both themselves and their women btw. You then twisted it into something else?

Clearly you’re either not very bright or you felt personally attacked. I’m not being funny as this is the truth and everyone here know it, hardly any of the girls lust after white men. Whilst you not only lusted after white women but have also made a thread attacking Somali women in the process. Even now you’re doing it. This thread wasn’t an attack on Somalis, but still you’re going at it. My point was discussing historical realities and I was having it with the guys here who are smarter than you and are able to understand historical context and how colonialism led to their belief in white supremacy.

Like I said, this far beyond your reach and coming from a man that has publicly lusted after white women multiple times makes it even more embarrassing. You’re down bad.
What ever makes you happy :samwelcome:
projection much? :duckr:
Angelina was sulty over madow women not being able to get with higher up cadaan men while some black leaders are getting married to cadaan women and she was attacking madow and arab men.. Now why do y'all have a chip on your shoulder? Is it arab or African mens fault that higher born cadaan don't want to mix out their blood? Why are you so bitter and getting all triggered? I'm not even in favor of cadaan women, f*ck cadaan I'm proud Somali.
No you do have low self esteem to such an extent that you’d attack a fellow Xalimo for pointing that black men have historically engaged in IR to lighten their offspring to be closer to whiteness whilst white men viewed blackness as being below them for both themselves and their women btw.
Yeah very true self hate, featurism, colourism came out of this. I wouldn't even say its exclusively a madow issue. It's basically all ethnic people outside of white people that are like this since basically everywhere was directly or indirect effected by colonisation but madow men are defo bottom of the barrel when it comes to this discussion.

Even mathow guys feel a type of way if a non madow woman has been with other madow men because they feel she has been polluted/spoilt etc 💀
Angelina was sulty over madow women not being able to get with higher up cadaan men while some black leaders are getting married to cadaan women and she was attacking madow and arab men.. Now why do y'all have a chip on your shoulder? Is it arab or African mens fault that higher born cadaan don't want to mix out their blood? Why are you so bitter and getting all triggered? I'm not even in favor of cadaan women, f*ck cadaan I'm proud Somali.
at this point I’ll assume you have mental health issues. I’ve explained my point various times. All the guys here understood it. What I’m saying also ties into colorism as well.

Why are you defending men who want to weed out their madow features and perpetuate colorism and think white beauty standards are better than their own? Especially when historically these very same white people thought of them as being degrading?

Is it because you believe in that as well? If you’re a proud Somali like the rest of the guys here you’d understand instead of making up lies about my overall point. Every single guy except for you understood my point. What is going on? Seriously hold yourself accountable and actually look within because you’re revealing how messed up you are. You’re a prime example of a dark skin lad that was raised amongst cadaans that you’ve lost yourself.
You need dhaqan celis.

